NBA 2K14 News Post

PlayStation.Blog has posted a new NBA 2K14 next-gen blog detailing the new Eco-Motion, which brings the NBA experience to life. With Eco-Motion, players will see more crowd reactions, better atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and emotion of the game.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 magicman32 @ 11/06/13 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Sure but that doesn't mean we should pretend like they're not talking about gameplay. Player movement is a core part of gameplay and basketball as a whole. Ecomotion is all about movement so I don't know how anyone who cares about gameplay cannot be excited to hear about this.
I just hoped the improved rebounding, the live ball physics and the pass/catch animations.

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# 162 midwestking100 @ 11/06/13 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
Wrong. This game comes out the 12th.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Oct 21, 2013 - The NBA 2K14 release for PlayStation 4 is set for Nov. 15, and it will come out for Xbox One a week later.
# 163 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 08:59 PM
NFL 2k15 with Ecomotion!

A man can dream...
# 164 RangersCruz @ 11/06/13 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by midwestking100
Oct 21, 2013 - The NBA 2K14 release for PlayStation 4 is set for Nov. 15, and it will come out for Xbox One a week later.
You can pick up 2k14 for the ps4 at gamestop on the 12th is what hes saying
# 165 Eman5805 @ 11/06/13 08:59 PM
I'm weird but I couldn't help but notice Kobe's collarbone when he was running. The detail is just awe inspiring.
# 166 yungflo @ 11/06/13 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by midwestking100
Oct 21, 2013 - The NBA 2K14 release for PlayStation 4 is set for Nov. 15, and it will come out for Xbox One a week later.
I guess you didn't hear about retailers breaking streetdates. Everybody and their momma knows its nov 12th. GS says its nov 12th

gamefly says its nov 12th

# 167 yungflo @ 11/06/13 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
NFL 2k15 with Ecomotion!

A man can dream...
word be a useless feature, seeing how their heads are covered by helmets. In game view, you won't be able to see much of a reaction to their emotions at all, similiar to how its broadcast on tv.
# 168 alabamarob @ 11/06/13 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by DukeC
So...no one's going to do it huh?

While this trailer was all well and good....where the gameplay at though?

All kidding aside, that blog was SEVERELY UNDERWHELMING (The reading part).
Its a lost cause homie. No one cares about ratings, basketball strategy, or the ability to play defense at this point. As long as the game looks like nba basketball and moves like nba basketball everything else is secondary. We are now in the myplayer age.

I will give 2k credit for making a true next gen game. Their artist and mo cap people did a phenomenal job. But if 2k insider still butchers all the ratings it won't matter to me. Because online play will be ruined for me
# 169 xman2k @ 11/06/13 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
word be a useless feature, seeing how their heads are covered by helmets. In game view, you won't be able to see much of a reaction to their emotions at all, similiar to how its broadcast on tv.
You musn't have seen Field Pass in APF2K8, 2K can do it.
# 170 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
word be a useless feature, seeing how their heads are covered by helmets. In game view, you won't be able to see much of a reaction to their emotions at all, similiar to how its broadcast on tv.
Lol. Did you not watch the video at all? It's about much more than player faces man.. And I see players faces in Madden all of the time. Cutscenes? Replays? Would be far from useless if it was just faces.


With Eco-Motion, the entire NBA experience comes to life in ways never before seen in a video game, including crowd reactions, atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and most of all the emotion of the game. Player animations are dynamic, and evolve on the fly as you play. Player personalities and emotions factor into the game as well, affecting how players perform and even behave on the court. No longer will players look like robots on the court. Now you will feel the emotion of the game in a living, evolving basketball environment.
# 171 RangersCruz @ 11/06/13 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
Its a lost cause homie. No one cares about ratings, basketball strategy, or the ability to play defense at this point. As long as the game looks like nba basketball and moves like nba basketball everything else is secondary. We are now in the myplayer age.

I will give 2k credit for making a true next gen game. Their artist and mo cap people did a phenomenal job. But if 2k insider still butchers all the ratings it won't matter to me. Because online play will be ruined for me
Umm what?
# 172 yungflo @ 11/06/13 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
I for one am VERY excited at the prospect of what this new engine can do for the game. Like I said in an earlier post movement is probably the most important aspect of basketball and if this engine plays as advertised it can be amazing for the game from a gameplay standpoint. It'll affect the way players move on offense with and without the ball and most importantly how players move on defense. The fact that everything is dynamic and that players change and adapt based on their environment is astounding. Not to mention that it affects how the crowd reacts to the game.

How anyone can call this fluff is beyond me.
its only fluff, cause its repetitive news. Its impressive, but its nothing that hasn't been mention for a month straight. Why when 2k does something repetitive no one complains? But when BounceTek is being showed month straight, everyone harps on it? Its the same exact thing(in terms of repetitive marketing), but only 2k looks prettier being repetitive. The screenshots are impressive, but where's the core stuff? This game is less than a weak from release? Even GTA V released key features before 9 days into the release window.
# 173 yungflo @ 11/06/13 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
Lol. Did you not watch the video at all? It's about much more than player faces man.. And I see players faces in Madden all of the time. Cutscenes? Replays? Would be far from useless if it was just faces.


With Eco-Motion, the entire NBA experience comes to life in ways never before seen in a video game, including crowd reactions, atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and most of all the emotion of the game. Player animations are dynamic, and evolve on the fly as you play. Player personalities and emotions factor into the game as well, affecting how players perform and even behave on the court. No longer will players look like robots on the court. Now you will feel the emotion of the game in a living, evolving basketball environment.
Sorry, I assumed you were just talking about the emotional aspect of the engine.
# 174 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
Its a lost cause homie. No one cares about ratings, basketball strategy, or the ability to play defense at this point. As long as the game looks like nba basketball and moves like nba basketball everything else is secondary. We are now in the myplayer age.

I will give 2k credit for making a true next gen game. Their artist and mo cap people did a phenomenal job. But if 2k insider still butchers all the ratings it won't matter to me. Because online play will be ruined for me
+ Ronnie Singh on November 6th, 2013 at 3:59 pm said:
Lots of discussion and videos of gameplay coming soon! Lots of people wanted features so we’ve been focusing there but our gameplay experience is at the center of it all so fear not.
# 175 robo3687 @ 11/06/13 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
word be a useless feature, seeing how their heads are covered by helmets. In game view, you won't be able to see much of a reaction to their emotions at all, similiar to how its broadcast on tv.
Ecomotion is so much more than just the faces....it's the player movement, the ball physics, the lighting, the animation variation....it's the whole engine....

It would be perfectly suited to football...and not wasted at all...
# 176 Escobeats @ 11/06/13 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
What game do you guys think you'll play first?

I just have to use Miami first Lebron looks damn real
Gotte go with my bulls seen a lil sneak peek of them v the heat in that ecomotion trailer and looks great so far.
# 177 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
Sorry, I assumed you were just talking about the emotional aspect of the engine.
For you to say emotional aspect of football would be useless is laughable to me but that's a pointless debate.
# 178 alexthegreat @ 11/06/13 09:14 PM
# 179 RangersCruz @ 11/06/13 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
For you to say emotional aspect of football would be useless is laughable to me but that's a pointless debate.
Football is not really as emotional as basketball unless players get pissed off at the sidelines you don't see much
# 180 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 09:17 PM
We are so spoiled as gamers.. they are putting together this great product and we are upset they don't tell us enough fast enough like the game will come out and we will know nothing about it. C'mon, more information is coming. Be PATIENT or just do the logical thing and wait for the game to come out and play it for yourself.

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