NBA 2K14 News Post

PlayStation.Blog has posted a new NBA 2K14 next-gen blog detailing the new Eco-Motion, which brings the NBA experience to life. With Eco-Motion, players will see more crowd reactions, better atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and emotion of the game.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 cdub71323 @ 11/06/13 06:58 PM
Sorry NBA Live, maybe next year. This thing is so beautiful, smooth and now I'm getting that itch again for November 15th. It had settled down but daddy needs his fix to come quickly.

Great work 2K, this is a thing of beauty
# 22 Escobeats @ 11/06/13 06:59 PM
Hopefully some1 post some screencaps too
# 23 SouthBeach @ 11/06/13 06:59 PM
# 24 magicman32 @ 11/06/13 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
Good Lord, have you seen that beard??!!

Attachment 68373

That's insane!!!
# 25 cthurt @ 11/06/13 07:00 PM
yoooo pause the video at 1:04 and I swear you can see the dirt under Lebrons fingernails lol now that's paying attention to detail. But I still want to see more 5 on 5 gameplay before the game is released.
# 26 SouthBeach @ 11/06/13 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
Good Lord, have you seen that beard??!!

Attachment 68373

Now post a screen shot from the video to compare.
# 27 javicd21 @ 11/06/13 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Childish7
Attachment 68374

Oh my lawd.
Lmao u won this forum

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
# 28 Gosens6 @ 11/06/13 07:03 PM
I asked this question on the blog Q&A , Ronnie answered vaguely, but still an answer.

+ VINColonel on November 6th, 2013 at 3:48 pm said:
Hey Ronnie, thanks for taking the time to do this. Is there anything you can tell us about how Ecomotion affects the CPU and your teammates AI? Very interested

Ronnie Singh's Avatar
+ Ronnie Singh on November 6th, 2013 at 4:00 pm said:
Rob Jones sort of talks about it in the video but emotion plays a lot into the attitudes of players and decision making in AI. It’s really game changing as he references.
# 29 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 11/06/13 07:03 PM
Anybody catch cp3?

Attachment 68375
# 30 Childish7 @ 11/06/13 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by javicd21
Lmao u won this forum

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
I try my man
# 31 LingeringRegime @ 11/06/13 07:05 PM
Brings a tear to my eye.

That Dwight Howard face is so real looking. My goodness.
# 32 tnixen @ 11/06/13 07:05 PM
WOW :shoc ked:: shocked::shock ed:

Sports gaming on these next gen systems is going to be F-ing amazing!!!
# 33 Chickenney @ 11/06/13 07:07 PM
This Chalmers scene had me rollin

# 34 d23x @ 11/06/13 07:07 PM
Dwight just being Dwight..
# 35 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by DukeC
You do realize they've used that description before right? That description has been used in every single trailer/behind the scenes, blog, and preview out there. I seriously think they copy/pasted that.
Nah I didn't. I usually just watch the videos. I've never heard of their ecomotion engine until now. So I guess them writing it this time was good because it's MY first time seeing it. Probably goes the same for many others. I think the video did a fine job explaining what its all about. What would you like them to write?

With Eco-Motion, the entire NBA experience comes to life in ways never before seen in a video game, including crowd reactions, atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and most of all the emotion of the game. Player animations are dynamic, and evolve on the fly as you play. Player personalities and emotions factor into the game as well, affecting how players perform and even behave on the court. No longer will players look like robots on the court. Now you will feel the emotion of the game in a living, evolving basketball environment.
Very whelmed right now. I'm looking forward to it.
# 36 Gosens6 @ 11/06/13 07:09 PM
Can you guys only imagine what this is going to look like at 60fps in 1080p?
# 37 SouthBeach @ 11/06/13 07:09 PM


The arena lighting is amazing.
# 38 seanbarkley @ 11/06/13 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
That Harden vs LBJ in the practice arena was stunning looking.
AGREE! player movements and details from that zoomed in camera was awesome.
# 39 swaggedout @ 11/06/13 07:10 PM
Anyone noticed how many times they said PS4?
# 40 wordtobigbird @ 11/06/13 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by d23x
Dwight just being Dwight..

Looks like he just missed a free throw for the lead at the end of a game.

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