NBA 2K14 News Post

PlayStation.Blog has posted a new NBA 2K14 next-gen blog detailing the new Eco-Motion, which brings the NBA experience to life. With Eco-Motion, players will see more crowd reactions, better atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and emotion of the game.

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Member Comments
# 261 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by juicey79
they had him on 2k6 with those terrible suits....i dont want him
i wouldnt mind the guy they have now just include higlights from games around the association or a couple guys from the TNT crew
Don't hate on him lol

Fine him or Shaq/Barkley combo
# 262 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by eye guy
Can someone answer these questions for me please? I may have missed it during the video or other videos/blogs they've posted...

Does the whole "ecomotion" system spill into the new GM mode, in regards to player personalities and emotions? Will their personalities, team preferences, and emotions change during our time in GM mode, off the court? To the point where, the minutes and player roles are no longer the sole reason for a player's negative morale thus resulting in that player requesting a trade?
Maybe in 2k15 i wouldn't count on that this yr tbh
# 263 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by krisxsong
He's not saying, WOW look at those shoes! He's saying WoW, Wades shoes.

W - Way
O - OF
W - Wade
I know those shoes were made already by the OS members already so to be its not that much of a big deal to me
# 264 sk @ 11/07/13 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Unless something happens on the sidelines or they score a TD its just bland tbh
just my opinion

In NBA 2k it'll be more noticeable
This is so wrong.
# 265 Kaanyr Vhok @ 11/07/13 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Chickenney
This Chalmers scene had me rollin

I just cant stop watching Chalmers.

I mean he looks like he is....

Feeling the holy ghost

Grooving on Ex in the club

Making love to a groupie errr pro

Advancing to the ECF

60 years old reminiscing to Chief Keef.

If a 3 second gif can be so entertaining and tell that many stories then you know we are in the presence of genius.
# 266 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I can't believe nobody is calling this dude on this. Don't come over here with this agenda man. How have you been hearing about Ecomotion for a month straight and it didn't even get revealed until the press event in San Fran on what was it, October 24th or 25th? I didn't realize from October 24 to November 6th suddenly encompassed a month of time. EA was talking about pretty much nothing but BounceTek and dribbling from E3 (June mind you) up until about a week ago. Not even in the same ballpark of what you're trying to go with here.

Anyway, before this video dropped, people were in complaining wanting to hear more about the footplanting and the gameplay that's in the game, here's a video detailing that and suddenly it's not enough. Come on people.
They did look back a few pages

Umm where is anything with gameplay here? its all about the graphics with highlight plays
# 267 wordtobigbird @ 11/07/13 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Kaanyr Vhok
I just cant stop watching Chalmers.

I mean he looks like he is....

Feeling the holy ghost

Grooving on Ex in the club

Making love to a groupie errr pro

Advancing to the ECF

60 years old reminiscing to Chief Keef.

If a 3 second gif can be so entertaining and tell that many stories then you know we are in the presence of genius.
Thanks. Now I just watched that gif entirely too many times.
# 268 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by krisxsong
This is so wrong.
Exactly how am i wrong? i watch mostly Bears games unless a Touchdown is scored , big play happens , big tackle there is not much going on but focus on the game.

Now compare it to Basketball and look at the difference in emotion and which actually would be more visible in a video game.
# 269 wordtobigbird @ 11/07/13 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
They did look back a few pages

Umm where is anything with gameplay here? its all about the graphics with highlight plays
...seriously, people either can't read or can't hear? I'll post it AGAIN.

NBA 2K14 on PS4 will feature re-built game modes, stunning life-like graphics, and a brand new gameplay engine.
With Eco-Motion, the entire NBA experience comes to life in ways never before seen in a video game, including crowd reactions, atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and most of all the emotion of the game. Player animations are dynamic, and evolve on the fly as you play. Player personalities and emotions factor into the game as well, affecting how players perform and even behave on the court. No longer will players look like robots on the court. Now you will feel the emotion of the game in a living, evolving basketball environment.
From the video:

"For us on the gameplay side what that really means is making sure that these guys think, that they behave, that they act the way they do in real life."

"One of the main things you will see and feel right away is foot planting. Footwork is everything in basketball."

"Every animation can be altered and change to reflect what's happening within the game."

"we've got this new eco-motion engine that can drive so many different things. it's our rendering, its our AI, its our animations, its everything."

Just to make it easier, bolded for gameplay references.. This is not JUST graphics. No they didn't show you straight up 5 on 5 raw gameplay but to say there is no gameplay here is just ignorant.
# 270 wordtobigbird @ 11/07/13 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Exactly how am i wrong? i watch mostly Bears games unless a Touchdown is scored , big play happens , big tackle there is not much going on but focus on the game.

Now compare it to Basketball and look at the difference in emotion and which actually would be more visible in a video game.
So you never see players celebrate after matching a catch? Making a tackle? Missing a sack? Making a big block?


Look how sherman reacts after bat downs, not just interceptions for TDs. Football is FULL of emotion on every single play.

It's just a block right? Emotion.

Look at the dline after they knock the pass down.

Emotion everywhere.. Haven't even shown the negative emotions after a dropped catch, missed block, etc etc etc.
# 271 yungflo @ 11/07/13 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I can't believe nobody is calling this dude on this. Don't come over here with this agenda man. How have you been hearing about Ecomotion for a month straight and it didn't even get revealed until the press event in San Fran on what was it, October 24th or 25th? I didn't realize from October 24 to November 6th suddenly encompassed a month of time. EA was talking about pretty much nothing but BounceTek and dribbling from E3 (June mind you) up until about a week ago. Not even in the same ballpark of what you're trying to go with here.

Anyway, before this video dropped, people were in complaining wanting to hear more about the footplanting and the gameplay that's in the game, here's a video detailing that and suddenly it's not enough. Come on people.
Touché exaggeration effect but it still doesn't take away from what I was saying. That the news is repetitive and that we have heard it before.. And that this blog was meant to reach a broader audience. You can gawk over the screen shots if you want. Nothing wrong with that. I personally would like to know what I'm getting with my sixty bucks. Something in depth for a game that comes out tuesday .But it is what it is man. My opinion. Never said it was fact.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
# 272 sk @ 11/07/13 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Exactly how am i wrong? i watch mostly Bears games unless a Touchdown is scored , big play happens , big tackle there is not much going on but focus on the game.

Now compare it to Basketball and look at the difference in emotion and which actually would be more visible in a video game.
Facial expressions are not the only way to express emotion.

When you see players talking trash, clapping, screaming, and other physical displays of emotion, you can see these guys aren't robots out there.

The only reason you see group celebrations when TDs are scored is because that's the only time they actually have time to celebrate. That doesn't mean they don't play with emotion every other play.
# 273 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
...seriously, people either can't read or can't hear? I'll post it AGAIN.

From the video:

"For us on the gameplay side what that really means is making sure that these guys think, that they behave, that they act the way they do in real life."

"One of the main things you will see and feel right away is foot planting. Footwork is everything in basketball."

"Every animation can be altered and change to reflect what's happening within the game."

"we've got this new eco-motion engine that can drive so many different things. it's our rendering, its our AI, its our animations, its everything."

Just to make it easier, bolded for gameplay references.. This is not JUST graphics. No they didn't show you straight up 5 on 5 raw gameplay but to say there is no gameplay here is just ignorant.
Footwork is pretty much the only thing you can take out of that and we already know about this for months now

"No they didn't show you straight up 5 on 5 raw gameplay but to say there is no gameplay here is just ignorant."

There isn't any gameplay there ..how am i being ignorant? talk is cheap
# 274 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
So you never see players celebrate after matching a catch? Making a tackle? Missing a sack? Making a big block?

Emotion everywhere..
Will you read the comment you just replied to please
# 275 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by WISports
I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but watching that video you'd thing the PS4 was the only nextgen system coming out...that's all they were saying. PS4 this, PS4 that..
Well MS is over on Live's side
# 276 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
Touché exaggeration effect but it still doesn't take away from what I was saying. That the news is repetitive and that we have heard it before.. And that this blog was meant to reach a broader audience. You can gawk over the screen shots if you want. Nothing wrong with that. I personally would like to know what I'm getting with my sixty bucks. Something in depth for a game that comes out tuesday .But it is what it is man. My opinion. Never said it was fact.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Exactly what im saying
# 277 yungflo @ 11/07/13 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
...seriously, people either can't read or can't hear? I'll post it AGAIN.

From the video:

"For us on the gameplay side what that really means is making sure that these guys think, that they behave, that they act the way they do in real life."

"One of the main things you will see and feel right away is foot planting. Footwork is everything in basketball."

"Every animation can be altered and change to reflect what's happening within the game."

"we've got this new eco-motion engine that can drive so many different things. it's our rendering, its our AI, its our animations, its everything."

Just to make it easier, bolded for gameplay references.. This is not JUST graphics. No they didn't show you straight up 5 on 5 raw gameplay but to say there is no gameplay here is just ignorant.
we're beating a dead horse here. Apparently no one reads os articles. Let's just kill the debate. Not worth getting banned over trailer discussions.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
# 278 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by krisxsong
Facial expressions are not the only way to express emotion.

When you see players talking trash, clapping, screaming, and other physical displays of emotion, you can see these guys aren't robots out there.

The only reason you see group celebrations when TDs are scored is because that's the only time they actually have time to celebrate. That doesn't mean they don't play with emotion every other play.
You already have some emotion in EA's current madden..i agree with you but there is no point in talking about that company here when there license is not up for a long long time.
# 279 wordtobigbird @ 11/07/13 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
we're beating a dead horse here. Apparently no one reads os articles. Let's just kill the debate. Not worth getting banned over trailer discussions.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Banned? Lol I really hope this isnt that serious..
# 280 RangersCruz @ 11/07/13 01:41 AM
Does anybody know if we got sliders in MyCareer on next gen?

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