NBA 2K14 News Post

The folks at 2K Sports just posted a new screenshot with new information on MyGM mode for NBA 2K14. The screenshots features an owner attribute screen, with a total budget for your franchise with player budgets and payrolls, staff budget, and a budget for team operations -- indicating the possibility of some pretty intense financial options in MyGM mode.

Also, each owner appears to have a set of preferences which will likely act as ratings, with money, team success and image, involvement, franchise morale, and patience being roles in how they approach your management of their franchise.

In the image description, it appears some owners will even try to veto and/or override your decisions on a regular basis.

UPDATE: Another screenshot has been released with a few more details.

In NBA 2K14’s MyGM mode, your owner will give you a list of Demands and Wishlists, all based on his personality, that he will want you to accomplish throughout the season and offseason. If you venture too far off course, you’ll likely find yourself unemployed. Do well enough, and you’ll be afforded the opportunity to be your own boss when your purchase your own NBA franchise.

What do you think about the Owners aspect of MyGM?

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Member Comments
# 21 franzis @ 11/06/13 01:27 PM
the big question here is if owners personalities evolve or change over the seasons...this would add a lot of depth and longevity
# 22 cthurt @ 11/06/13 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
That's a good question. Real life owners would add a sense of legitimacy here.

And regarding owners like the one shown in the Lakers screenshot, will that mean anyone choosing the Lakers as their Association team will have to stick to a "Win at all times" plan or risk getting fired very quickly? Will there be freedom to tear a team down as one sees fit?
I want to know this too, what if I want to blow the roster up, and trade my current stars for draft picks will I have the choice or will I not even get a chance to build a new team becuase the owner wants me to sign or trade for Lebron to win now. so many questions with no answers.
# 23 xr2unitx @ 11/06/13 01:27 PM
But I wonder if owners have a say in the decision making.
# 24 VDusen04 @ 11/06/13 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Well think about it. Just like in real life, the Lakers are all about winning and winning now. They're not very keen on rebuilding and i'm glad that's represented in the game.

Now, if you can convince your owner that a rebuild project is necessary when you have a sit down with him, I'm not sure, but I hope it's possible.
I would much prefer an option of having the freedom to take a franchise in a direction I see fit over a number of seasons.
# 25 Gosens6 @ 11/06/13 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
I would much prefer an option of having the freedom to take a franchise in a direction I see fit over a number of seasons.
Then honestly this mode probably won't be for you. Some owners, like the Lakers have a big impact on the direction you take the franchise.

Adds a great sense of realism, but for the guys who want complete control they won't like it.
# 26 shawnydee @ 11/06/13 01:28 PM
Where is jerry buss ? I hope we get real owner seriously
# 27 King_B_Mack @ 11/06/13 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by mrbigshot
I took it more as "I have so much money that I can use it to dictate virtually any of my decisions. regardless of the circumstance, I want as much money to spend as possible."

could go either way, i suppose. but I just think if you're willing to do anything with your money, then it must be more important to you than you would think.
I don't really think it'll go either way. I think it works out pretty much how you would expect. He wants to win at all cost and money isn't important in the fact that he'll throw it the team to win. Most owners with this type of mindset understand that the more you're winning, the more money you're going to get anyway. As the saying goes, "gotta spend money to make money."

Originally Posted by VDusen04
That's a good question. Real life owners would add a sense of legitimacy here.

And regarding owners like the one shown in the Lakers screenshot, will that mean anyone choosing the Lakers as their Association team will have to stick to a "Win at all times" plan or risk getting fired very quickly? Will there be freedom to tear a team down as one sees fit?
I would assume in the beginning you'll be held to that standard, but as you progress in the mode you'll be given leash to do as you please. If you get hired for the job and the first thing you do as a new GM is ignore your owners' mandate about winning to tear the team down and rebuild as you see fit, then yeah, you'll probably get fired and rightfully so lol. If you're a lazy worker and you start at a job that has like a 90 day window that they can fire you without question, then you're not going to get to work day one and start slacking off haha.
# 28 manustyle90 @ 11/06/13 01:29 PM
This Eric Boenish seriously wanted to be in the Nba as a kid. I suggest him to make MyEricboenish mode to merge all the MyStuff into one separate experience. Thanks
# 29 VDusen04 @ 11/06/13 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Then honestly this mode probably won't be for you. Some owners, like the Lakers have a big impact on the direction you take the franchise.

Adds a great sense of realism, but for the guys who want complete control they won't like it.
Yes, I suppose that is what it comes down to. I would like control of my franchise I am controlling.
# 30 Optik @ 11/06/13 01:35 PM
I'm guessing Beluba's gonna be the owner of the Bulls.
# 31 haloofduty @ 11/06/13 01:45 PM
I understand peoples excitement but I'm pretty skeptical. When they overhauled association a few years ago and told us about the ai thinking ahead, improvements in trading, rebuilding, going for rings ect. none of it worked. Over the years there were more bugs added to association. I know they said my gm was built from the ground up but they left us hanging for years in regards to association.

Also something else that has me skeptical. The screen shot of the simmed season league standings looks exactly like current generation league standings. To many teams record close to 500. Not enough 50 win teams. I know injuries may play a part but this is something we have been dealing with for years. I don't wanna be surprised and have to deal with it on next generation for years.

Maybe they fixed everything idk. If you've been a pissed off association player for years you can understand where I'm coming from. I pray player editing is still in for sim stats. Sim stats are definitely not one of sports games strong points.
# 32 Eman5805 @ 11/06/13 01:45 PM
For the people that want freedom, better get used to being the GM of the Bobcats, Magic, or Kings. I'm banking they are more neutral and/or lax to allow people to take their team in whatever direction.
# 33 Taer @ 11/06/13 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
That's a good question. Real life owners would add a sense of legitimacy here.

And regarding owners like the one shown in the Lakers screenshot, will that mean anyone choosing the Lakers as their Association team will have to stick to a "Win at all times" plan or risk getting fired very quickly? Will there be freedom to tear a team down as one sees fit?
The thing is: Currently the Laker GM does have the freedom to tear down the team as he sees fit - he just has to balance that out with the Win now desire of the owner.

Given the freedom to tear down the team with the financial backing means Mitch can trade for a Chris Paul or a Dwight Howard... and he isn't fired because the League invalidates the trade.

I think the better question will be: Is the AI smart enough and nimble enough to allow you to tear down your team in an effort to reload or will it just see you tearing down the team in the short run and fire you because of it?
# 34 Gosens6 @ 11/06/13 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Taer
The thing is: Currently the Laker GM does have the freedom to tear down the team as he sees fit - he just has to balance that out with the Win now desire of the owner.

Given the freedom to tear down the team with the financial backing means Mitch can trade for a Chris Paul or a Dwight Howard... and he isn't fired because the League invalidates the trade.

I think the better question will be: Is the AI smart enough and nimble enough to allow you to tear down your team in an effort to reload or will it just see you tearing down the team in the short run and fire you because of it?
Great question there at the end. If you get more than a year or two under your belt to build a winner, than it shouldn't be a problem.

Obviously you're on a short leash with that job, but how short is the question.
# 35 miller31time @ 11/06/13 01:51 PM
Not that I expect it but it sure would be nice to have the ability to relocate and change team names/logos. That's the direction I ultimately want Association Mode to have - the feeling that you truly can take the team anywhere (both literally and figuratively).
# 36 jp7588 @ 11/06/13 01:55 PM
This might go a long way to simulate the challenge of building a winning team in a small market. I like it.

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# 37 diehardknicksfan @ 11/06/13 02:04 PM
My Knicks are screwed then. A virtual James Dolan messing up plans. Not enough that he screws my favorite team irl. He got to mess up my 2k team 2.

I can see it now. Have 3 potential all stars on my roster and he wants to trade them for an aging overpaid but big name Russel westbrook
# 38 cthurt @ 11/06/13 02:13 PM
Should be interesting to see the Bobcats owner goals, since in real life its Jordan and everyone knows he is a win now kind of guy. It would be funny if he expects the playoffs the first year.
# 39 Gosens6 @ 11/06/13 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
Should be interesting to see the Bobcats owner goals, since in real life its Jordan and everyone knows he is a win now kind of guy. It would be funny if he expects the playoffs the first year.
Hahahaha even Jordan knows that team has no chance.
# 40 J_Posse @ 11/06/13 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by xr2unitx
Erick Boenisch? Will the owners be editable?

If not, I wonder if the Lakers owner would get Dr. Jerry Buss or Jim Buss' personality profile.
He's obviously more Jerry Buss than the son Jim. Can't wait to see/read James Dolan and Mark Cuban's 2K14 interpretations. LOL

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ using Tapatalk

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