MLB 14 The Show News Post

Check out the MLB 14 The Show teaser trailer and let us know what you think!

As announced on MLB Network, the cover athlete is Miguel Cabrera. In the trailer, Russell Ramone announced that the game will be fully featured.

Also other tidbits include each stadium featuring roughly 8x the detail of current gen, and players which are ridiculously detailed with up to 40,000 hairs modeled. Another cool tidbit is that there will be 1,000 unique fan models at each game, meaning the crowds will likely look much better than anything we've seen.

The official Twitter account mentions that you can receive $20 worth of in-game currency, by pre-ordering from GameStop. As of this posting, it isn't available for pre-order.

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Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 61 LC26 @ 11/04/13 11:53 PM
I hope have been corrected uniforms that came wrong, and I hope all uniforms in this game.
# 62 Unit303 @ 11/04/13 11:54 PM
This game is shaping up to be something special. Obviously, they have limited time, but from all they learned on PS3 the game has come a long way. Just from visual improvements alone I would buy it. Let's hope uni's and things like colors go well too. Looks better from those shots. In fact those scoreboard shots look really nice. 1080p 60fps is a given. Gonna be hard waiting.
# 63 wrigleyville33 @ 11/04/13 11:55 PM
I have a feeling Wrigley is going to look incredible on the PS4. Hopefully the ivy has as much movement as the player's hair/beards appear to have. Just when I thought I was about done with video games and wasn't going to purchase a PS4, Ramone fires this at me... amazing how a single game can sell a console.
# 64 cubby blue @ 11/05/13 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by wrigleyville33
I have a feeling Wrigley is going to look incredible on the PS4. Hopefully the ivy has as much movement as the player's hair/beards appear to have. Just when I thought I was about done with video games and wasn't going to purchase a PS4, Ramone fires this at me... amazing how a single game can sell a console.
It's too bad the Cubs will probably suck though..
# 65 N51_rob @ 11/05/13 12:27 AM
Sold sight unseen and I don't care if the game blows up. The SCEA team has earned that from me over the years.
# 66 chris68pj @ 11/05/13 12:39 AM
This game was the real reason I went PS4 over XBone day one even though it releases in March. I expect NBA 2K14 to take me through until then for non-stop next-gen sports bliss!
# 67 Gagnon39 @ 11/05/13 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by cubby blue
It's too bad the Cubs will probably suck though..
But it sure will be fun to build a winner with the ability to import franchises from year to year.
# 68 jmo2278 @ 11/05/13 01:23 AM
That's what I am talking about! The Show and Nba 2k ought to make EA be ashamed of themselves for that crap they are trying to sell us as "next gen". Can't wait for future iterations of these great series. I am getting an xbone this month and after this teaser I am gonna start planning to buy a ps4 next year. Great job SCEA!
# 69 tril @ 11/05/13 02:06 AM
looking forward to this. When it comes to sports gaming, I thought maturing and cost would win out. NOT!!!!!
Thank You very much SCEA and 2K
Your sports titles were the main reason why I made the leap from PS2 TO PS3. The tradition continues...
# 70 LastActionHero @ 11/05/13 02:35 AM
# 71 ScouserHUN @ 11/05/13 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Over the course of the next couple of years you will see improvements in all areas of the franchise as a whole.
I really don't mind, if MLB The Show 14 on PS4 will only be a graphical update compared to The Show 13, because I feel that the gameplay is just perfect right now. The only thing you should consider doing is the Regression/Progression system throughout the year.

I think players should regress/progress during the season only +/-3-4 points based on their performance, and after the season they should be regressed/progressed properly.

For example: 38 years old Big Papi is a 90 overall starting the season. If he plays well, he can get to 93-94 during the season, if he plays badly he can get to 86-87. After the season however he should get a significant cut to below 80, because he is getting older.

Playing my franchise I always got rid of Uehera, because I knew, that by the end of the season (World Series) he would only be a mid 70 player who I can't rely on.

Please consider this. thanks
# 72 bwiggy33 @ 11/05/13 03:54 AM
Holy man this is unbelievable! The Show is the only reason I'm going PS4 over One and due to that it is going to save me from buying both consoles. I can now buy all the games I play on one console (don't play any exclusives other than The Show). Since I bought 360 first it meant I had to buy PS3 later on for The Show and I have shelled out way too much on that.

One thing I'd also like to say is that I couldn't be more happy for the people that have been waiting for carry over saves and generated pitch counts. Neither is a huge deal to me, but I know there are so many who have wanted these two things in the game for a very long time. Now they have them, and better yet it's two of the first things announced. I am so pumped to hear what else is in store for this game.
# 73 Shaffer26 @ 11/05/13 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I know its early but hopefully soon we hear about the commentary and if they put in a new team

I really liked John Kruk in 2k
I'd be cool with a new commentary team. New generation of consoles, new commentators. Orel Hershiser would be a great addition, imo. I've learned more about the game from him than just about any other analyst.
# 74 Behindshadows @ 11/05/13 04:32 AM
Player models still look to cartoonish, they need to aim for real skin textures and tones...I like the hair effect but still not liking those fake looking faces....

On another note, 42 vs. 1000 different crowd models is going to look impressive in those detailed stadiums...I can't wait to see more. My favorite baseball series since MLB 2000..
# 75 DamnYanks2 @ 11/05/13 04:45 AM
I don't ever remember getting info this early, a treat just after halloween. MLB and NBA 2K are really pushing me towards next gen sigh...
# 76 billman29 @ 11/05/13 05:37 AM
Trailer is impressive, obviously.

My first takeaway however was: the logo for the game reminds me of MLB 2K5's
# 77 PsychoBulk @ 11/05/13 05:41 AM
Well.........its fair to say ive seen worse trailers.

Good lord.

How can a mans moving mullet provoke such excitement in me, a 33 year old grown man?

When it looks as good as that, thats how

Roll on March. (Showcation week already booked off work)
# 78 tnixen @ 11/05/13 09:32 AM
I wonder how the power of the PS4 will help improve the Ball Physics in MLB 14 The Show?
# 79 Alfonsori @ 11/05/13 09:56 AM
Seriously, why do i watch these things

I can't wait till spring now...
# 80 BobbyColtrane @ 11/05/13 10:07 AM
i really want to get an xbox one so i can play forza, but just watching this video makes me want to get a ps4 just to support these guys. i'm not even a huge baseball fan but i just really appreciate these guys for what they do. i wish they would make a football game....

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