its cool but waiting to see it being played from an actual camera angle and not zoomed in. If it looks like that and plays like that than that will be pretty sweet. I wonder will the emotion of the players carry over. It looks nice in a trailer but do the players really get that hyped during gameplay.
All they did was take game footage, zoom it in and splice it up for a trailer. Of course they get hyped during gameplay, that IS gameplay. It's just not a 6 minute quarter, but it's gameplay.
2K is really great at the business of proving the HipHopGamer wrong. And with Madden in shambles needing major capitial investments to bring it up to speed, it makes me wonder if Live will ever get off the ground before they just eventually fold from market pressures. Just bring back baseball for the 360. That's really the only saving face I can imagine EA doing this generation.
Ok the trailer is cool and all but i wanna see gameplay. Stop getting carried away over graphics. Whats the sense of have a beautiful looking game if it doesnt play like the true sport.
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Normally I would agree but since this is the first time we see next gen footage the shizzle type trailers works on this one. Also why are people worried about gameplay? This is 2K ffs...
Jimmy Butler finally got that correct face and that ****ed up hair he rocking now lol.
D-Rose is wearing ankle braces over his socks. Still wish it was the Adidas gear, but at least we're making progress at this point. I'm gonna be watching this **** all day man.
I can't view the video right now... Can someone post a pic of Butler & Rose from the trailer?
Really quite astonishing. Even bench players are looking pretty good. Skinny Durant model looks very good. I'd like to see what Kevin Martin's model looks like for comparison.
Minor quibble. They show Harden during a jump ball sequence, and he is sweating. The detail of the sweat is quite something, but he probably shouldn't be sweating before a game starts.
Yes, yes. Just showcasing the realism of the models.
I never Saw Harden in a JumpBall sequence... Looked like he was getting ready to shoot a free throw. and Harden would never Jump for the Ball at the beginning of the game if it was, thats for the C or PF... So even if it was a Jump ball scenario it would have been because of a Tie-Up so Sweating would be occurring.
Visually, it's disgustingly sick. Amazing job by 2K on the graphics department.
What I'm concerned about is the...everything else. It looks like 2K focused so much on the aesthetics that giving anything else much attention (gameplay, Association Mode, AI Logic, etc) might not be possible.
But we'll see.
Dude, the whole team doesn't work on the graphics engine. Other people, like Beluba and SimBaller, work on gameplay, sound, menu overlays and what have you. The game will have issues, all games do, but it won't be because they spent the entire development time and team on graphics.
2k just pretty much walked out on stage, stared out into the crowd, dropped the mic and walked off. Wonder if EA is thinking twice about getting back into the basketball market. Looks like they might have woken a sleeping giant.
Exactly. That just yelled "Sexual Chocolate bi#%$" and walked off
I was seriously thinking about canceling my preorders for next gen consoles. They pushed back watch dogs, and Madden hasn't impressed me so far. The level of detail paid to the players and the emotion they display screams immersion to me. I just paid off the preorders after that video. I'm all in.
This trailer makes me even more pissed off at EA Sports. They are supposed to be the "Cream of the Crop", the King of Kings, etc. All the money and resources, exclusive licensing, you name it.
How can ANYBODY at EA Sports sit there with straight face, watch this 2K trailer, then watch their own "next gen" trailers for Madden and Live, and not want to jump off a building? Unless they just truly do not care.