Operation Sports News Post

We’ve got a special guest to join the almost-full crew this week, as friend of the show Kat Bailey makes her first appearance on the panel. We talk all about the looming FIFA-PES battle, the current-gen/next-gen trials and tribulations facing sports games this fall, and get into what we love and hate about NHL 14 – plus a lot of listener questions too!

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Also, the Press Row Podcast is now available on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/...ow/id563624090) and Stitcher Radio (http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/oper...ss-row-podcast), so subscribe to it and rate it too!

Lastly, be sure to check out our friends at Weekend Confirmed right here: http://www.shacknews.com/tag/weekend-confirmed. If you’re not already a listener, give it a shot. We’re all big fans!

Enjoy the show!

Run Time: 1 Hour, 37 Minutes

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Member Comments
# 1 believeinnow @ 09/15/13 11:30 PM
I found it interesting that at no point in the podcast did anyone make mention that Kat Bailey was just recently employed by EA. I found it hard to take what she said (positive or negative) about an EA Sports game without that lingering in my head.

As for the exclusives, I don't believe what Konami is saying is true. So far, all rumors about stadium exclusives in Spain don't hold up since the rumored list of EA stadiums is also not that large (also containing a crap ton of fake stadiums). Don't forget, they couldn't even include rain in this year's game because they were using a new engine.
# 2 believeinnow @ 09/15/13 11:32 PM
Also, I'll never be a Samit supporter, but I found it funny how he essentially went dead during the Podcast. I really don't see what he adds to the Podcast. Wish you guys just reduced the line-up to 3-4 people rather than trying to fit in so many voices.
# 3 emelki1968 @ 09/19/13 09:04 AM
It is so funny to read "believeinnow" comments about Kat Bailey, bacause I fond some of her statements a little byas and not completely accurate. I am from Spain, and I have quite a few friends in Europe. Here, PES sells very well. In terms of gameplay it is not considered a hard game, like Kat implied. If you are used to the controls it is just fine. It is true that the during this generation PES has lost a lot of fans. They didn't do a very good transition, and the fact that they are losing more licenses every year is hurting them a lot. In Spain is going to be rough, because the just lost the license for the Spanish stadiums.
I bought FIFA for the last three years because I tought it was a better football game, but this year could be different. The PES demo was very impresive in terms of graphics and how smooth was the gameplay.
Oh! and speaking of graphics, please check the bodies and faces of PES, and tell me if those are not way better than the FIFA ones. I would love for OperationSports to do one of thoses comparisons, like they use to do in the "old" times.
Sorry, for my English. I hope everybody was able to understand my points.
# 4 emanuelkelley3 @ 09/21/13 05:22 AM
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