NBA 2K14 News Post

Every year, at about this time, OS Forum regular DaWolf writes up his hands-on impressions from the NBA 2K series based off of his play time at Gamescom.

This year is no different. Check out his NBA 2K14 hands-on impressions here and let us know what you think.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 vannwolfhawk @ 08/23/13 05:46 PM
Great read and write up! Thanks!
# 22 Da_Czar @ 08/23/13 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
How was the spacing in the version you played Czar? And defensive closeouts.
Spacing was great and the recovery was close. A tad to fast still but nothing like what wolf is describing. That has me concerned as it's probably his build was much later than the one I played. If they left the option in I am not concerned about the spacing... IF.
# 23 jersez @ 08/23/13 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Spacing was great and the recovery was close. A tad to fast still but nothing like what wolf is describing. That has me concerned as it's probably his build was much later than the one I played. If they left the option in I am not concerned about the spacing... IF.
Wolf or Czar either of you can answer this lol, can you beat a defender if he's closing out too fast, like in real life.
# 24 DaWolf @ 08/23/13 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Spacing was great and the recovery was close. A tad to fast still but nothing like what wolf is describing. That has me concerned as it's probably his build was much later than the one I played. If they left the option in I am not concerned about the spacing... IF.
What option do you mean? Like telling my guys to space the floor with the d pad?
# 25 DaWolf @ 08/23/13 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
Wolf or Czar either of you can answer this lol, can you beat a defender if he's closing out too fast, like in real life.
I would answer with a simple "no" - or not like we want it to be
# 26 Aviator S @ 08/23/13 05:58 PM
Hello DaWolf:

How is the post game? Are Post Fadeaways and Post Hooks usable like in NBA 2K12? Also did anyone get any new jumpshots? I know LeBron got his mo capped and all but did wade, bosh, parker duncan get anything new? Thanks for sharing
# 27 DaWolf @ 08/23/13 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Aviator S
Hello DaWolf:

How is the post game? Are Post Fadeaways and Post Hooks usable like in NBA 2K12? Also did anyone get any new jumpshots? I know LeBron got his mo capped and all but did wade, bosh, parker duncan get anything new? Thanks for sharing
Post game hard to answer dont know what you mean with usable. Didnt use it much tbh. New jump shots are included. Duncan for sure, Wade a little different, lebrons was a lot better, bosh the same. they all feel a little better because of the faster reaction times.
# 28 Aviator S @ 08/23/13 06:12 PM
Thanks for your reply. What I meant when I said usable was that in NBA 2K13, the post play/game has been diminished and not effective as in NBA 2K12 it was a strong point and made folks want to play in the post. As for sim players this is important to establish a post presence because you can orchestrate your offence from that spot and work the defense around.
# 29 Rawdeal28 @ 08/23/13 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Aviator S
Hello DaWolf:
How is the post game? Are Post Fadeaways and Post Hooks usable like in NBA 2K12?
i second this question. i hated the feel of the Post game in 13. Hooks rarely would go in and Fadeaways were tough to do on command.
# 30 jersez @ 08/23/13 06:17 PM
Speaking of 2k12, are dribble pull-ups back like 2k12, or is it the same slow pullups from 2k13?
# 31 DaWolf @ 08/23/13 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
Speaking of 2k12, are dribble pull-ups back like 2k12, or is it the same slow pullups from 2k13?
You mean momentum shots/ leaners?
# 32 jersez @ 08/23/13 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by DaWolf
You mean momentum shots/ leaners?
Like the one two pull up shots, in 2k12 you held the LT or L2 and pushed the right stick the direction you want to pull up from. Think of the dirk signature one foot shots.
# 33 thedream2k13 @ 08/23/13 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Aviator S
Hello DaWolf:

How is the post game? Are Post Fadeaways and Post Hooks usable like in NBA 2K12? Also did anyone get any new jumpshots? I know LeBron got his mo capped and all but did wade, bosh, parker duncan get anything new? Thanks for sharing
They are "useable " in 2k13! They are ratings based and have specific release points like jumpshots
# 34 tonyt8605 @ 08/23/13 06:55 PM
What do we know about the next-gen version? Is it supposed to be a completely different game (presentation, modes, etc.)?

I mean what should make us by the next gen vs. the current gen one?
# 35 thedream2k13 @ 08/23/13 06:55 PM
Sucks that we keep getting preset quick release jumpers instead of the fully controlled ones we had in 2k8. Seems like they want to keep jumpshots "accessible " also like in 2k12 and 13. SMH
# 36 sweatyteddytaco @ 08/23/13 07:05 PM
I want Crew info so I can know if I'll cancel or keep my preorder. That is all.
# 37 NINJAK2 @ 08/23/13 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
Man playing defense sounds like you don't have to catch a bullet with your teeth anymore LOL

What about signature dribbling?
Catching bullets with your teeth..Man that ain't nothing Jersez


playing D in 2k13 was much harder

Thanks for the impressions DaWolf- In your short play sessions did 2k14 feel like a neccessary pick up if you already have 2k13? I think the defense alone may justify it..
# 38 thedream2k13 @ 08/23/13 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by sweatyteddytaco
I want Crew info so I can know if I'll cancel or keep my preorder. That is all.
If u like bball you should get 2k regardless if created players can be online unless u casual player of course
# 39 Gramps91 @ 08/23/13 07:28 PM
Got to say although I was disappointed at first that there didn't seem to be much new in presentation, the fact that the gameplay has been improved is really starting to grow on me. Still in heavy debate about whether to get this gen or next.
# 40 ForeverVersatile @ 08/23/13 07:52 PM
Two part question.
Did the dribbling on the pro stick flow better? I felt it was a little stiff and slow just to switch hands back and forth while standing still. Was there anything signature about the dribbling unlike last year where everyone did the same animations.

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