NBA 2K14 News Post

Here are a few more NBA 2K14 videos taken from Gamescom. The last one is labeled Xbox One, but it isn't next-gen. Only the current-gen game is being shown at the event.

Check them out and let us know what you think.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 arimamba @ 08/23/13 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Ummm... that was a CPU controlled player.


@sundown, I like the presentation look of the starting lineups, to me that is nice, simple and unique... nothing over the top but yet not vanilla either.

What would you like to see instead?

Something like this?

Or this?

Or this?
i died when i saw 5 kobes lololo
# 82 keshunleon @ 08/23/13 01:02 AM
At this point I am only looking for realism with 2K videos.
I watched the video and after I saw 2K still has that turbo animation in the game (3rd video @ 1:09) I was disappointed SMDH.

@2:28 Haslem's is shoots right handed but I see another generic animation with him shooting with the wrong hand.
# 83 Barbatrucco @ 08/23/13 02:49 AM
I will not pay 60 euros for a game that i already have: nba 2k13
# 84 setis @ 08/23/13 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Barbatrucco
I will not pay 60 euros for a game that i already have: nba 2k13

Seriously, I don't understand people saying it's the same game. All the Madden games look the same to me too, as I have no idea of football. It must be that..
# 85 mlp111 @ 08/23/13 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
11-13 have looked more less the same.
I don't understand really why this is a complaint that it looks the same. What do people expect? How different and how much better does people think it should look?

The game has evolved into these graphics and I think they look great and they look like basketball.

Sent using Tap a Talk
going to have to disagree with you, 2k11 look nothing like 2k12 and 2k13..... 2k11 was all around superior in every aspect, especially graphics.. looked light yrs better than 2k12 and 2k13
# 86 Sundown @ 08/23/13 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
I got LD2K.gif-ed. Noice!
# 87 sk @ 08/23/13 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by mlp111
going to have to disagree with you, 2k11 look nothing like 2k12 and 2k13..... 2k11 was all around superior in every aspect, especially graphics.. looked light yrs better than 2k12 and 2k13
That's because you PLAYED it.
# 88 Sundown @ 08/23/13 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by krisxsong
I never said hardware makes the game look great, I said the hardware ALLOWS the software to look great..

You essentially just repeated what I said.
My point is that they can make things look even better on current gen. And they have.

2K11 was the most visually stunning of the series from a rendering/lighting/modelling perspective.

Current gen hardware isn't holding them back from all the things they can still improve on but likely wont (and I'm perfectly fine with this).
# 89 Sundown @ 08/23/13 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Ummm... that was a CPU controlled player.


@sundown, I like the presentation look of the starting lineups, to me that is nice, simple and unique... nothing over the top but yet not vanilla either.

What would you like to see instead?

Something like this?

Or this?

Or this?
Wow, that first one looks phenomenal.

Wish they made a game with presentation like that.
# 90 Muzyk23 @ 08/23/13 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
You'll know next-gen when you see it.

Everything at Gamescom is current gen.
I would really like someone from 2k explain to me why the pc version is a current-gen and not next-gen port. I thinkPC players could wait until November\December. Please 2k, do not neglect pc players. There is a lot of us, especially in Europe.
# 91 Goffs @ 08/23/13 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
I would really like someone from 2k explain to me why the pc version is a current-gen and not next-gen port. I thinkPC players could wait until November\December. Please 2k, do not neglect pc players. There is a lot of us, especially in Europe.
They already started by not patching 2k13 so I don't expect much hope for us in the future....
# 92 Phreezy P @ 08/23/13 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Wow, that first one looks phenomenal.

Wish they made a game with presentation like that.
They did - 2K11 and I think 2k12 had the same thing.
# 93 KyotoCarl @ 08/23/13 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
My point is that they can make things look even better on current gen. And they have.

2K11 was the most visually stunning of the series from a rendering/lighting/modelling perspective.

Current gen hardware isn't holding them back from all the things they can still improve on but likely wont (and I'm perfectly fine with this).
There's no point in enhancing the graphics alot since this next gen is coming.
I played 2K13 yesterday and it looks good graphics-wise. What's the problem with having the same graphics (i'm sure some faces have been tweaked and such) and having improved gameplay?

Just because 13 and 14 might look alike, just like 12 and 13 look alike and people bought 13, the gaming experience will be different, and isn't that what matters?

Also, $60 isn't that much to shell out on time each year for something you can enjoy for more or less a whole year.
# 94 Goffs @ 08/23/13 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
Those videos were frustrating to watch. Not a good advertisement for 2K.
eh all gamescoms vids have always been like this and it did not impact the sales for 2k (inb4 no competition durr). Besides rather than watch and criticize how people play why not just look for whats been added.

Thats how I've always viewed these vids...even though they are short, I came off pretty impressed with how there is more contact in the paint and how spacing got a lot better.
# 95 VDusen04 @ 08/23/13 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
There's no point in enhancing the graphics alot since this next gen is coming.
I played 2K13 yesterday and it looks good graphics-wise. What's the problem with having the same graphics (i'm sure some faces have been tweaked and such) and having improved gameplay?

Just because 13 and 14 might look alike, just like 12 and 13 look alike and people bought 13, the gaming experience will be different, and isn't that what matters?

Also, $60 isn't that much to shell out on time each year for something you can enjoy for more or less a whole year.
I think you're right about 2K finding little reason or point behind concentrating on significant current generation upgrades. But for most, again, I think the question goes well beyond, "What's the problem with having the same graphics but improved gameplay?"

When aesthetics feel largely untouched (actual drawn graphics, atmosphere, dead ball animations, presentation, assorted movements, "little things"), that tends to leave all of the improvement focus on the actual gameplay - and gameplay improvement is good. But now, the question for many will seem to be, "Is the gameplay improvement enough to warrant spending $60 on a brand new game?" Whereas in previous years, there tended to be a lot coming at gamers from various angles of the new 2K game itself: new gameplay improvements, significant NBA mode upgrades, new NBA-based modes introduced (Classics, MyPlayer, NBA-led USA Dream Team, Dunk Contest, etc.), heavy presentation alterations and yes, even improved graphics some years. In the case of the latter, there was a little more comfort in upgrading, because there seemed to be a litany of changes from many different angles.

Essentially, the wonder at this super early stage (a stage at which, by last year we already had two legitimate video developer insights on specific visual evidence of new gameplay, animations, and dribble mechanics), is whether the gaming experience is going to be different enough. After the freshness of the smooth dribbling system and paint contact wears off and becomes second nature, is every other portion of the game going to tell me I'm still playing 2K13?

Lastly, $60 is a fair chunk of change regardless of circumstance but again, I understand your logic and reasoning behind the worth gained from being able to use your product for an entire year. It's a fair point. However, I'd wonder how many folks ceased playing 2K13 six month deep or prior. For me, 2K13 had a shorter lifespan in my house than any other 2K over the past ten years. So again, the question becomes, if 2K13 lost me so soon - will 2K14 provide enough to make the game feel fresh from many angles? Will the on-court differences be enough? I do not have those answers yet, but the early return seems to raise at least a little bit of doubt, and I do not blame others for feeling the same thus far.
# 96 Vni @ 08/23/13 09:57 AM
The only thing that truely gets me hype is gameplay but still I gotta admit that seeing the same scoreboard (minus the Jay Z hip hop effects) and the exact same pause menu with the same typo and all is underwhelming.

Especially since it had taken a step back from 2K12.
# 97 JasonWilliams55 @ 08/23/13 10:52 AM
3:15 - 2nd video.

Notice how when the user manually doubles the ball handler the CPU defender (thats doubling with him) has a circle indicator pop up under him with the pulsating ring... wonder what that means?

As of now the pulsating ring under the user controlled player is a indicator for intense-d and can be used for when to steal (when pulse gets biggest).
# 98 mlp111 @ 08/23/13 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
I would really like someone from 2k explain to me why the pc version is a current-gen and not next-gen port. I thinkPC players could wait until November\December. Please 2k, do not neglect pc players. There is a lot of us, especially in Europe.
simply because the game is 20 bucks and also the major threat of pirating the PC
# 99 Barbatrucco @ 08/23/13 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
Those videos were frustrating to watch. Not a good advertisement for 2K.
The situation is simple and this anticipation of an italian website speak itself http://translate.google.it/translate...ps4-1931915%2F

It seems that for the Nba 2K14 next-gen they made a totally new game, so all the 2K forces are focused on this.
# 100 JasonWilliams55 @ 08/23/13 11:54 AM
NBA 2K14 - The next-gen versions are not porting but new titles with new features - News - PS4

Created August 23, 2013 by Entertainment

Very important features that will be revealed in the near future

I have taken away our correspondents interesting information during the presentation of GamesCom 2013 NBA 2k14. Apparently the versions of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sports title are not simple porting with better graphics than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

It is, however, a completely new versions feature new and important features that will be revealed in the near future. Presumably, the news will also touch the PC version of the title, but, apparently, the developers have not revealed anything specific about it.
emphasis mine... from the link that barbatrucco put up. http://translate.google.it/translate...ps4-1931915%2F

So... maybe the PC version is a next gen version... did they already state that PC was a current gen port?

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