WWE 2K14 News Post

Check out the new WWE 2K14 screenshots, right here.

2K Games and WWE kicked off the SummerSlam weekend in a big way showcasing WWE 2K14 for the masses. The roster reveal of the 30 Years of WrestleMania mode on Saturday had some big surprises like Razor Ramon, Goldberg and Yokozuna. They also revealed more of the mode itself.

I was able to get hands on with the game, and played the Hulk Hogan/Andre The Giant match from WrestleMania III, I was simply blown away with the presentation of it. The intro video got me hyped up and then the match itself looked old school VHS quality, which fits the era and the mode. The match flows fantastic with the storyline playing out as it did back during the real match.

There’s an objective list, the first is shown for you and the rest are hidden. As you complete each objective, the next objective is revealed. A little cut scene plays out in game as you do each objective. I also played the Shawn Michaels/Ric Flair match from Wrestlemania 24. Incredible storytelling here, with Shawn forcing Flair to retire via the match stipulations which are again, played out in video form before the match begins. The end of the match, which is a spoiler, but this was 6 years ago, shows Ric actually crying in the ring when he loses.

There will be more of the mode, as there’s over 45 matches and over 200 unlockables to obtain, over the next few months. Also other modes will be detailed as well. WWE 2K14 is out October 29th on PS3 and Xbox 360.

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Game: WWE 2K14Hype Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 DaWolf @ 08/20/13 08:10 AM
Awesome! But Warrior model doesnt lok that good..
# 2 PantherBeast_OS @ 08/20/13 08:15 AM
The video looks awesome. Can't wait to get the game. It's going to be awesome this year.
# 3 scottyp180 @ 08/20/13 08:19 AM
Razor ramon vs michaels ladder match! I was sure this was a given once they released the roster but still pumped for this match none the less.
# 4 ©roke @ 08/20/13 08:35 AM
If the gameplay and AI it's at least decent I may play this more than FIFA this year
# 5 xman2k @ 08/20/13 09:03 AM
Wow the Andre vs Hogan looks awesome, especially with Hogan trash talking in game! I just hope we can play as Hollywood without the bandanna on all the time as bald Hogan.
# 6 poloelite @ 08/20/13 09:45 AM
That trailer has just put a visit to GameStop on my list of things to do today. I always wondered why they had Legends of Wrestlemania, but didn't incorporate that into the main game.
# 7 Stormyhog @ 08/20/13 10:29 AM
Noticed elizabeth in the trailer. Wonder if their will be other legend managers like Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Mr. Fuji etc. Just a thought.
# 8 Redacted01 @ 08/20/13 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Stormyhog
Noticed elizabeth in the trailer. Wonder if their will be other legend managers like Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Mr. Fuji etc. Just a thought.
Heenan was in the trailer.
# 9 Stormyhog @ 08/20/13 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by dochalladay32
Heenan was in the trailer.
Yeah I missed that the first time I watched it. Stupid me.
# 10 Fiddy @ 08/20/13 02:07 PM
again.. shut up and take my money 2k! if these matches make you do certain objectives like the HBK/Undertaker match last year or year before these will be a blast!

hopefully from here on out they can keep all these matches in and add new ones in the future..
# 11 schmit_95 @ 08/20/13 02:40 PM
this looks too good to be true. One thing, something tells me these guys arent going to be available in universe mode, play now, etc. Why else would they offer Warrior as a pre order bonus, but hes included in the game? Unless he needs to be unlocked, but pre ordering unlocks him right away?
# 12 Majingir @ 08/20/13 03:20 PM
Mode will be great,game unfortunately won't. WWE 2K14 really doesn't seem much diff from WWE13(or WWE12) in terms of gameplay wise. WWE 2K15 hopefully focuses big time on fixing every single glitch that was in WWE13(a simple google search could lead you to other forums where people have made a HUGE list of the MANY bugs/glitches in WWE13)
# 13 Gramps91 @ 08/20/13 03:27 PM
was very tempted to pre-order this earlier today. Still holding out until I hear more about A.I and if attributes actually matter this year or not.
# 14 Redacted01 @ 08/20/13 03:37 PM
Simple solution is to wait for Black Friday. Paying only $25 for this isn't that bad. And if you wait for the price to go back up, when you finish the mode, you can sell it back on Amazon and probably make your money back. It was doable with WWE 13.
# 15 sunsaz @ 08/20/13 04:36 PM
Just take my damn money, 2K!
# 16 jvalverde88 @ 08/20/13 05:36 PM
Dammit 2K, quit taking my money!!!
# 17 bigbob @ 08/20/13 06:17 PM
Something that I know people were disappointed with last year, and THQ gave us some bull**** answer on why they couldn't do it..

Shawn Michaels was wearing a referee shirt.
# 18 bigbob @ 08/20/13 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by schmit_95
this looks too good to be true. One thing, something tells me these guys arent going to be available in universe mode, play now, etc. Why else would they offer Warrior as a pre order bonus, but hes included in the game? Unless he needs to be unlocked, but pre ordering unlocks him right away?
Pre-order the game, have the ability to use him in Universe Mode.. Don't Pre-order the game, only have the ability to use him in the "30 Years of Wrestlemania" Mode.

Originally Posted by Majingir
Mode will be great,game unfortunately won't. WWE 2K14 really doesn't seem much diff from WWE13(or WWE12) in terms of gameplay wise. WWE 2K15 hopefully focuses big time on fixing every single glitch that was in WWE13(a simple google search could lead you to other forums where people have made a HUGE list of the MANY bugs/glitches in WWE13)
It's going to look like WWE 13... since THQ had the majority of the game already built. There's going to be bugs this year, but there will be bugs every year.. We'll see some of 2Ks finger prints this year, we just won't get the whole hand until 2K15.
# 19 J_Posse @ 08/20/13 06:35 PM
That trailer was absolutely incredible!!!! Can't wait to do Edge with Lita, she's even in the game (!), versus Mick Foley in their epic hardcore match at 'Mania 22. That match helped put Edge on the main event scene and was just insane with all the crazy spots.

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ
# 20 mojicat21 @ 08/20/13 06:37 PM
Hail to the King!

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