NBA 2K14 News Post

InsideGamer has posted their NBA 2K14 hands-on impressions from GamesCom. You can read the translation here. They have also posted information on the Path to Greatness, MyPlayer and MyTeam.

What are your thoughts after reading it?

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Member Comments
# 1 mauro78 @ 08/19/13 01:32 PM
".....with the result that defensive minded teams in NBA 2K14 are much more interesting than its predecessor....."

# 2 Vni @ 08/19/13 01:36 PM
I hope this is real:

His typical way of moving is almost perfectly reproduced in the game and is really different than if you for example with a Rondo of the Boston Celtics to start an attack
# 3 Goffs @ 08/19/13 01:38 PM
I thought gamescom was tomorrow or the end of the month. Cool we're getting more info! Time to search YouTube for gameplay vids since DaWolf is verboten from filming.
# 4 mauro78 @ 08/19/13 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
I hope this is real:
Vni do you think they're talking about walk up animation's? Last year every player did bring the ball with the same animation...
# 5 jayman504 @ 08/19/13 01:39 PM
Man I hope this new defensive minded 2k14 really works...not everyone lives for offence!

*Fingers crossed*
# 6 VDusen04 @ 08/19/13 01:40 PM
I like reading these translated pages pretending someone were truly dictating them aloud in broken English.

"With Noah as Center should really come from a good family to make as he stands in the paint, not to mention a jumper from the free throw line with this mighty giant for you."

# 7 jayman504 @ 08/19/13 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
I thought gamescom was tomorrow or the end of the month. Cool we're getting more info! Time to search YouTube for gameplay vids since DaWolf is verboten from filming.
Yeah...get somebody in there with a set of google glasses on so they can record our gameplay!
# 8 Vni @ 08/19/13 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by mauro78
Vni do you think they're talking about walk up animation's? Last year every player did bring the ball with the same animation...
I'am hoping they're talking about whole signature dribble moves for at least the fancy superstars in the league. And yeah why not walk up animations too.
# 9 VDusen04 @ 08/19/13 01:47 PM
Clearly, we'll have to wait for more information, but the translated article suggested LeBron James' Path to Greatness mode had to do with the future? I do not like the sound of that at this point.
# 10 jersez @ 08/19/13 01:49 PM
Haven't finished reading the articles but it's dope they have the " I promise" rubberbands lebron wears.

That is to find in the new defense system, which considerably has been taken. Shovel Where defending NBA 2K13 was sometimes a necessary evil, where you could sit mainly in making his shot, the opponent in the way it is in NBA 2K14 really become a part of your tactics. So it no longer seems to be possible with a Durant or Griffin to take a little run up and discretion. Literally your opponent around The physical contact with the opponent also ensures that you run a greater risk of dropping the ball. From your hands
Couldn't really understand this but it sounds like he's saying, you can no longer use those canned-animations to get open shots, you know the ones where the game would throw you out of position.
# 11 Optik @ 08/19/13 01:54 PM
And if that were not enough, you also have the ability to start in the Association mode as coach of your team a career. In addition, you decide which players you Trädet, Free Agents which you earn and what your players every game is about to begin.
Coach mode for Association? Sounds good, although this won't really be a new mode unless they make it like MyCareer. Currently, we're already the coach, and we can choose to either simulate or play the game and watch the players play, by turning on coach mode.
# 12 Vni @ 08/19/13 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
Haven't finished reading the articles but it's dope they have the " I promise" rubberbands lebron wears.

Couldn't really understand this but it sounds like he's saying, you can no longer use those canned-animations to get open shots, you know the ones where the game would throw you out of position.
I feel like I read theses things every year. Even the intro of the article I've read it last year already. I had a déjà-vu moment when reading it tbh.
# 13 JasonWilliams55 @ 08/19/13 01:58 PM
What I gathered... Spins are exclusively done with the RS.

A spin-move In NBA 2K14 is only possible with the right analog stick to get.

LB/L1 - hold = run best play
LB/L1 - tap = bring play menu up

Managed a superb strike on assignments It is still possible to use this system with the L1 (PS3) or LB (Xbox 360) to call button and then select a play but that is for many players (including myself) a decent step. Therefore, you can now hold the aforementioned button and automatically starts a tactic. It is user friendly and gives the slightly more casual players at once a very interesting arsenal to disrupt the defense.

Link to another article on the games features published today by the same website; Features article


The biggest new mode is the Path to Greatness. Central to this is Miami Heat star Lebron James, who is also shines on the cover. We can not play with the mode a long time and the developer would currently not tell too much, but from what I've seen you go into this mode in the future. So the first game of the Path to Greatness mode takes place on January 24 next year, where you take on the San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs were losing finalist of the last NBA season and in this game you have to show that your team is still the best.
Much more difficult I prefer to play as Point Guard that can shoot 3-pointers well, but how well I did my best, they were hardly in. NBA 2K13 where you should not be surprised that you make in your first game around thirty points as 3pts Point Guard, I now did not go beyond a mere twelve. ..... The mode in NBA 2K13 was a little too easy and I got the feeling that I really had to work to qualify for playing time into account.
It's just a shame that the decoration of the mode as well as remaining the same. The discussions with the General Managers of the different teams are the same, the press conferences are something recognizable and also the voice of your characters is the same as last year. I doubt whether there actually new things between the play to find. I hope that here and there a bit more 'key moments' come forward in your career.
MyTeam seems untouched
We have very briefly toyed with the mode and as it would seem, has mode no innovations. This means that the mode is still divided into seasons, where you must win some games so to push to a higher league
# 14 jersez @ 08/19/13 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
I feel like I read theses things every year. Even the intro of the article I've read it last year already. I had a déjà-vu moment when reading it tbh.
Man, I'm just looking forward to the demo and seeing if the game is going to actually live up to the hype.

spin-move In NBA 2K14 is only possible with the right analog stick to get. Moves from And it works very well and naturally. It makes sense that if you stick to the right flickt makes a feint to the right and when turning a round now makes a spin move
Hmm seems like the new control scheme won't be a problem, like many are trying to make it out to be.

Path to Greatness

The biggest new mode is the Path to Greatness. Central to this is Miami Heat star Lebron James, who is also shines on the cover. We can not play with the mode a long time and the developer would currently not tell too much, but from what I've seen you go into this mode in the future. So the first game of the Path to Greatness mode takes place on January 24 next year, where you take on the San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs were losing finalist of the last NBA season and in this game you have to show that your team is still the best.........Unfortunately this is the only game I've played and did not matter too much impression. I was hoping you some legendary matches after James could play, just as you did with Michael Jordan in NBA 2K11, but it seems that you really just go into the future in this mode
Sounding like Lebron's Jordan challenge. But NO GAME 5 what the hell 2k.
# 15 Sundown @ 08/19/13 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
Clearly, we'll have to wait for more information, but the translated article suggested LeBron James' Path to Greatness mode had to do with the future? I do not like the sound of that at this point.
Maybe the mode is basically Create A Legend but with achievements and commentary tailored specifically for Lebron that talks about his accomplishments in relation to other legends as you achieve them, like numbers of rings, scoring titles, etc.

They should really have history-aware commentary able to be triggered by any player in any relavant mode really.
# 16 VDusen04 @ 08/19/13 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Maybe the mode is basically Create A Legend but with achievements and commentary tailored specifically for Lebron that talks about his accomplishments in relation to other legends as you achieve them, like numbers of rings, scoring titles, etc.

They should really have history-aware commentary able to be triggered by any player in any relavant mode really.
Yeah, you could be right. Unfortunately, I let myself believe the mode might have been history-based, playing through LeBron's career thus far, facing off against his milestone opponents in given years ('04 Cavs vs. '04 Nuggets, '07 Cavs vs. '07 Pistons, '08 Cavs vs. '08 Celtics, '11 Heat vs. '11 Mavs, etc.).
# 17 Da_Czar @ 08/19/13 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
I hope this is real:
Prob just movement system upgrades they told us about. I wouldn't look too much into that until the company confirmed such.
# 18 jersez @ 08/19/13 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
Yeah, you could be right. Unfortunately, I let myself believe the mode might have been history-based, playing through LeBron's career thus far, facing off against his milestone opponents in given years ('04 Cavs vs. '04 Nuggets, '07 Cavs vs. '07 Pistons, '08 Cavs vs. '08 Celtics, '11 Heat vs. '11 Mavs, etc.).
Would love to see memorable plays happen in the games(staged maybe or not Idk), only if hit the goals, I know people hate the task part, but too me I liked it because it really felt like you weren't playing a regular game.
# 19 jersez @ 08/19/13 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Prob just movement system upgrades they told us about. I wouldn't look too much into that until the company confirmed such.
Czar can you talk about how the dribbling and shot stick work together? I'm thinking it's going to feel very fluent and natural to go from dribbling, to passing or shooting. That's how it's described and how I'm imagining it lol.
# 20 mauro78 @ 08/19/13 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Prob just movement system upgrades they told us about. I wouldn't look too much into that until the company confirmed such.
So Bro do you think that the new System is sort of parmetric system? I mean you change some parameters to differentiate jog and walk or run animation to have unique style for every player?

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