WWE 2K14 News Post

2K Sports has revealed more gameplay improvements for WWE 2K14. Just in case you missed our hands-on preview, click here.

The game ships on October 29th for 360 and PS3.
    • The entire navigation system has been overhauled and reanimated including all walking, running, and dragging motions to give the game a more fluid and life-like feel and look.
    • Overall Superstar movement has been accelerated, meaning the action is faster-paced and more like what you see on WWE television.
    • There is now a "starting up" animation for when Superstars begin running. This leads to a more natural-looking match, where it is more difficult to "spam" running attacks.
    • Animation gestures have been added such as adjusting wrist bands, motioning for your opponent to get up, and many more to give a human-like appearance to the navigation system.
    • Strikes and strike combos are now quicker and snappier, making them faster and harder to reverse.
    • Successfully landing a strike combo now puts your opponent in a groggy state, making groggy grapples appear earlier and more frequently.
    • Reversing a grapple move now causes the reverser to do a move of his/her own automatically.
    • This cuts down on the endless back-and-forth "reversal fest" some users complained of in WWE '13 while also making the match move faster.
    • Catching Finishers can now be executed offensively, by Irish Whipping your opponent to the ropes with a finisher stored or catapulting your opponent up when they run towards you.
    • Select finisher moves give you the ability to launch an opponent into the air and then hit them with a Catch Finisher on the way back down.
    • New multi-man OMG Moments added to help you gain the upper-hand in multi-man matches. One OMG move can take out two opponents in one shot making it easier to get the win against multiple opponents.
      • Double Attitude Adjustment
      • Double Shellshock
      • Double Chokeslam
    • New OMG Moments added to allow you to dole out even more damage using the ring environment.
      • Boot-to-head on outside ringpost
      • DDT on the apron
    • One of the most reviled bugs in WWE '13 was the dearth of two-counts. This issue has been addressed, bringing back the dramatic near falls you know and love.

Game: WWE 2K14Hype Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 st0rmb11 @ 07/19/13 03:08 PM
I know it was probably really tough for the guys at 2K to do a makeover of all the superstar models, seeing as how they probably didn't get their hands on the game early enough, but I'm glad to see that they can put their finger prints on the game play, even if just a little.

The graphics and models were never a big issue for me with WWE 12 and 13, so if WWE 2K14 is, basically, WWE 13 with better game play, I can get on board with that.
# 2 SmashMan @ 07/19/13 03:29 PM
I could do without the catapult finishers. Can't think of any situations that they couldn't have just added to the catching finishers. ...unless we really just needed Shawn Michaels throwing a guy 20 feet in the air to superkick him?

The two OMG moments cited also seem like they could've been added as normal moves?

Other stuff will have to wait and see until videos start coming out, but I like the animation gestures to (in theory) add some "life" to the characters. Doing finishers on multiple people is a nice addition.

(LOL at calling out the two counts. Good to supposedly have it fixed, but never should've made it to release last year.)
# 3 UMhester04 @ 07/19/13 05:27 PM
Game is in desperate need of an AI overhaul. Extremegamer, if you are reading this, can you reflect on the CPU AI actually going for finishers this year or do they still try to end the match with OMG moments every match?
# 4 PVarck31 @ 07/19/13 05:49 PM
All that stuff sounds great. And thank God for the 1 count glitch being fixed. (nice of them to finally admit it.)

But as others have said, AI is the elephant in the room. Hopefully we will hear more about that soon.
# 5 SmashMan @ 07/19/13 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by UMhester04
Game is in desperate need of an AI overhaul. Extremegamer, if you are reading this, can you reflect on the CPU AI actually going for finishers this year or do they still try to end the match with OMG moments every match?
It's not even just the finisher thing - the AI is stupid all around. I put the game in yesterday after a couple months of not playing and watched a CPU Scramble match in my Universe. Sheamus had a fatigued and hurt Daniel Bryan laid out alone in the middle of the ring with seven seconds left...and he left the ring to break up a submission attempt.

I'm just like, "Dude, you could've been World Champ!"
# 6 Gramps91 @ 07/19/13 08:32 PM
I'm glad to hear two counts are back. That was one things I was waiting on before jumping on this title. Now they need to talk about CPU A.I. I'm still waiting to hear about that.
# 7 AirJordanFan93 @ 07/20/13 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by UMhester04
Game is in desperate need of an AI overhaul. Extremegamer, if you are reading this, can you reflect on the CPU AI actually going for finishers this year or do they still try to end the match with OMG moments every match?
Exactly. If the AI is still crap than all these additions or improvements mean nothing if the game is still a one sided affair
# 8 molokoplus @ 07/20/13 06:15 PM
Why they don't implement a logic system like Fire Pro is beyond me. It's a percentage based system that is tied to certain states. For example, if an opponent is lying in the ring and has below 10% health remaining, perform this aerial move 60% of the time, followed by a pin attempt. The specificity you could program into that system was just amazing and resulted in match flow and sequences that were very true to the wrestler's own style.
# 9 Galarius @ 07/20/13 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by molokoplus
Why they don't implement a logic system like Fire Pro is beyond me. It's a percentage based system that is tied to certain states. For example, if an opponent is lying in the ring and has below 10% health remaining, perform this aerial move 60% of the time, followed by a pin attempt. The specificity you could program into that system was just amazing and resulted in match flow and sequences that were very true to the wrestler's own style.
the last token redsuden by yukes had a 20 page adjustable logic system that had a percentage basis that sounds very much like what you are describing for fire pro....and that was on dreamcast.hopefully 2k implements something like that since nba 2k has that for all players, both stock and created.....the best thing they could add on top of that is using their patented VIP a.i. logic that the player 'programs' simply by playing...if you could create multiple VIP profiles you could have one for each specific wrestler so that when you wrestled AGAINST the CPU who was that wrestler he would exhibit YOUR tendencies you have when playing as that wrestler....nba 2k has this in exhibition(although not in season modes for some reason) and it is by far the most humanlike a.i. i have ever seen
# 10 Galarius @ 07/20/13 10:07 PM
the really cool thing about VIP is that it is an evolving logic.....every time you play it changes what it will do to some degree because you are adding information to the 'program'
# 11 tc2884 @ 07/21/13 01:55 AM
i hope the story line is ten times better than it has been in the past, i loved the wwf moments but i hope the regular story is better
# 12 Pezell04x @ 07/21/13 09:10 AM
Sounds good, but AI needs some serious work. Before I preorder I'll have to see what the universe changes are too.

I hope Yukes doesn't do Yukes type things and lock moves for DLC, but they probably will.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
# 13 jcmreds @ 07/21/13 01:39 PM
It's pretty sad when you have to announce two counts as a feature in a wrestling game. Just imagine if 2 strike counts were removed from The Show for a year they'd never regain their fan base. I'm not biting on WWE 2K 14 until I'm sure it's bug free.
# 14 BlackNGold @ 07/22/13 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by molokoplus
Why they don't implement a logic system like Fire Pro is beyond me. It's a percentage based system that is tied to certain states. For example, if an opponent is lying in the ring and has below 10% health remaining, perform this aerial move 60% of the time, followed by a pin attempt. The specificity you could program into that system was just amazing and resulted in match flow and sequences that were very true to the wrestler's own style.
I love the Firepro series. All of my favorite wrestling games are Japanese. In addition to the Firepro's there was King of Colosseum (Red, Green and II on PS2), VPW and VPWII (N64), AJPW King's Soul (PS) and Giant Gram 2000 (DC)was a ton of fun. King of Colosseum II had one of the deepest logic systems I'd ever seen.
# 15 Weedboy @ 07/23/13 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by BlackNGold
I love the Firepro series. All of my favorite wrestling games are Japanese. In addition to the Firepro's there was King of Colosseum (Red, Green and II on PS2), VPW and VPWII (N64), AJPW King's Soul (PS) and Giant Gram 2000 (DC)was a ton of fun. King of Colosseum II had one of the deepest logic systems I'd ever seen.

Smart man that knows his wrestling games here. I think koc 2 and fire pro reign supreme. Having the both of them is all you need until further notice, As in I will let you know when there is an equivalent wwe game.
# 16 BlackNGold @ 07/23/13 03:10 PM
Do you remember when there were all the people running e-feds with the Firepro games? They all had their own set of rules regarding to character creation (logic, moves, total points, etc.), although most were pretty similar. You'd make your wrestler, send them a save so they had him, then sim the matches to see who won. People would promo on a message board. Lots of fun. There were weekly shows and PPVs. The amount of work and production value some of these guys put into them was incredible. Sometimes better than what was going on in major feds on TV.
# 17 Weedboy @ 07/23/13 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by BlackNGold
Do you remember when there were all the people running e-feds with the Firepro games? They all had their own set of rules regarding to character creation (logic, moves, total points, etc.), although most were pretty similar. You'd make your wrestler, send them a save so they had him, then sim the matches to see who won. People would promo on a message board. Lots of fun. There were weekly shows and PPVs. The amount of work and production value some of these guys put into them was incredible. Sometimes better than what was going on in major feds on TV.
Those were the good old days. I remember them fondly although i could not join fire pro club at the time i always kept up. I also enjoy reading the mark out moment threads.

Another thing id like your opinion on is no mercy. I understand it was great in its time but the momentum in that game and match flow is pathetic. You can get a finisher and pin the ai in 2 minutes most of the time. Great for multiplayer but we used house rules like no pins and ko's only. This lead to all of us creating characters with strikes that can ko and grabs as well. I have never seen so much blatant use of the half nelson suplex in my life.
I liked no mercy and vpw2 a lot more but once I got into fire pro d heavily i never looked back.
# 18 BlackNGold @ 07/24/13 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Weedboy
Those were the good old days. I remember them fondly although i could not join fire pro club at the time i always kept up. I also enjoy reading the mark out moment threads.

Another thing id like your opinion on is no mercy. I understand it was great in its time but the momentum in that game and match flow is pathetic. You can get a finisher and pin the ai in 2 minutes most of the time. Great for multiplayer but we used house rules like no pins and ko's only. This lead to all of us creating characters with strikes that can ko and grabs as well. I have never seen so much blatant use of the half nelson suplex in my life.
I liked no mercy and vpw2 a lot more but once I got into fire pro d heavily i never looked back.
I liked No Mercy well enough, and same as you liked VPW2 more. The logic setting were in No Mercy too, you just had to use a GS to access and modify them. I also liked WCW Revenge and World Tour. They were fun. But they don't quite compare to the Firepros or KOCs.

My first Firepro was Firepro Wrestling G on the PSX. I loved the Victory Road story mode in it.
# 19 Redacted01 @ 07/25/13 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Weedboy
Those were the good old days. I remember them fondly although i could not join fire pro club at the time i always kept up. I also enjoy reading the mark out moment threads.

Another thing id like your opinion on is no mercy. I understand it was great in its time but the momentum in that game and match flow is pathetic. You can get a finisher and pin the ai in 2 minutes most of the time. Great for multiplayer but we used house rules like no pins and ko's only. This lead to all of us creating characters with strikes that can ko and grabs as well. I have never seen so much blatant use of the half nelson suplex in my life.
I liked no mercy and vpw2 a lot more but once I got into fire pro d heavily i never looked back.
Maybe if you played the game on easy, but it sure as hell didn't work that way playing on hard. If you were like Big Show against Funaki or something you could still pull that off possibly.
# 20 Weedboy @ 07/26/13 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by dochalladay32
Maybe if you played the game on easy, but it sure as hell didn't work that way playing on hard. If you were like Big Show against Funaki or something you could still pull that off possibly.
I just played it the other day so I will stand by my opinion. Great for multiplayer but the ai was lacking a bit.

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