NBA 2K14 News Post

2K Sports has just announced LeBron James as the cover athlete for NBA 2K14.

They have also released details for the LeBron James Bonus Pack for anyone that pre-orders for the Xbox 360 or PS3.

According to Kotaku, there will not be a Wii U version this year. Xbox One and PS4 versions will launch when the consoles arrive later this year. Owen Good also mentions the current and next-gen games will be uniquely different experiences that harness the power of the platforms.

Polygon's Samit Sarkar has noted the following in his article.

The current-generation versions, at least, will feature a new mode called Path to Greatness, which will feature cover athlete LeBron James.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 101 Swipe7 @ 06/07/13 01:12 AM
Will I finally be able to play defense in 2k14...playing defense in 13 is a joke the offense get the benefit of the doubt every time. I'm tired of fake **** 2k.
# 102 Bolt957 @ 06/07/13 01:15 AM
Dissapointed that VC has made it's way back into 2K14, but whatever. Definitely expecting some great things from this game. Truly ready to find out what this "Path to Greatness" mode is about & what is this LeBron James sig skill?? Pre-Order is a yes for me.
# 103 alecast @ 06/07/13 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by MavsManiac4Life
Its June, if you were expecting news on gameplay or game modes, then you must be new to the 2K news system. Not trying to offend you, its just I feel people shouldn't expect news like this, especially at this time when news about the game is just starting.

Specific news about features and gameplay comes out usually on August. So Newbies hold on.
# 104 Slava Medvadenko @ 06/07/13 01:16 AM
Now that we got the cover announcement, lets hear some nuggets at E3 about what matters most to us-the gameplay. 2k is usually doesn't say much about the game at E3. Just a few general sentences would be nice, like defensive issues are being addressed, passing is getting prioritized, anything along those lines. A little something to hold us over until the September dev insights.
# 105 ClutchCity @ 06/07/13 01:43 AM
Lebron is in the middle of his career and hes involved in a game mode called path to greatness. I guess winning 5 and 6 championships means your legend.
# 106 stillfeelme @ 06/07/13 01:47 AM
I figured LeBron would be on the cover. Interesting to see what sig skill he gets hopefully they have more unique sig skills for other players. I wouldn't be surprised if his sig skill involves making teammates better or something to do with guarding multiple positons while not getting fatigued. The last thing is the Wii U gets kicked to the curb for sports gaming again yikes.
# 107 poloelite @ 06/07/13 02:01 AM
They will sell 70% less in Cleveland
# 108 ffaacc03 @ 06/07/13 02:12 AM
Am ok with the choice for the cover, both, the player and the concept art. Having said that, what impressed the most were the Kotaku/Polygon articles.

From such articles ...

"We have a lot more news coming out with regards to both games, on both console generations," Argent said, when asked if the next generation version of NBA 2K14 will have all of the features coming to its Xbox 360 and PS3 releases. "There is some overlap, of course, in the core gameplay. But both current generation and next generation will be uniquely distinct experiences. Both will be really, really great, in their own ways."
The current-generation versions, at least, will feature a new mode called Path to Greatness, which will feature cover athlete LeBron James.

Fans can pre-order the PS3 or Xbox 360 versions of NBA 2K14 for the King James Bonus Pack, which comes with unspecified extra content for Path to Greatness; an unlock of James in Blacktop mode; James' Signature Skill for MyPlayer, the career mode; and 10,000 Virtual Currency for the MyTeam trading card mode.
After reading the above quotes, cant help but relate it to the simil of a double edge sword ... while it was said that there would be an overlap, core gameplay wise, it was also stressed that the two versions would be pretty distinct, to a point that each own its own way.

For whatever reason, that statement made me felt insecure of the new gen.

Maybe is because I found comfort on the thought of just having a similar next gen release than that of 2k6 (for 360), where the game was essentially the same (as the PS2) but with improved graphics and the addition of cloth physics and sweat.

Maybe because I subcounciously fear that given nowdays more difficult economic times, even for videogame developers, a strippedown version with minor graphical improvements could very well be possible, even if not ideal.

Then again, looking at the bellow statement, also from the article ...

He said that the game's current and next generation console versions "will provide uniquely different experiences that harness the power of the platforms."
With it, I cant but feel that my expectations for the game on new gen have gotten up, a lot ... considering how much more powerfull the ram and processing powers of the new gen consoles are, I am really salivating at the prospect of not only above minor graphical improvements, but also at the possibility of finally enjoying propper foot planting, real time physics, AI enhancers, 3d modeled crowd, an official game editor, clowd based old website feature ... in sum, a whole lot of more content.

Here is to hope that 2k realizes this and instead of doing a strippeddown version or taking things away, that they rather add ... and plenty, specially those things/features/modes that were taken away, while been well received by both: casuals and hardcore gamers.

I wont criticize adding more ways of monetization but at least try to make them worthy additions, unlike most of what we were offered before.

Anyways, E3, whatever blogs, press releases, interviews and videos that can expand on what exactly makes the new gen version so independent and distinct, cant seem come soon enough !
# 109 Noobland @ 06/07/13 02:14 AM
Rubio should be on the cover he's more fun to watch then lebrick
# 110 eko718 @ 06/07/13 02:24 AM
I'm not interested in following the 2K hypetrain this year but when I saw that commercial I must admit, I was excited. My team's Finals loss tonight however, sapped most of that excitement.
# 111 The__Answ3r_i3 @ 06/07/13 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Noobland
Rubio should be on the cover he's more fun to watch then lebrick
not sure if serious........
# 112 VDusen04 @ 06/07/13 02:37 AM
"Stop them?"

"No, I want to join them."

I'm picking up on a theme here...
# 113 chronoxiong @ 06/07/13 02:47 AM
I'm disappointed with this cover guys. I think it's lacking and kinda plain. I was expecting for something more cooler. Leave it to us to make the custom covers then.
# 114 DR Russell @ 06/07/13 03:21 AM
Whoever imagined we would get gameplay/features news this early, I would like to say... Welcome to 2K!
# 115 NINJAK2 @ 06/07/13 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by poloelite
They will sell 70% less in Cleveland
For 2k14 only available in Cleveland, they could just have Lebron's Cleveland jersey on fire on the cover instead of him in a Heat uniform.
# 116 daveberg @ 06/07/13 04:14 AM
I need to put in 2k11 just to rinse the stink of this announcement off.

Now we have the unfortunate news of 'him' being a big feature this year, can we at least get some information that matters, like whether or not Michael Jordan and the legends are back this year? No MJ, no buy.

LBJ sig skill? Well....clearly it's flopping right?

Ok, i'm done now, I promise.
# 117 JasonMartin @ 06/07/13 04:50 AM
Oh god, they are keeping VC.

What a bummer.

Is this also the cover as its going to be? Doesn't look that great imho.
# 118 DaWu @ 06/07/13 05:21 AM
I hate this preorder bull****! I never preorder a game because I can get it by my local dealer much earlier.
# 119 ERA @ 06/07/13 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by Slava Medvadenko
Now that we got the cover announcement, lets hear some nuggets at E3 about what matters most to us-the gameplay. 2k is usually doesn't say much about the game at E3. Just a few general sentences would be nice, like defensive issues are being addressed, passing is getting prioritized, anything along those lines. A little something to hold us over until the September dev insights.
Didn't 2K already confirm that they won't be at E3?
# 120 Melbournelad @ 06/07/13 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Dude please dont start trolling because Ill ban you outright.

Nobody has shown anything at all yet, the game comes out in October.

Its a cover thread, discuss that or leave.
Are you joking? If you look back at any of my prior posts you will see I am definately not a troll.

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