NBA 2K14 News Post

2K Sports has just announced LeBron James as the cover athlete for NBA 2K14.

They have also released details for the LeBron James Bonus Pack for anyone that pre-orders for the Xbox 360 or PS3.

According to Kotaku, there will not be a Wii U version this year. Xbox One and PS4 versions will launch when the consoles arrive later this year. Owen Good also mentions the current and next-gen games will be uniquely different experiences that harness the power of the platforms.

Polygon's Samit Sarkar has noted the following in his article.

The current-generation versions, at least, will feature a new mode called Path to Greatness, which will feature cover athlete LeBron James.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 jersez @ 06/06/13 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Eman5805
My guess is the next gen one will have far, far fewer gameplay features and polish because it doesn't have a full dedicated team working on it.

But at the very least, I hope it isn't just an engine port, cuz I wanna see some variable body types ou'chea.
I think they've had the dev kit for a while now, it'll probably have more graphical features, and the same gameplay.
# 82 JazzMan @ 06/06/13 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by SMOKEYYY
Nice to see the best player on the planet get some props, too many haters out there, he deserves the cover!
Implying that he didn't get any props prior to this.
# 83 Ajknowsit @ 06/06/13 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
I think they've had the dev kit for a while now, it'll probably have more graphical features, and the same gameplay.
I hope your wrong and they take advantage of the power at that their hands of the new consoles, but on the other hand I hope your right and both live and 2k and madden for that matter don't give me a boner so bad I have to have the next gen right off the bat. A good 2k14 and gta 5 on current gen would be a lot cheaper.
# 84 jersez @ 06/06/13 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Ajknowsit
I hope your wrong and they take advantage of the power at that their hands of the new consoles, but on the other hand I hope your right and both live and 2k and madden for that matter don't give me a boner so bad I have to have the next gen right off the bat. A good 2k14 and gta 5 on current gen would be a lot cheaper.
Lol, yeah man, I hope the first 2k14 on next gen is worth the money, but this is just me assuming because developers have to learn how to get the most of the consoles first. Me personally I'm getting the ps4 on release day if the launch titles are interesting
# 85 AirJordanFan93 @ 06/06/13 11:12 PM
About time hes on the cover of a game. Is path to greatness mode an improved version of My Player or something along the lines of the Greatest Mode from 2K12
# 86 Polaris @ 06/06/13 11:15 PM
No PC version is announced being made. Worried.
# 87 Ajknowsit @ 06/06/13 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
Lol, yeah man, I hope the first 2k14 on next gen is worth the money, but this is just me assuming because developers have to learn how to get the most of the consoles first. Me personally I'm getting the ps4 on release day if the launch titles are interesting
First the architecture is suppose to be familiar and easier to work with. Second how have you made your mind up on the Ps4 and Xbox1.
# 88 soxnut1018 @ 06/06/13 11:22 PM
I'll never understand the LeBron hate. I enjoy watching a Top 5 all time player every chance I get, but to each his/her own.
# 89 BA2929 @ 06/06/13 11:25 PM
I guess I'll be pre-ordering, if only to get the 10,000 VC.
# 90 ksuttonjr76 @ 06/06/13 11:27 PM
And a collective groan can be heard from Pacers fans from around the world.

This is a joke...please don't ban me.
# 91 malky @ 06/06/13 11:32 PM
Ehh I'm thinking it should have been Tim Duncan
# 92 QKnick @ 06/06/13 11:33 PM
I'm probably going to pass on this, unless 'unbiased' reviews tell me otherwise.

I'm skeptical on 'first run' new gen titles.
# 93 Phreezy P @ 06/06/13 11:40 PM
So I guess the big secret is LeBron is the real 2k insider? Explains the skewed ratings.
# 94 VDusen04 @ 06/06/13 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Ward13
Just seeing VC turns me off
I can't lie, usually it's at least a little fascinating to see who's going to be on the cover, just so I can begin envisioning what the game's going to look like. But I'm with you, I couldn't help but sigh when I saw the bullet point about the VC. I guess I was secretly hoping 2K would realize the whole system is silly. As others said though, I suppose they wouldn't readily turn their back on a money maker like that. Hopefully they at least tweak the system to reclaim some sense of realism in that regard (i.e. no longer paying MyPlayers in golden coins).

The good news for me is it appears that none of the pre-order bonuses really appeal to me so I won't have to go through that whole "if I don't pre-order could I still acquire the content later" fiasco. That is, unless The Path to Greatness is actually some kind of classic mode where rookie LeBron and his Cavs battle against rookie Carmelo and his Nuggets then everything slowly progresses forward year by year from there.
# 95 m1ke_nyc @ 06/06/13 11:57 PM
When they got Jordan for the cover NBA 2K11 had to be good. Couldnt flop and it didnt. Still considered the best sports title ever by many. They got Lebron now so once again this game cannot flop. They cant drop the ball with him on the cover. HOWEVER knowing EA was bringing their game back im sure they threw tons of dollars at Lebron to do this. And yes they likely knew Live 14 was coming out long before us.
# 96 MarvinOida @ 06/07/13 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
I can't lie, usually it's at least a little fascinating to see who's going to be on the cover, just so I can begin envisioning what the game's going to look like. But I'm with you, I couldn't help but sigh when I saw the bullet point about the VC. I guess I was secretly hoping 2K would realize the whole system is silly. As others said though, I suppose they wouldn't readily turn their back on a money maker like that. Hopefully they at least tweak the system to reclaim some sense of realism in that regard (i.e. no longer paying MyPlayers in golden coins).
Umm... It's realistic because myPLAYER is SUPER FLIPPING MARIO!

Just kidding, I hate the system. It's so easy to buy your way to everything. It took me 3 months to get all my sig skills, 99 Overall, those clothes, and all the crap. But it takes a few bucks to get all that in one microtransaction.

The only way I'm fine with VC is this:
-More expensive, not $5 for 10,000 VC, but $15
-Cant use on Road to Greatness or myTEAM (unless in what I will say
-Use only for Clothes and Accessories and Crew-related stuff (JERSEYS?!?!)
-Expensive boosters for myTEAM
-If there was myCrib = PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR VC!
# 97 KillerHog471 @ 06/07/13 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by ratedmoney
When they got Jordan for the cover NBA 2K11 had to be good. Couldnt flop and it didnt. Still considered the best sports title ever by many. They got Lebron now so once again this game cannot flop. They cant drop the ball with him on the cover. HOWEVER knowing EA was bringing their game back im sure they threw tons of dollars at Lebron to do this. And yes they likely knew Live 14 was coming out long before us.
For sure LeBron is sure to bring attention to you good and bad. There is no such thing as bad publicity sometimes. I remember I stopped buying Madden and a friend of mine told me that Brett Favre was on the cover(hated him for a while) so I looked at EA's website to see if he was lying and decided to buy the game after I saw the trailer.
# 98 KillerHog471 @ 06/07/13 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Umm... It's realistic because myPLAYER is SUPER FLIPPING MARIO!

Just kidding, I hate the system. It's so easy to buy your way to everything. It took me 3 months to get all my sig skills, 99 Overall, those clothes, and all the crap. But it takes a few bucks to get all that in one microtransaction.

The only way I'm fine with VC is this:
-More expensive, not $5 for 10,000 VC, but $15
-Cant use on Road to Greatness or myTEAM (unless in what I will say
-Use only for Clothes and Accessories and Crew-related stuff (JERSEYS?!?!)
-Expensive boosters for myTEAM
-If there was myCrib = PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR VC!
Think they should make you save up for boosted versions of shoes ex: you could get the Hyperdunks regular but if you wanted that +5 dunk you had to pay extra.
# 99 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 06/07/13 12:08 AM
This game might not sell in Cleveland lol
# 100 mrbigshot @ 06/07/13 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Dmac1991
Well the Bonus Pack includes:

Extra Content for Path to Greatness mode (Is this new name of MyCareer?)

LeBron James signature skill (HMMM)

LeBron unlocked in Blacktop mode

10k VC. (NOOOOOOOOO VC is back)
I would ascertain based on my observation of the video that it could be something completely secular. at least, that's what im hoping for. Something that possibly coincides/somewhat related with the greatest games mode or legends mode or a variation of the sort?

Don't see why they would need to change mycareer every year. they already changed the name of it last year as well.

but what do I know?

anyway, I hope jordan and the legends are back.

give me an owner mode though...GIVE ME! pleaseeeeeeee touch association mode 2k! i needs desperate re-tooling and re-enhancement!

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