The Gaming Tailgate has posted an interview with Christian McLeod, in their latest podcast. Listen to it here, cliff notes version below.
- Main goal with commentary this year is to tell stories, over 100 different stories this year and Brad and Kirk will track these throughout the game with dialogue and stat banners. I.E. David vs Goliath, road team gets out to early lead, possible upsets, league leaders, etc...
Impact Players in Dynasty will be dynamic and Brad and Kirk will talk about them throughout games, if you have a 72ovr rated player and he becomes one of the top backs in the country, Brad and Kirk will take note and track and highlight him during your games. - Stat banners and loading screens are dynamic, will show team stats, rankings, recruits visiting, injuries, as well as key players to watch in your upcoming game. Post game stat banners will include, game summary, box score, players of the game, and scores from around the country.
Once the game loads, Reece Davis will give you the "Tale of the Tape" in week 1 this will be OVR rankings of teams, but from then on it will show each teams stat breakdown and ncaa rankings, winning/losing streaks, conference standings, etc.. - ESPN living game clock will appear in no huddle and in online dynasty games user vs user.
- Reece Davis and David Pollack chosen together due to their work together on Thursday Night Football. Wanted to increase Reece's role this year. Commentary chemistry between the two is very natural and authentic.
- Highlights of your game shown (1min-1min 15secs), stats and commentary recapping and foreshadowing second half. Having David Pollack do commentary was a new experience due to him being the first defensive minded analyst to do commentary for NCAA Football series.
- Studio Updates more tailored to your conference, still will get updates about top ranked teams, but for smaller conferences especially, you will get updates on games that matter to you. Studio Updates will be timed better, primarily after stoppages of plays, after FG's, extra points, etc..
- Christian said they made it tougher to accidentally button through presentation aspects this year. They want people who want to see them to be able to enjoy it and not accidentally skip something, but if you don't want to see it, then you can still skip them.
- Reworked vignette logic so they appear at better times, to give the game more ebb and flow, hit emotional highs and lows.
- Vignettes for big and small moments, sacks, tds, fg's, adjusting chin strap, tapping teammates helmet, helping players get up.
- 3 new playable cameras, wide, zoom, coordinator. Coordinator is a hybrid of sky and blimp cam that was developed while trying to create a broadcast cam. They never got a broadcast cam that they felt allowed you to see the whole field and the community members who tested it approved. Said coordinator cam has become the favorite cam around the office and may end up being the best football game camera to date. Very excited about everyone using coordinator cam this year.
- New pregame has a "Saturday Night Football" feel, team runouts mixed with music and game footage. Hired a composer for new menu themes and music variations for pre-game (rock, country, rap, stadium anthem variations) Dynamic smoke and team wipes, video montage lasts 25-30 seconds. Team wipes are specific for all 126 schools and will show key phrases and sayings coined by your team over the years.
- Pre-play chatter will be dynamic and authentic without giving away play selection.
- Crowd audio logic re-worked and improved for louder swells and quieter when bad things happen at home, basically picks up where Madden 13 crowd audio left off. The additional 8 weeks Madden had last year allowed them to have a better sounding crowd than NCAA 13 was able to achieve. Pumping up crowd noise logic reworked and tied in with player chatter, you'll hear guys say stuff like "Come on crowd, let's go, get up"
- Neutral site games will have neutral audio, same with bowl games.
- Reworked stadium palettes to look more like real life counterparts, I.E. Nebraska crowd will be a "sea of red" now, was evenly mixed on previous games.
- Michigan St. new video board and Spartan head at midfield is in, TCU's stadium renovation, plus misc. stadium improvements.
- New field type and weather, new fog and lighting effects.
- Re-worked helmet sheers, matte, shiny, vs chrome.
- Wide-Allows you to see the sideline to sideline view, fisheye.
- Zoom- Different than Madden's, good for running the ball, gets you in the action.
- Coordinator-Hybrid between broadcast, sky cam, blimp cam. Allows you to see the field, sideline to sideline, lets you read the offense and defense, to help with the "chess match."
- Online games, user vs. user can choose independently which angles you want.
- Player lock works with all camera angles, option to turn on or off this year, can be locked in as a player without the player lock cam if you want.