NCAA Football 14 News Post

For too long, the NCAA Football series has been completely stale on the presentation front, with cutscenes that have been around for years now mixed with presentation elements that seem to be thrown together with no real rhyme or reason. That plus the incredibly drawn out game intros mixed with very little game awareness logic from the commentators of how games were unfolding just made for a relatively stale and souless experience.

This year, EA hopes to change all of that with new and targeted presentation additions and changes.

Read More - NCAA Football 14 Revamps Presentation

Game: NCAA Football 14Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 SageInfinite @ 04/18/13 02:14 PM
Good write up. Everything sounds nice.
# 2 amoore0192 @ 04/18/13 02:15 PM
Thanks for the info Chris, any word on new equipment? Cleats, helmets, primary, secondary colors ect. Or are the gloves and base layers, which are cool, the only new additions? Also, how do the base layers work? Is it an extra option in player editing or is it in the uniform selection screen and applied to every player?
# 3 hawkfantn @ 04/18/13 02:19 PM
Sounds sweet. Wish I had your job.
# 4 Dazraz @ 04/18/13 02:19 PM
Glad to see the Broadcast Cam has made it to the game, even more so that it is improved over Madden.
# 5 malky @ 04/18/13 02:19 PM
Well I liked the stuff they added last year, problem was the in game studio updates would always freeze the freakin game. Hopefully the half time / cut scenes won't freeze this year
# 6 sportzbro @ 04/18/13 02:29 PM
"Blur Tempo"
# 7 BV11 @ 04/18/13 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Need to see all this playout but it definitely screams "we finally get it!", lol. This bodes particular well for the new consoles imo because I perceive the sky as the limit going forward.

Feels like we are finally coming out of the football gaming wilderness into the promised land prophesied about by EA in 2005. Better late than never.
I agree, it does finally seem that they "get it" based on what they are adding to the game this year. How well it is implemented remains to be seen, however (I will remain skeptical until proven otherwise with EA).

And yeah, can we get a video of all this??
# 8 avwhitechic @ 04/18/13 02:34 PM
I take it all back..its not a user defined camera but finally after 9 long years Ncaa finally has multiple "playable" camera anglesm :beer:

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# 9 damion2721 @ 04/18/13 02:41 PM
Did ND have their new base layer? Thanks
# 10 balljonesjr @ 04/18/13 02:50 PM
I'm still waiting to hear about DB/WR interactions ... I'm starting to believe EA is making sure anyone that gets a hands on view of the game doesn't ruin any secrets or they're giving them a list of things off limits to write about
# 11 lost1 @ 04/18/13 02:59 PM
So did any uniforms get dirty this year? ( white ones in particular) would like to see if that has been fixed.
# 12 tinfire @ 04/18/13 03:01 PM
yuh same.. waiting on video evidence of all this stuff.. they can blabber all they want but lets see what your up too EA.. show us the goods already..
# 13 UNCHeelsftball2011 @ 04/18/13 03:14 PM
Just wanna say.....FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! (In reguards to neutral site games!!) i just read their release on presentation... I like what im hearing
# 14 UNCHeelsftball2011 @ 04/18/13 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by lost1
So did any uniforms get dirty this year? ( white ones in particular) would like to see if that has been fixed.
Tough to say....a lot of places have artificial grass now..
# 15 RaychelSnr @ 04/18/13 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by tinfire
yuh same.. waiting on video evidence of all this stuff.. they can blabber all they want but lets see what your up too EA.. show us the goods already..
Hoping we can get new videos of this stuff soon too. Will make sure we cover it well at E3 if nothing else.
# 16 RaychelSnr @ 04/18/13 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by amoore0192
Thanks for the info Chris, any word on new equipment? Cleats, helmets, primary, secondary colors ect. Or are the gloves and base layers, which are cool, the only new additions? Also, how do the base layers work? Is it an extra option in player editing or is it in the uniform selection screen and applied to every player?
Actually mistakenly had my name as the author. Steve is the one that got hands on time. I'm sure he can comment on this if there was anything new he noticed. We'll try to get some info on this soon, but this is more of a 'it's released when it's released' type of thing. Nature of the game!
# 17 The_Wise_One @ 04/18/13 03:34 PM
This all sounds pretty good so far. For the first time it seems that they are really listening to what the community wants. I just want a video like everyone else! I can't wait for Dynasty.
# 18 BigLou2480 @ 04/18/13 03:41 PM
So no sacks at halftime..Sounds da same to me..HOPEFULLY EA implements a decent pass rush this year
# 19 roadman @ 04/18/13 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Hoping we can get new videos of this stuff soon too. Will make sure we cover it well at E3 if nothing else.
I think last year they were off in some small room at E3.

Hopefully, they be front and center this year.
# 20 Dazraz @ 04/18/13 03:49 PM
Hopefully Maddens list of improvements include the above. Talking of Madden, I would like to see the NCAA series incorporate the same Accelerated Clock. It makes playing full 15 minute quarters plausible with realistic stats.

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