NHL 14 News Post

EA Sports will reveal the NHL 14 features on Monday, April 15th. They will also post a trailer and official release date.

Tomorrow EA Sports will release the first NHL 14 screenshot.

Which features are you hoping to see?

Game: NHL 14Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 igolfbad @ 04/15/13 12:50 PM
The trailer is up, FWIW. Release date is Sept. 10.

# 42 neodydan @ 04/15/13 01:27 PM
I would like to see all the refs + liesman. More varied penalties and more announcer dialogue. If the show can do it, why not EA?
# 43 gamerk2 @ 04/18/13 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
New fighting sounds awesome and exactly what I've been wanting forever.
Anything is better then what they have now. Fighting should have some degree of skill involved.

The new Be A Pro additions sound pretty cool as well. Seems like they've gotten some inspiration from NBA 2K.
Obviously. Lets see the implementation though.

I'm not sure what they mean by a left-stick control scheme for hitting. Maybe there is no more hitting button and it's just a matter of colliding with players?
This worries me; in 13, you can bump without fear of a penalty. Or does hitting only involve the puck carrier. It better not be the return of "click to hit".

Also, I'm hoping the one-touch dekes also mean stickhandling altogether is going to look more realistic and true to life than it does right now.
My only concern is that the new and (maybe) improved hitting engine is capable of dealing with it.
# 44 crankybaker @ 04/18/13 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by hossafan91
More realistic injuries. If a guy blocks a shot with his face or the back of hi leg (where there is no padding) more likely than not, he is going to be injured. I know they can't have blood, but if a guy gets a 4 minute penalty (usually because of blood) the guy who got hit should be out for a shift or two to get stitched up. There are a lot more of these types of things, it would make for a more realistic game.

I would apsolutly love (and I know this would be way to realistic and would rather have other things fixed 1st) but it would be awesome if say you block a heavy drive then that player moves a bit gingerly for the end of that shift and maybe the shift after. It won't happen but it would be awesome
# 45 Vikes1 @ 04/19/13 12:13 AM
It's been mentioned a few times already but....goalie fatigue/confidants, would be a great [and imo, overdue] addition.

Looking forward to finding out more!
# 46 Sprtsgui @ 04/30/13 12:54 PM
I never post a comment usually just read others. But I must be compelled enough to give my thoughts. I have been a fan of EA since it started producing hockey games. Here is what EA should do with nhl 14!!!!

1. Improve overall presentation!! Look at last years madden game, HELLO?!!!! Have a broadcast team whomever they may be (gary thorne, bill clement) do a real life broadcast prior the the game starting just like in madden!! And also a little presentation in between periods!! I have heard Gary Thorne broadcast many hockey games in the past on espn and NBC etc., why isn't there more recordings of his voice showing his excitement when there is a late goal scored or an overtime goal?! Boring boring boring!!!! The broadcaster in any sports paints the picture of the game and makes it more exciting. If EA can't record more voice recordings of Gary Thorne or whoever the play by play broadcaster may be, don't bother having a broadcaster at all. Very disappointing here EA sorry!!

2. The fans are pathetic in the stands!!! The road team scores, and some of the fans with the home team jerseys lol are the ones standing cheering!! Are you joking me?! Also, it takes way too long for the fans or all fans to respond to a home team goal!!! It takes like an hr for the fan to grab the towel to wave!! Crowd is not loud enough!! The goal horns need to be a little louder in the game!!
Overall, fan authenticity needs to be better and animation needs to be more realistic to the game play events etc! Louder booing more booing and fans being up set in the crowd over a bad call or road goal!

When the home team scores a late goal to tie the game or to take the lead late in the game, or score in overtime, the fans should be louder and going a little more crazier with animated excitement then they do now!! It's really sad!!

3. Player acceleration needs to improve so hopefully what EA has mentioned regarding that feature, it really will improve!!

4. Referees need to be more precise on penalty calls!!

5. Please think twice about one button deking controls!

6. In game sound effects such as the puck hitting the post etc, needs to be more enhanced! And no it's noty sound system lol. I have awesome brand new energy speakers and sound bar and woofer which are an upscale model to the klipsch speakers!! And an LED tv so it's not my sound system!

Overall, just make nhl14 a more realistic game! More authentic and APPROPRIATE fan animation for home team and road team goals, penalties, etc!! Better more exciting broadcasting to actually go along with the game events!!! Overall sound quality , pucks hitting the post, goal horns, crowd booing or cheering louder and when appropriate, game presentation before the game starts and in between periods with real life game introduction from the broadcasters and game analyzation in between periods!

I hope EA reads these blogs!!!!!!!!!

Good luck EA! Please don't disappoint the hockey world!!
# 47 bignoah1997 @ 06/22/13 10:42 PM
I would really like to have ushl and other team rosters but especially ushl because it is a united states league.

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