NHL 14 News Post

EA Sports will reveal the NHL 14 features on Monday, April 15th. They will also post a trailer and official release date.

Tomorrow EA Sports will release the first NHL 14 screenshot.

Which features are you hoping to see?

Game: NHL 14Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 bwiggy33 @ 04/12/13 02:30 PM
Before the EA Dev team even thinks about a fighting engine (like many are mentioning) they better be working on improvements to the actual gameplay. As in what actually matters for playing this game. A fight takes 30 seconds. How can people even think of making that a priority. A new fighting engine is something that is added when you start getting close to actually making a game with solid AI, players going offsides, player differentiation/likenesses, realistic goalie system, pressure entering the zone, etc.

I totally agree with people saying the fighting engine is poor, but that does not matter when it comes to the actual gameplay. This game is far from good as far as the on ice play. I'm not saying people wanting that are wrong at all, as it is a matter of opinion, but I don't know how people can put that at the top of the priority list. For an offline player I'd think it wouldn't be the main concern. The sad part is, it wouldn't shock me if a fighting system were implemented over gameplay aspects that should be in.
# 22 Pezell04x @ 04/12/13 02:41 PM
Considering 13 was a piece of ****, I'm probably done with this franchise.
# 23 06woz @ 04/12/13 02:50 PM
I'd be happy with absolutely 0 game mode updates if it means the gameplay itself can get to a realistic level.
# 24 Dougie_G_93 @ 04/12/13 03:36 PM
# 25 Tonic @ 04/12/13 05:24 PM
It looks like the guy laying the hit doesn't have his stick going through the other player, so maybe a revamped hitting/physics system where sticks don't go through skates and such?

Also, Phaneuf's sock has 3 stripes...HL3 confirmed!
# 26 ComaFaction @ 04/12/13 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by hockeyyt988
I hope they've done something with BE A PRO, that mode is really lacking depth.
To be honest, at this point they'd probably be better off just leaving Be-A-Pro on the cutting room floor.
# 27 blinkfan77 @ 04/13/13 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by blinkfan77
Such an peculiar picture of a player with a weird helmet on.The whole picture is odd. Generic hockey player with an unflattering mouth-guard pose and weird helmet that has a non-NHL-like ear-cover.

Of course it's blatantly obvious I'm nit-picking the crap out of this picture...but I feel like that's what we're supposed to do with the first releases lol.

But seriously, to those in the know about the small equipment details, is there something telling about that helmet? Also, check out the body positioning in that picture. His right arm is at an odd angle. Almost looks like he's gearing up for a nice shoulder hit.

Maybe a new improved hitting/physics engine? Lord knows it needs it.
Nailed it.
# 28 gopher_guy @ 04/13/13 02:10 AM
What do I care what info is released? Even if it is underwhelming I know damn well that I will be buying it within 2 weeks of it's release date

But seriously: Please, dear God. Goalie fatigue.
# 29 gopher_guy @ 04/13/13 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
They'd better bring back group celebrations!

Please. I cannot for the life of me understand why group celebrations are not in the game. So simple, yet so important.
# 30 hossafan91 @ 04/13/13 01:51 PM
More realistic injuries. If a guy blocks a shot with his face or the back of hi leg (where there is no padding) more likely than not, he is going to be injured. I know they can't have blood, but if a guy gets a 4 minute penalty (usually because of blood) the guy who got hit should be out for a shift or two to get stitched up. There are a lot more of these types of things, it would make for a more realistic game.
# 31 hockeyyt988 @ 04/13/13 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by ComaFaction
To be honest, at this point they'd probably be better off just leaving Be-A-Pro on the cutting room floor.
Yeah I know, but I also feel that's people's perception simply because they haven't done anything with it at all. I mean, it's virtually the same mode as it was in NHL 09.

When NBA 2k implemented "My Player" mode in NBA 2k10 the perception was the same; "that would be cool, but I think they should work on this or that"-- Now look at the mode? What happen?-- It became their most played game mode. I'm sure they weren't expecting that to be the case, but if you look at the way the mode is design, anyone can see why it's became such a hit. MLB RTTS is another great example of how this mode type can be a hit.

Now I could go all day about the things I think need to be implemented to make the mode a success but that's another story. All I know is this; if implemented correctly, NHL Be a Pro could have the same success, BUT for now, many people think it should be scrap or that "it sucks" and that is because it's so broken and poorly implemented that that's the taste left in people's mouth.
# 32 bwiggy33 @ 04/13/13 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by hockeyyt988
Yeah I know, but I also feel that's people's perception simply because they haven't done anything with it at all. I mean, it's virtually the same mode as it was in NHL 09.
This is the feeling I get with pretty much everything that is in this game. It feels almost untouched (besides a few areas), when it needs a lot of touching up. It had the potential the first 3 years of becoming something great. Great online, an o.k. GM Mode, solid gameplay for the time, and BAP mode. It basically hit every single gamer imaginable. Then it's like they relaxed and didn't want to do anything else. As I've said before all it took for EA to take over the hockey gaming world was great controls, lots of online features, and better graphics than 2k. That's all it took and 2k was out of the game with 2k10. NHL 10 is when this game began to get stale for me.
# 33 CaptainSuperman @ 04/13/13 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by hockeyyt988
Yeah I know, but I also feel that's people's perception simply because they haven't done anything with it at all. I mean, it's virtually the same mode as it was in NHL 09.

When NBA 2k implemented "My Player" mode in NBA 2k10 the perception was the same; "that would be cool, but I think they should work on this or that"-- Now look at the mode? What happen?-- It became their most played game mode. I'm sure they weren't expecting that to be the case, but if you look at the way the mode is design, anyone can see why it's became such a hit. MLB RTTS is another great example of how this mode type can be a hit.

Now I could go all day about the things I think need to be implemented to make the mode a success but that's another story. All I know is this; if implemented correctly, NHL Be a Pro could have the same success, BUT for now, many people think it should be scrap or that "it sucks" and that is because it's so broken and poorly implemented that that's the taste left in people's mouth.
Yes. 1000x yes. I don't even like baseball, but I'm currently playing TWO careers at once, jumping back and forth between a starting pitcher and a 2nd baseman. BAP needs to shape itself up after this mode. Include short term goals that need to be completed every month or 6 weeks that include improving a stat over the time, along with a certain number of points. Also include training sessions! Breakout attempts, work in the defensive zone, faceoffs, blocking shots, anything and everything in accordance to your player type

Little things here and there that make the mode feel like more than just menus and games, things that will bring the mode to life a bit more will help this mode go a long way. RTTS included pregame batting practice, maybe NHL should include a playable pre-game skate. And while I'm not one to say a small thing like audio commentary needs to change, MLB does a very very nice job in bringing life to the game with not only play by play and analysis, but the many many things they have to say about the players, real or created (hot streaks, cold streaks, number of hits/runs/home runs in a previous game)
# 34 hockeyyt988 @ 04/14/13 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by CaptainSuperman
Yes. 1000x yes. I don't even like baseball, but I'm currently playing TWO careers at once, jumping back and forth between a starting pitcher and a 2nd baseman. BAP needs to shape itself up after this mode. Include short term goals that need to be completed every month or 6 weeks that include improving a stat over the time, along with a certain number of points. Also include training sessions! Breakout attempts, work in the defensive zone, faceoffs, blocking shots, anything and everything in accordance to your player type

Little things here and there that make the mode feel like more than just menus and games, things that will bring the mode to life a bit more will help this mode go a long way. RTTS included pregame batting practice, maybe NHL should include a playable pre-game skate. And while I'm not one to say a small thing like audio commentary needs to change, MLB does a very very nice job in bringing life to the game with not only play by play and analysis, but the many many things they have to say about the players, real or created (hot streaks, cold streaks, number of hits/runs/home runs in a previous game)
100% Agree!
# 35 13whitebread @ 04/14/13 01:24 AM
Maybe this means rival clubs like what you see on a prime time NBC broadcast that highlight rivals this could mean that NBC has signed on to do a T.V. Style presentation and maybe also a new broadcast team such as Doc Emerick.
# 36 BelfourThibault @ 04/15/13 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by hossafan91
More realistic injuries. If a guy blocks a shot with his face or the back of hi leg (where there is no padding) more likely than not, he is going to be injured. I know they can't have blood, but if a guy gets a 4 minute penalty (usually because of blood) the guy who got hit should be out for a shift or two to get stitched up. There are a lot more of these types of things, it would make for a more realistic game.
Agreed. One thing that I could never get my head around is the clearing on a penalty kill. When you go to clear the puck...say you try to slap it out of your zone. 8/10 times, the defenseman is able to keep the puck in the zone by snatching it out of the air with an open hand. I know that guys catch pucks regularly, but there's no way anyone is going to catch a clearing slapshot from 40' away with an open palm and not break something.

In addition to that, I also think it's unrealistic that players are able to lay down to block a shot when they're 30 feet away from the shooter. It's unrealistic for more than one reason.

With that said, I do think that the game is great. One thing that I DO hope eventually gets added is the inclusion of the ECHL. I'm probably in the minority there. Never cared about the ECHL, but since moving to an ECHL city (Cincinnati), I realize that it's actually a really fun league that has more talent than many realize.

BTW...just realized that I've been on OS for a decade, and I'm still a 'rookie' :P. I read the board daily, but rarely post. For the mods, site operators, etc, I want to say thank you for maintaining a great community.
# 37 AC @ 04/15/13 08:43 AM
I'm not sure if the link to the new features has been posted yet, but here:


It looks really nice, especially BAP. Well, I guess we're not calling it that anymore lol.
# 38 BlueNGold @ 04/15/13 10:13 AM
New fighting sounds awesome and exactly what I've been wanting forever.

The new Be A Pro additions sound pretty cool as well. Seems like they've gotten some inspiration from NBA 2K.

I'm not sure what they mean by a left-stick control scheme for hitting. Maybe there is no more hitting button and it's just a matter of colliding with players?

Also, I'm hoping the one-touch dekes also mean stickhandling altogether is going to look more realistic and true to life than it does right now.
# 39 green94 @ 04/15/13 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
They'd better bring back group celebrations!
Agreed! And longer goal celebrations!

Everything feels so rushed.
# 40 Money99 @ 04/15/13 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by green94
Agreed! And longer goal celebrations!

Everything feels so rushed.
Multiple camera angles too!
Long-time OS members are all too familiar with my bellyaching when it comes to goal celebrations.
NHL2004 did it perfectly. It was awesome! I'm still not sure why they changed it.

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