MLB 13 The Show News Post

Another MLB 13 The Show game update has arrived this morning, weighing in at 167 MB. According to The Show Nation, here are the details. As always, let us know what you are seeing.
  • Difficulty fix for ALL Online Modes.

  • Significant Steal Early exploit in on online game

  • Online Game soft hangs when pinch hitting or bringing in a reliever past the 7th inning.

  • Manager mode, the CPU will never setup for double plays. When there are runners on (1st base/1st and 2nd/1st and 3rd/bases loaded) and 0 or 1 outs, the defense would not be in DOUBLE PLAY depth. And turning a double play would result in a looping throw to 2nd base, and the AI would almost never turn the double play. Now, in the runners on base situation, the defense will play in double play depth and gracefully attempt to turn double plays. This previously only affected Manager Mode. Please verify that this change does not affect the general game modes (User vs CPU) in exhibition or season style games

  • Addressed an issue with completed games in the ticker.

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Knight165 @ 04/10/13 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by TimB
I'm using OSFM and they were all real players. It was only one year but I've done this several times with pretty similar results. Do you think if I deleted all of the game data and reinstalled it, that may help?
Franchise mode?...

It would help if you could zip and post the franchise file...or at least a pic of the league leaders page and perhaps the statistics page of a couple of teams.

# 102 StormsWarning @ 04/10/13 11:49 PM
well i played a game earlier hou @ sea mlb live game, i didn't have a stutter, but it did happen twice where the pitcher threw the ball and it was a slight pause kinda slow motion pitch, only happen twice but still the patch before this, took away my stutter issues altogether, now theres a new slow motion pitch delay?
# 103 TimB @ 04/11/13 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Franchise mode?...

It would help if you could zip and post the franchise file...or at least a pic of the league leaders page and perhaps the statistics page of a couple of teams.

Yes, I'm using franchise. I'm going to play around with it some more and maybe sim a couple of seasons and report back. Maybe I'm just crazy. I appreciate all of the help!
# 104 RoyalBoyle78 @ 04/11/13 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Manage only Mode fans rejoice!

Both the CPU and our teams will now automatically set up the correct defense for the situations.
(you can still use the defensive set up screen to set up your defense however you want...overriding the pre-set defense)

Thank you guys!

Excuse me, lol...what is manage mode in sports games?? Is it like watching the game play out without playing and making game decisions?

sent from Droid DNA
# 105 Cavicchi @ 04/11/13 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Footballforever
Excuse me, lol...what is manage mode in sports games?? Is it like watching the game play out without playing and making game decisions?

sent from Droid DNA
You do make decisions, just don't actually bat and pitch.
# 106 RoyalBoyle78 @ 04/11/13 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Cavicchi
You do make decisions, just don't actually bat and pitch.
Thanks, think I'm going to give this a go with the vita version.

sent from Droid DNA
# 107 Cavicchi @ 04/11/13 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Footballforever
Thanks, think I'm going to give this a go with the vita version.

sent from Droid DNA
You're welcome. I should have added you don't field either, though you can set defensive alignment or let the CPU do it for you
# 108 brett the jet favre @ 04/11/13 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by I3RIS3H
When? During gameplay or on start up?
At the menues in franchise, messing with line ups, and the end of the game?
# 109 m-dogg @ 04/11/13 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by m-dogg
I think I have this bug in RTTS too. Pedroia throws the ball over my SS's head on any close lob throw when trying to turn 2. It has cost us several games even, just recently a 17 inning marathon against the Yankees. I hope this is the same issue, and is now fixed in RTTS also (I did not realize that the rest of the defense may have not been at double play depth even though I was). I will have to test this out later tonight..
I am happy to report the double play issue was fixed in RTTS too, Petey and I are back to being the double play Wiz's we are!

I also want to send out a belated thank you to the dev team for turning down the sound effect volume on the "woosh" camera in RTTS is the last patch. you may have saved me from a future of four padded walls and a straight jacket!

also no stuttering for me, but I did not have any to begin with so I may not be the best test subject for that.
# 110 trevormckee @ 04/11/13 12:23 PM
Anyone know if the glitchy menu music was addressed?
# 111 vinny_pizza @ 04/11/13 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by trevormckee
Anyone know if the glitchy menu music was addressed?
I don't think so from what I have seen and heard, my menu music still clips. But hey, i'll take that over stuttering during gameplay!

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# 112 LastActionHero @ 04/12/13 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by m-dogg
I am happy to report the double play issue was fixed in RTTS too, Petey and I are back to being the double play Wiz's we are!
That would be awesome.
This might lure me back to analog throwing. I switched to button accurracy because that problem wouldn't occur there (appart from the big meter I really like it though!).

I love those under the hood silent fixes/tweaks.

By the way I always wondered what the patch nummers relate to.

Like 1.16 and 1.21

I can see the 1 and 2 tells you it's the first and second patch (?) but where does the 6 and 1 in the end come from.

Just curious
# 113 treyraq @ 04/15/13 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by AUTiger1
So was the SS not moving in defensive positioning problem fixed?
Originally Posted by Knight165
Manage only Mode?

So yesterday, I was managing a game when the CPU had a runner on 1st with 0 outs. I tried to shift my double play defense to the right for a pull lefty, and I noticed that my SS would NOT move from the "Normal" position.

I posted and later deleted a reply here because in the next inning, same (I think) situation, I was able to move him around.

Later in the game, I tried yet again to shift my defense and my SS would NOT move at all. Can't recall the situation was, but it was actually a pretty crucial moment in-game.

Any idea if something is causing this in particular scenarios?
I ended up staring at the defense screen for minutes, simply trying to figure out what was behind it. Needless to say I stumped.

On a side note, if you shift your defense without changing the 'default' duration of "Always," it only lasts for one pitch. You also have to switch the duration to "One Batter."
# 114 theSmilingAssassin27 @ 04/18/13 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by PrettyT11
So there still is no rookie fix. It would great if we could get some kind of comment to let us know if it is even being looked at or anything. Was really hoping it would have been in this patch.
I hear ya man, it makes the ROY award insignificant in franchise, and I'm guessing it works the same in RTTS (called up briefly at the end of the year and not classified as a rookie the following season). I just found the listing in the bug report, it's under "Rookie Classification," been around since March 8.
# 115 I3RIS3H @ 04/18/13 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by theSmilingAssassin27
I hear ya man, it makes the ROY award insignificant in franchise, and I'm guessing it works the same in RTTS (called up briefly at the end of the year and not classified as a rookie the following season). I just found the listing in the bug report, it's under "Rookie Classification," been around since March 8.
Yeah I'm not second guessing the Devs or anything, but I'm just curious how often the bug report sheet is looked over.
# 116 Cavicchi @ 04/18/13 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by I3RIS3H
Yeah I'm not second guessing the Devs or anything, but I'm just curious how often the bug report sheet is looked over.
This is such an important part of the game that I'm just very disappointed it wasn't fixed in the last update.
# 117 ARMORALLL @ 04/19/13 07:49 AM
I'm holding out for one more patch. Usually they come out with 3 and they tell us it's the last one.
# 118 PrettyT11 @ 04/19/13 12:23 PM
Trust me guys I feel you and have been pushing for something to happen about this issue for a while now. There are actually multiple listings about this on their bug reports thing but nothing has been said about it at all anywhere. It almost seems like it is just being ignored. I have yet to start a real franchise mode yet hoping we would get some kind of word on this cause it kills a major award in the game and takes a lot out of the immersion. Maybe we will get lucky and get a fix for this.
# 119 PrettyT11 @ 04/19/13 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by ARMORALLL
I'm holding out for one more patch. Usually they come out with 3 and they tell us it's the last one.
There have already been three released. I'm hoping we get another to fix the rookie problem but I kinda doubt it.
# 120 Cavicchi @ 04/19/13 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by PrettyT11
There have already been three released. I'm hoping we get another to fix the rookie problem but I kinda doubt it.
I think you're right, just looks like it's a dead issue for this year's game. I am sure they will have it fixed for The Show 14.

Kind of strange this got overlooked in testing.

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