MLB 13 The Show News Post


Okay...Finally the time is here!

In the Vault: O.S.F.M2013 by RidinDwnKingsley
Link to file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/0pdx99

Thank you everyone for your patience in regards to this year's release.

We had one hitch towards the end....and I (we) are hoping that everything is alright with that one member.

That being said... I have to say that this year's group of editors have put together a tremendous effort with this year's version of the O.S.F.M.

I want to thank each and every member participating on the chart and from the work thread... but there are a couple of guys who I just have to mention, that went above and beyond with their effort and support.

yanksdaniel99 picked up quite a few teams that were vacant as we got into the process. It was a big help with him setting up those clubs.

Throwback and Willard76 went above and beyond to help out with multiple teams to work on faces (Willard on top of rating 2 teams as well) and especially down the homestretch when it was getting very tight

... and last but CERTAINLY not least... RidinDwnKingsley who rated multiple teams... as well as doing ALL the exporting and importing of every player for the set AND testing the set for balance.

Thanks to O.S. as well... Steve for allowing us to use the O.S. name in conjunction with the set and the mods who I'm sure dread when this time of year comes around and they have to keep the peace... and keep the threads moving and productive. They do a tremendous job.

Guys... I can't stress enough how I want to thank each and every guy who participates in the process... not just the guys doing the editing (who do a GREAT JOB)... but also the guys who provide input in the multiple threads.

Every year I am more and more impressed at how well this site works together to make this happen.

If you really think about it... it's a truly impressive process.

On that note... I'm going to ask you to think about how much time and effort these guys put in to making this work... and in doing so, deserve a certain amount of civility and respect when commenting on a particular part of the work. All feedback is welcome... as long as you present it in a civil manner.

That's all any of us ask of this.

Again... thank you for you patience and enjoy the O.S.F.M. 2013 Edition!... and

Enjoy The Show!


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Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 Bacong @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
they're in the vault already? thought they'd be here first

whatever, here I go!
# 262 BASEBALL94 @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by MC2
Please, I'm on the east coast and I have to wake up at 6:45 for school.
haha yea that worse at least i can kind of sleep in. My gf is sleeping also she is just now getting the full effect of my show addiction
# 263 I3RIS3H @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
Finished my frozen pizza just in time!
All nighter time!
# 264 daddies3angels @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
already 200+ DL lol
# 265 soxnut1018 @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
# 266 petermc @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
I play World of Warcraft as well and my arena team is spamming my phone wanting me to go on but they dont understand how awesome baseball is (as a sport sadly none of my friends do) or how awesome these rosters are, I keep saying no OFSM is coming
# 267 rjviking11 @ 04/03/13 12:33 AM
I was Number 2, (said like dr. evil)
# 268 Ween88 @ 04/03/13 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by arennorman
my gf fell asleep earlier pissed off at me cuz she doesnt understand how amazing these rosters are!
Its Cool Bro, My GF doesnt understand either, she thinks sports are stupid, But I still watch and play all the Video games...only trade off is gets the tv Wednesdays nights for Savior
# 269 bobtrain @ 04/03/13 12:33 AM
First download yes!!! Attachment 57807
# 270 hysteria499 @ 04/03/13 12:33 AM
and time for me to have no life for a few hours begins lol
# 271 DPillz1201 @ 04/03/13 12:33 AM

# 272 edeadstroke @ 04/03/13 12:33 AM
Got it! Enjoy your baseball. Good night.
# 273 FloorGeneral @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by soccergods268
how do you get in roster vault dont see it #noob
At the main screen, go to the right once, you should see "Vaults" 4 down from the top, click it, then click "Roster Vault", then "Browse Roster", then go to the "%" section, click square, and the "O.S.F.M2013" is what you wanna download.
# 274 MasonTK @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
Now what....

# 275 RazorbacksIHSV @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
Got them! Good night and Go Cards!
# 276 chadex @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
Nice! I guess me and the USB crowd will simply be waiting here...
# 277 metsfan4life1 @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
Have to get up at 6:45-7 for work in the morning.. In bed now and don't feel like getting up and out of a comftoable position to just download these now. I know they're up and it is time to hit the sack. Goodnight all( mot of you won't be going to bed anytime soon though LOL) Have a great early morning and will be downloading these later today and starting franchise! Can't wait
# 278 TheRock88 @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
Dang this thing is going fast. When I downloaded it I was around #351 and when I finished like 3 seconds later it was already up to 430.
# 279 Bacong @ 04/03/13 12:34 AM
427 when I started, 453 when I finished
# 280 daddies3angels @ 04/03/13 12:35 AM
Fujkawa C potential


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