MLB 13 The Show News Post


Okay...Finally the time is here!

In the Vault: O.S.F.M2013 by RidinDwnKingsley
Link to file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/0pdx99

Thank you everyone for your patience in regards to this year's release.

We had one hitch towards the end....and I (we) are hoping that everything is alright with that one member.

That being said... I have to say that this year's group of editors have put together a tremendous effort with this year's version of the O.S.F.M.

I want to thank each and every member participating on the chart and from the work thread... but there are a couple of guys who I just have to mention, that went above and beyond with their effort and support.

yanksdaniel99 picked up quite a few teams that were vacant as we got into the process. It was a big help with him setting up those clubs.

Throwback and Willard76 went above and beyond to help out with multiple teams to work on faces (Willard on top of rating 2 teams as well) and especially down the homestretch when it was getting very tight

... and last but CERTAINLY not least... RidinDwnKingsley who rated multiple teams... as well as doing ALL the exporting and importing of every player for the set AND testing the set for balance.

Thanks to O.S. as well... Steve for allowing us to use the O.S. name in conjunction with the set and the mods who I'm sure dread when this time of year comes around and they have to keep the peace... and keep the threads moving and productive. They do a tremendous job.

Guys... I can't stress enough how I want to thank each and every guy who participates in the process... not just the guys doing the editing (who do a GREAT JOB)... but also the guys who provide input in the multiple threads.

Every year I am more and more impressed at how well this site works together to make this happen.

If you really think about it... it's a truly impressive process.

On that note... I'm going to ask you to think about how much time and effort these guys put in to making this work... and in doing so, deserve a certain amount of civility and respect when commenting on a particular part of the work. All feedback is welcome... as long as you present it in a civil manner.

That's all any of us ask of this.

Again... thank you for you patience and enjoy the O.S.F.M. 2013 Edition!... and

Enjoy The Show!


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Member Comments
# 241 ozcore @ 04/03/13 12:30 AM
Are u guys gonna start with spring training or skip it? This year I'm playing every single game including spring training lol
# 242 ohdannyboy12 @ 04/03/13 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by TNKNGM
Get a SLingbox (www.slingbox.com) - $175 and it's one of the best investments I have ever made.

I take the iPad with me all over the house and it's like I have a TV w/ me in the launry room, crapper, kitchen, office, garage, on the pool deck, etc.

I literally watch games EVERYWHERE.....I coach hockey and watch on my phone on the bus, etc.
I got slingbox and cancelled my cable. My folks are awesome enough to let me rent a dedicated box from them and I use that, MLB.tv, NHL GameCenter, Netflix, etc. I never have less than 2 games going and it has been great. No cable bill. Only thing I am having trouble with is finding a good VPN or proxy so I can avoid the local blackouts. But you are right, Slingbox is fantastic.
# 243 crains13 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
This guy has a test in the morning, is he studying? Hell no...waiting on OSFM!
# 244 metsfan4life1 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by HeathenBenny
In the wait for OFSM, we have:
  • Why Can't OFSM Be Here?
  • Hi OS!!
  • Pooooooooooooooop

Off to a great start. /sarcasm
Good moive titles I must say... Oh wait...
# 245 xSiQ @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
# 246 RangersCruz @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
i feel like im reading a COD thread lol
# 247 Steelersfan85 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
Its up!!!!!!!!!!
# 248 RPM @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM

Listed under Ridin's name. TYTYTYTY!!!
# 249 ricrane13 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
I see it in the vault!
# 250 rjviking11 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
There it is!!!!!!
# 251 hysteria499 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Bacong
haha yeah she watches a lot of the games I play. She loves baseball too
she rather me play nba 2k13 but baseball is my love since i was a little boy going to OPACY
# 252 daddies3angels @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
Keyword they have up is AROUND 12 EST. They said it be out AROUND opening day it was couple days later. So this roster could be out couple hours later and we all here just wasting our lives away
# 253 Jay0911 @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
Its up!!!!!!!!
# 254 HeathenBenny @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
# 255 RangersCruz @ 04/03/13 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by ozcore
Are u guys gonna start with spring training or skip it? This year I'm playing every single game including spring training lol
Skip i hate SP
# 256 candide @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
It was at 1 DL when I downloaded it, and by the time it was done dowloading it was at 69.

# 257 Dzznutz @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
I was number 41, lol
# 258 JDL375 @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
# 259 ajblithe20 @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
Up over 250 DLs already
# 260 flamarlin2121 @ 04/03/13 12:32 AM
It's here!!!!!!

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