MLB 13 The Show News Post

There are 10 classic stadiums included in MLB 13 The Show. They are free this year and available on the disc. Thanks again chrisjohnson83.

Classic Stadiums
  • Crosley Field
  • Forbes Field
  • Sportsman's Park
  • Polo Grounds
  • Griffith Stadium
  • Yankee Stadium
  • Shea Stadium
  • Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome
  • Sun Life Stadium
  • Shibe Park

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Member Comments
# 81 BeatArmy @ 02/26/13 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigdooky15
Glad they still keep my Sun Life Stadium in there.....even though it physically hurts me to be a Marlins fan nowadays.
I have always had a soft spot for the Marlins and still have my 92 vintage nylon teal Marlins jacket that's seen many brighter days. They'll always be the Florida Marlins to me.
# 82 Curahee @ 02/26/13 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Scribe1980
Did I read that right? They are disc-based this year? So we don't have to hop online to use them? Nice.

Well they've always been disc based but i haven't read anywhere about not needing to be connected to use them.
# 83 NAFBUC @ 02/26/13 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by jmik58
These are the only things I actually forked over the cash to download as add-on content for any sports game in my life. I'm glad more people get to enjoy them now. The Polo Grounds challenge begins. One of these days I'm going to hit one out to dead center field.
Same here jmik along with the xtra stats package. I wonder if you get a trophy for a dead center Polo Grounds homer.
# 84 sydrogerdavid @ 02/26/13 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by BeatArmy
I have always had a soft spot for the Marlins and still have my 92 vintage nylon teal Marlins jacket that's seen many brighter days. They'll always be the Florida Marlins to me.
It would be nice if they went back and put the teal monster back in now that it doesn't have to be so up to date.
# 85 Computalover @ 02/27/13 01:26 PM
i wish memorial stadium in baltimore was included.. its more a classic stadium that friggin sun life..
# 86 catswithbats @ 02/27/13 01:32 PM
They added the Metrodome but not Tiger Stadium, and don't intend on adding more? Have to say I'm a bit disappointed.
# 87 Knight165 @ 02/27/13 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by catswithbats
They added the Metrodome but not Tiger Stadium, and don't intend on adding more? Have to say I'm a bit disappointed.
They didn't add the Metrodome.
It got moved to the "classic" list when they opened up the new stadium in Minny a couple of years ago.

# 88 Curahee @ 02/27/13 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
They didn't add the Metrodome.
It got moved to the "classic" list when they opened up the new stadium in Minny a couple of years ago.

Same with Yankee, Shea & Sun Life

Crosley Field, Forbes Field, Sportsman's Park, Polo Grounds, Griffith Stadium & Shibe Park are the only true Classic Stadiums
# 89 sydrogerdavid @ 02/27/13 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
They didn't add the Metrodome.
It got moved to the "classic" list when they opened up the new stadium in Minny a couple of years ago.

I really wish they would have thought of this plan earlier. We maybe could have still had Busch II and RFK. I know they were never in the PS3 games, but maybe there could have been a chance to put them into MLB 07 when it was first made for the PS3.
# 90 cdncurrency @ 02/27/13 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
They didn't add the Metrodome.
It got moved to the "classic" list when they opened up the new stadium in Minny a couple of years ago.

Exactly. Tiger Stadium was a 'classic' stadium on MVP 05 for the same reason.
# 91 artdog5110 @ 02/27/13 04:58 PM
Oh man I got suckered!LOL. I am not planning on buying this year and when I saw the headline I thought oh man I got to come up with the 60 bucks! Then I read the thread and since I unlocked them the first year I already have them. I thought they were going to add new ones! Oh well! For all those that buy hope you enjoy the game, I know they will send out another great product, just not going to indulge myself this year. I'm going to have to lock myself in my house on the 5th!
# 92 tanchl @ 02/28/13 10:55 PM
The whole "rights" holding baffles me. Tigers Stadium is a vacant lot now, what would it matter if its former likeness were depicted in a video game! Same holds true for other classic stadiums. Just saying.
# 93 Curahee @ 02/28/13 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by tanchl
The whole "rights" holding baffles me. Tigers Stadium is a vacant lot now, what would it matter if its former likeness were depicted in a video game! Same holds true for other classic stadiums. Just saying.
Because someone or some company still holds the rights to the likeness of the stadium.
Like Ebbets field, I'd bet the Ebbets family is a major pain in the "you know what" to deal with.
# 94 thaSLAB @ 02/28/13 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by lynkraid

Well you have the current Tigers Stadium called Comerica Park, then you have Tiger Stadium, then you have Briggs Stadium and Navin Field, all can be considered the old Tiger Stadium. Around here in Michigan Tiger Stadium is usually referred to as "the old Tiger Stadium".
Well in the actual City, we called it Tiger Stadium or The Corner. Comerica is the CoPa, and as nice as it is, would never be considered a replacement or referenced to Tiger Stadium. Unless you meant the Tigers' (possessive) Stadium, which I don't believe you did, being the stadium historian you seem to be.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 95 thaSLAB @ 02/28/13 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
First Classic Stadiums as we know them was MLB10

'10 $9.99 or Free with pre-order
'11 $4.99
'12 $4.99
'13 FREE!
So yeah, I never paid for them...

-- Sent from the Future...
# 96 moose616 @ 04/13/13 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by tanchl
The whole "rights" holding baffles me. Tigers Stadium is a vacant lot now, what would it matter if its former likeness were depicted in a video game! Same holds true for other classic stadiums. Just saying.
Originally Posted by Curahee
Because someone or some company still holds the rights to the likeness of the stadium.
Like Ebbets field, I'd bet the Ebbets family is a major pain in the "you know what" to deal with.
It really is baffling. I understand Curahee, with naming rights. Those are a HUGE pain in a lot of ways. But in the case of a park like Tiger Stadium, wouldn't those rights belong to the Detroit Tigers? If so, with SCEA having a partnership with MLB, it seems odd that they wouldn't be able to recreate it.

The only other block I could see is an issue with the architectural firm that designed the stadium.

Is there something I'm missing?
# 97 Knight165 @ 04/14/13 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by tanchl
The whole "rights" holding baffles me. Tigers Stadium is a vacant lot now, what would it matter if its former likeness were depicted in a video game! Same holds true for other classic stadiums. Just saying.
Michael Jackson is worm food by now....
Try slapping his face on a jar of BBQ sauce and selling it.
You might get a few phone calls from Dershowitz and Klein.

Originally Posted by moose616
It really is baffling. I understand Curahee, with naming rights. Those are a HUGE pain in a lot of ways. But in the case of a park like Tiger Stadium, wouldn't those rights belong to the Detroit Tigers? If so, with SCEA having a partnership with MLB, it seems odd that they wouldn't be able to recreate it.

The only other block I could see is an issue with the architectural firm that designed the stadium.

Is there something I'm missing?
Yeah!...about $200,000 for the rights!

# 98 Perfect Zero @ 04/14/13 11:35 AM
When it comes to rights, somebody has to be paid. Not only that, but SCEA has to take the time to create a brand new stadium. If they are unable to create new stadia for open and closed roofs, I don't know how much time they have for Tiger Stadium.
# 99 gillionaire @ 04/14/13 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by mattndaville
Not to derail the conversation but...

I just hit a homerun to dead center at the Polo Grounds with Jose Bautista.

My life is complete...LOL
How many feet?
# 100 bobloblah1980 @ 04/14/13 06:37 PM
So.. just spiff balling here but if they have no plans to add anymore classics..... Then why not go to a create a stadium ( which has been asked for by us for years now anyways ) with some sort of vault like the rosters and sliders and WE the community could create to the best of our abilities any stadiums we want and share them with each other?

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