Avatar Football News Post

Check out more Avatar Football screenshots, right here.

Coinciding with the start of the NFL playoffs, veteran Xbox 360 Indie developer, Barkers Crest Studio, just released Avatar Football onto the Xbox Live Marketplace.

For 240 Microsoft Points ($3), gamers get:
  • 2D gameplay inspired by Tecmo Super Bowl
  • Play as Xbox Avatars or as realistic football player models
  • 3 vs. 3 online multiplayer
  • Fully editable players, teams and playbooks
  • Create-a-play editor
  • Share edited rosters over Xbox Live
  • Offline single season mode
  • 2 vs. 2 local multiplayer
As of this post, an error on Microsoft's end is preventing the free trial version from appearing on the marketplace. Barkers Crest Studio has gotten in touch with Microsoft and is currently doing everything than can to get a downloadable trial version working.

UPDATE: Check out the Avatar Football video, captured last night from the 4th quarter, it was a crazy finish!

Game: Avatar FootballReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360Votes for game: 1 - View All
Avatar Football Videos
Member Comments
# 21 elgreazy1 @ 01/06/13 10:31 PM
This looks pretty promising. I'll try to download it sometime soon.
# 22 tril @ 01/07/13 01:07 AM
is there a full season mode
# 23 jyoung @ 01/07/13 03:21 AM
There is a single season mode with stat tracking and playoffs.

The schedule is actually identical to the 2012-2013 NFL schedule.
# 24 tsbmolina @ 01/07/13 03:25 AM
This game is cool and all and while it's inspired by Tecmo Bowl it's by no means Tecmo Bowl. It might be comparable to the awful Tecmo Bowl for the Playstation 1 but not the almighty NES Tecmo Super Bowl, sorry.
# 25 statnut @ 01/07/13 11:19 PM
Nothing will ever compare to the NES Tecmo Super Bowl, but this is a pretty solid game in it's own right. I've played three games so far and I've enjoyed it. You definitely get some competition from the AI on hard, which is more than I can say for Tecmo Super Bowl.
# 26 blkbrnrvr @ 01/08/13 08:23 PM
For a couple of bucks, this really is a damn good game. The customization is fantastic and will really give this game some longevity.
# 27 statnut @ 01/08/13 08:54 PM
Yeah I've just started fooling around with the customization. Trying to do all-time rosters for each NFL team.
# 28 bigball12 @ 01/10/13 08:55 PM
Would someone mind sharing the NFL rosters tonight? Thanks
# 29 boomhauertjs @ 01/11/13 11:43 PM
I found a 1-month Gold free trial, but there were no roster sharing sessions when I tried to find some rosters. Can those with rosters let us know when they'll be on so we can download them? Thanks.
# 30 jyoung @ 01/11/13 11:49 PM
I am getting on the roster sharing lobby now if anyone wants to download what I've got.

I will be doing some more work on it this file over the weekend to see how far I can get into the player naming. All the uniforms, conferences and team names are correct, but so far only two teams are fully named (Titans, Colts).
# 31 jyoung @ 01/12/13 12:21 AM
Question for anyone who has downloaded the NFL roster from me:

Are you able to edit the file? Kelso Killers downloaded the file from me and he says he is unable to edit it.
# 32 boomhauertjs @ 01/12/13 08:31 AM
You can't edit your file directly, but if you "create a new roster", it gives you the option to copy an existing roster (including yours). So yes, you can edit it.
# 33 jyoung @ 01/12/13 01:11 PM
Awesome, great find there. I will pass along the word.
# 34 statnut @ 01/12/13 01:52 PM
Still working on franchise rosters. I've got the giants named but I'm concentrating on the teams and uniforms. If anyone has any player suggestions I'm all ears.
# 35 jyoung @ 01/12/13 02:11 PM
I've got all the team names and uniforms already done if you want to save yourself some time. Just let me know and I'll send over the roster I've got.

So far only the AFC South players are fully named. Still working on the rest.
# 36 jyoung @ 01/12/13 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by KingNick865
The custom playbook maker is a lot more fleshed out than you'd think a $3 game would have. The amount of plays you can draw up is almost endless. For example, I love the air raid offense, so I've been busy drawing up staple plays in the typical air raid playbook. (Meshes, Y Shallow Cross, Four Verticals, etc.).
I have been messing around with the play editor today and it is an amazing tool.

I drew up a nasty WR sweep from a custom power I formation that has a pulling TE and pulling RB that works pretty well. Too bad the pulls don't show up on the preplay art screen.
# 37 nowayout47 @ 01/15/13 02:45 PM
Can you remove players completely from teams? Or are there going to be lingering nameless players on the roster? (or is the roster not as expansive as I'm thinking?)
# 38 jyoung @ 01/15/13 11:28 PM
Each team is comprised of the following players:

15 offensive players
11 defensive players

You can edit those players fully.
# 39 jahswill @ 01/16/13 12:56 PM
Downloaded this last night, pretty fun gm. I really like the fact that guys with speed can actually break away in the open field, without all the zig zagging you had to do in Tecmo football. Does anyone have rosters? GT: Jahswill if anyone wants to get some games in.
# 40 davis420 @ 02/03/13 09:20 AM
I just picked this up yesterday for $1.00 , It was worth the price!

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