NBA 2K13 News Post

According to Ronnie2K, the wrong NBA 2K13 roster file was uploaded to 2K Share late last night, the current file (everyone is complaining about) is an older version. They will post an updated version sometime tonight.

I've asked if that means tonight or early tomorrow morning, just awaiting confirmation.

The wrong #NBA2K13 roster update was accidentally posted by dev last night, is an older file. A new one will be posted tonight. Sorry.

There will be a #NBA2K13 roster update early tomorrow morning.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 BayStyles925 @ 10/30/12 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by gator3guy
Shelvin Mack was release late Sunday. He's gone from the "wrong uploaded roster". Hmmmm.
Yup, and Andrew Goudelock who was just waived not too long ago is gone from the "wrong uploaded roster".

Maybe they had 2 rosters, 1 with the roster moves AND the new people being added (Chris Douglas Roberts, Rasheed Wallace, rookies etc) and 1 with JUST the roster moves

That, or they lied and due to the feedback they got, are working nonstop on a new one to put out tonight lol. The world may never know
# 102 qnzballa5 @ 10/30/12 05:04 PM
At least 2k is doing another roster update. Just know that they are because all of the members on here had an input in that. If all of OS members didnt give crititsm about their terrible update then 2k wouldnt have done nothing. Im glad OS gives them postitive feedback when they deserve it but also gives them negative feedback when their service is terrible.
# 103 yOuNgHoLLyWo0d @ 10/30/12 05:10 PM
Didn't know so many females played sports games. I have a life outside of video games. I don't mind waiting a few more hours. #ABunchOfFemaleDog
# 104 zniv @ 10/30/12 05:22 PM
I made this account and wanted to make a topic just for this:

I don't know if this is related to the "wrong" roster update or not, but I've just been using the stock rosters from day one and edited those myself.

Things were fine until today, I was going through my rosters and I find Kemba Walker is now rechristened..."eS Jefferies". Bill Walker has become "Bill Jefferies".

As something is obviously wrong at this point (PS3 user, no hacks, all I have literally done is edit accessories/rotations), I check more, and I find that all players with the first name has become "Leroy". So I have Leroy Lin, Leroy Lamb on the Thunder, Leroy Tyler, Leroy Pargo...absolutely hilarious and infuriating at the same time.

PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one.
# 105 BA2929 @ 10/30/12 05:23 PM
Geez, some of you guys are ruthless for perfection from your free stuff.
# 106 zniv @ 10/30/12 05:26 PM
I'm so new I can't even edit my own post...I meant "all players with the first name Jeremy" have become Leroys, if this were not obvious enough.
# 107 JrueTheFuture @ 10/30/12 05:26 PM
i hope they add Machado to the rox and everyone who got cut into the free agent pool.
# 108 Ceothachosen1 @ 10/30/12 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
Geez, some of you guys are ruthless for perfection from your free stuff.
people payed money for what you call free stuff. nba2k is supposed to be an nba simultion meaning it is supposed to mirror the nba the least they can do is have their rosters correct. ratings are subjective roster moves are not this is not 2 much to ask
# 109 Twista209 @ 10/30/12 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by yOuNgHoLLyWo0d
Didn't know so many females played sports games. I have a life outside of video games. I don't mind waiting a few more hours. #ABunchOfFemaleDog
Some of have very very good jobs where we can browse while on the job.
# 110 iLead2VIctory @ 10/30/12 05:36 PM
also when you say Tonight? in nba 2k language dose that mean thanksgiving?..... off topic but please get the NFL rights back...... because i miss NFL 2K how come those games were so in depth with the highlight's and halftime show's nfl 2k5 for example......and they were on the playstation 2.? wait what? wait say that again the ps2? 2k5? an eight year difference wtf ! did anyone else see that game....the post game end of the week.... off season' highlight's and report's are u kidding me...

# 111 Bull_Market @ 10/30/12 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by zniv
I made this account and wanted to make a topic just for this:

I don't know if this is related to the "wrong" roster update or not, but I've just been using the stock rosters from day one and edited those myself.

Things were fine until today, I was going through my rosters and I find Kemba Walker is now rechristened..."eS Jefferies". Bill Walker has become "Bill Jefferies".

As something is obviously wrong at this point (PS3 user, no hacks, all I have literally done is edit accessories/rotations), I check more, and I find that all players with the first name has become "Leroy". So I have Leroy Lin, Leroy Lamb on the Thunder, Leroy Tyler, Leroy Pargo...absolutely hilarious and infuriating at the same time.

PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one.

Lol @ LeRoy.
# 112 iLead2VIctory @ 10/30/12 05:39 PM
# 113 iLead2VIctory @ 10/30/12 05:43 PM
yoo that sucks! leroy lol dayum ! all that editing did u save it twice at least bro ???
# 114 zniv @ 10/30/12 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by iLead2VIctory
yoo that sucks! leroy lol dayum ! all that editing did u save it twice at least bro ???
No, but its an easy fix for me, I can just import the actual Jeremys and Walkers off a roster that has them right.

What I really wanna know is if anyone else is getting this or really is it just me?? I would post pics if anyone taught me how to take pics with my PS3 (I haven't plugged my iPhone in my computer for ages so not really an option right now). This ish is killing me, lmao.
# 115 ExtraWhistle @ 10/30/12 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by tetoleetd
get off you're high horse man. seriously, do you understand that its a two way street? im giving you money for a product so do your damn job and give me what i paid for. their JOB and RESPONSIBILITY is to put out accurate rosters with the right players on the right teams. its really not that hard either. all they have to do is create the damn players and assign them to their teams and give them ratings. its a cupcake job and they cant even do it right.
Don't forget jersey numbers, but I'm sure that's too much of a task for them haha.
# 116 ExtraWhistle @ 10/30/12 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by RUFFNREADY
Don't expect proper roster tonite, as there are guys who have not signed their contracts, and guys who are not signed with the players association, ala. charles Barkley. So whatever garbage 2K plans to spoon feed us will be garbage to the most of us, and a meal fit for a king to the rest! can you tell i am hungry!
As i look at it; i did not hear or see anything about 2k being on top of their dynamic rosters this year, as they rolled out their features, and fixes for NBA 2K13.
We, as consumers, need to read the fine print sometimes; and learn to read between the lines, when dealing with certain companies with legacy issues.


btw, a box with writing on it in today's world doesn't mean SQUAT; it's just more bling to make you buy it!
I seem to remember this sort of thing with MVP Baseball 05 and Barry Bonds. They just made a white guy with the same ratings Bonds would have an you just went in and edited the name and appearance yourself. Sounds like a good idea.
# 117 BA2929 @ 10/30/12 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ceothachosen1
people payed money for what you call free stuff. nba2k is supposed to be an nba simultion meaning it is supposed to mirror the nba the least they can do is have their rosters correct. ratings are subjective roster moves are not this is not 2 much to ask
No, you paid money for the game. You didn't pay money for the post-release updates. They don't have to do those if they choose not to.
# 118 ffaacc03 @ 10/30/12 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by zniv
No, but its an easy fix for me, I can just import the actual Jeremys and Walkers off a roster that has them right.

What I really wanna know is if anyone else is getting this or really is it just me?? I would post pics if anyone taught me how to take pics with my PS3 (I haven't plugged my iPhone in my computer for ages so not really an option right now). This ish is killing me, lmao.
That is a collateral effect of importing ... of copying players through created teams ... best tip, dont keep importing or everyone else will be affected ... the only way to correct that, is to start over.

It has been like that, glitching, since ever ... Funny thing, they took back exporting teams as they thought it was the sole cause of such glitchs ... obviously, it isnt ... and obviously it was a quick, unthought, incorrect and easy way to deal with it.
# 119 vtcrb @ 10/30/12 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
No, you paid money for the game. You didn't pay money for the post-release updates. They don't have to do those if they choose not to.
We paid for a GAME that should have Roster right out the BOX. They left out guaranteed Guys WHO were signed BEFORE the deadline to be in game. Shved, Teletovic, etc. so BEFORE taking up for 2k ABOUT an UPDATE maybe you should look at what they did with Original Release, If they didnt Drop the ball there, wouldnt be a Need for an Update,people can make Transactions themselves.
# 120 jsquigg @ 10/30/12 06:01 PM
Seriously, how passionless for basketball does the insider have to be to get things wrong that you can google in seconds? This crap might have been excusable in the past, but when there are at least a dozen guys at OS who do a better job with less resources the incompetence at 2k is quite amazing.

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