NCAA Football 13 News Post

Another NCAA Football 13 title update arrives later this month. Check out the details below.

FYI, the Dynasty fixes should take effect in existing Dynasties. No need to start over.

  • Fixed issue where running the no-huddle was taking too long.
  • Fixed an issue where players were sometimes not breaking the huddle.
  • Fixed it so receivers won’t slip as much on the turf when it is raining.
  • Fixed it where prospects were softly committing to schools even though they were not on that school’s recruiting board or showed any interest.
  • Fixed some recruiting logic where CPU teams were not offering scholarships to some prospects.
  • Fixed an issue with uploading highlights to Dynasty Wire.
  • Made the sorting on the Recruiting more user friendly so that it remembers previous sorts.
  • Fixed an issue where a prospect with low interest was getting changed to “N/A”.
  • Fixed an issue where some Online Dynasties were losing players and coaches.
  • Fixed a problem where promises were getting deleted.
Online Head-to-Head
  • Fixed a reporting issue where if someone went offsides three times it forced their opponent into a loss.
  • Increased the stability of the product by fixing various crashes.
Source - Official NCAA Football 13 Website

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 thedudedominick @ 10/18/12 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by PatriotJames
The games have still held up against time the only thing that has gotten better is graphics but at the expense of realism. We were younger back in the day but people still put those games in and play. Now go suck on your pacifier.
I'm not sure how you can argue worse graphics=more realism.

That's what I see is the biggest issue of this generation of football games. As the graphics get better it leads to us all noticing the smaller things more. I mean NCAA 06 people couldn't complain about equipment being wrong or anything like that. We just took it as it was.

The little quirks in the game we accepted because it was just the way it was. Now with graphics the way they are we can pick out tiny flaws, we can see things that are flat out wrong, and we look at the improved graphics and just assume the rest of the game should have improved that much. Plus the ability to patch games just has every gamer making demands. We aren't paying more than we used to for games, but we expect so much more.

I'll agree that the gameplay needs some improvement but I recently went back and played NCAA 07, and couldn't do it. The graphics, the dynasty mode, I prefer that stuff on NCAA 13. In some people's minds the gameplay then was head and shoulders above where it is now, but for me I just don't see it as being enough better to justify ignoring the weak graphics.
# 102 thedudedominick @ 10/18/12 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by PatriotJames
By realism I mean players played by their ratings. I think of Tecmo even. Yeah it was little dots pretty much but the players played how good they were. That's definitely something that is missing. You can tell a 99 player from a 89 and and 89 from a 79 but what about all the inbetween? That's what I meant by realism..
Yeah, it's amazing how there seem to be steps as far as how different guys play. Using Cal Keenen Allen as a 91 WR is a beast, while my 80 overall number 2 WR can't get off the line.
# 103 WeFireThoseCannons @ 10/19/12 12:22 AM
Lets cross our fingers and that the update is 19th.

I have not played this whole week since I want to restart dynasty if recruiting fix is true. I hate seeing a guy I'm recruiting having a team 800pts ahead of me basically should have already signed. CPU teams need to offer scholarships. I feel cheap when I get those guys even though the cpu is incompetent. I notice USC, Texas, Florida's big three don't always offer the top players scholarships.
# 104 Mazarati 2012 @ 10/19/12 11:56 AM
I saw several used copies of NCAA 13 at Game Stop...they're even offering 30 dollars for a trade-in until the 21st..I guess a lot of people are frustrated with this game...I'll wait to see what this update fixes and if there's still problems I will be getting rid of mine too...I love college football but it's getting old not being able to complete a dynasty without it freezing so much.....
# 105 fistofrage @ 10/19/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by PatriotJames
Yeah, I got that message too. I wonder if that's why NCAA held off on the patch. If it came out before people would know whether or not to return it..
$30. I think that sounds like a great deal considering I got it new for $45. Time to cut my losses.
# 106 darren1024 @ 10/20/12 11:22 AM
if it is out on ps3, its not out on 360.i just logged on & no patch.
# 107 Soonerfan14 @ 10/20/12 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by darren1024
if it is out on ps3, its not out on 360.i just logged on & no patch.
Awe what the heck ugh
# 108 pimpinpidgeon8 @ 10/20/12 11:37 AM
Stuck working my crap hole job all day so I'll be waiting for impressions just like everyone else. Ugh! Hopefully don't have to restart my dynasty.
# 109 darren1024 @ 10/20/12 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by racerx
Maybe its a mirage but the Sliders seem more aggressive now. I am using Fistofrage sliders and with CPU Pass acc at 5 I have seen more overthrown balls the before the patch and I noticed with RB Ability at 95, I have seen a lot more broken tackles.

Just some quick observations....
are these good things?
# 110 racerx @ 10/20/12 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by darren1024
are these good things?
I would say yes!!
# 111 LionsFanNJ @ 10/20/12 12:03 PM
Of course it drops when I have to work all day. Sigh.
# 112 darren1024 @ 10/20/12 12:24 PM
still no patch on 360. im guessing itll drop on monday or tuesday.
# 113 Soonerfan14 @ 10/20/12 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by racerx
I ran 4 straight plays with 4 Verticals and everytime the safety was right there with the WR and not committing in. I need more people to test this as well just to see this was not a fluke.
Hey I'm getting m hopes up. I'd test I but unforunaty I'm on the 360...no patch yet

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