NBA 2K13 News Post

2K Sports has just released some NBA 2K13 Association and Online Association details.

Would love for them to go into more detail about the "Bug Fixes" though.

Offline Association:
  • New NBA.com interface (the landing screen for the mode), information such as league leaders, injuries, standings are VERY accessible now.
  • Total Sim Control
  • New CBA rules
  • ‘Start Today’ feature
  • All-Star Weekend integration (if All-Star DLC is installed)
  • Revamped Team Building logic
  • All-new lineup/rotation logic
  • Improved trading logic
  • Other smaller fixes (improved draft generation, etc.)
  • Bug fixes! (based on community feedback from last year)
Association Online:

Commissioner Tools:
  • Customizable Sliders
  • Adjust League Speed
  • Advance League (1 week at a time)
  • Advance to Next Round (in the playoffs)
  • Pause/Resume League
  • Unlock All Games (flex schedule)
  • Reset Games / Force Winner

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 mymannemcee @ 09/28/12 07:44 PM
Was REALLY hoping those who had ASW could go to it during an ONLINE Association. Damn it all.
# 22 Caveman24 @ 09/28/12 07:45 PM
Soon as I get 2k13

*Insert 2k13 loads association*
-Pick random team
(look at minutes and potential)

-sim threw first year
(takes notes on who got traded and for what)

Bobcats shouldn't beat Heat in playoffs

My record shouldn't be 134-33

look at stats Kobe should put up his usual 25 5 5 CP3 better not average 7.2 ast

-Off season
See who leaving what team and is it realistic

Start draft

Do offseason Dwight,CP3 etc better not be in there CP3 shouldn't go play with the Cavs and have Kyrie riding the bench.

-Season 2
Head right to practice look at my rookies cold/hot zone.

After all that then I'll judge.
# 23 ffaacc03 @ 09/28/12 07:46 PM
Sincere thanks to LD2K for taking the time and will to get this, your work wont go unnoticed ...

Had my hopes scalade rapidly whith the prospect of an insight and bullet points ...

Just really hope that Association is bugless free ! ... and that some more editability is given to us, be it out of the box or later on with a patch or via one of the newly acclaimed game updates.

Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
Association better be damn bug free right out of the box.
Fixed and Agreed !
# 24 Dazraz @ 09/28/12 07:48 PM
Any idea what the 'Start Today' item is?
# 25 threattonature @ 09/28/12 07:50 PM
I seriously would be happy if they fix the big problems from last year plus added what they added. It would be nice if they listed the bugs they fixed so that we know what was actually addressed and what bugs we can still expect to see.

For me the big one is still big contracts offered to bad players and certain contracts zeroing out after two years. That plus award races not showing at all.
# 26 RocketTMac1 @ 09/28/12 07:53 PM
So are real injuries going to be carried over?
# 27 leo2k2ndc @ 09/28/12 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
Any idea what the 'Start Today' item is?
Not 100% sure, but I think they said in assocation, if you start it during the real NBA Season you can take their IRL stats and bring it into the association. Like if its 20 games into the season and you choose that options, you'll start on the 21st game and if LeBron avg 25pt 5reb 7ast IRL, he'll start the 21st game with those stats in game.
# 28 SoxFan01605 @ 09/28/12 08:01 PM
Is this the info that was supposed to make us "grin from ear to ear" when we got it? If they gave an actual breakdown of the bugs that were fixed I might be grinning. I wasn't expecting much, but why on earth did this "insight" take so long to get posted when it is essentially the same info we already had plus a generic "bug fixes" tacked on at the end?

Hopefully the fixes and tweaks were significant. I guess we'll find out soon enough when the game drops since 2K isn't telling us.
# 29 kenn5373 @ 09/28/12 08:17 PM
I hope that we no longer have silhouettes in game for rookies. That's been a problem for to long.
# 30 Optik @ 09/28/12 08:25 PM
They needed 3 days to come up with this?

I've written exam answers longer than this
# 31 Optik @ 09/28/12 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by JBreezeNY

Originally Posted by payton425
Unfortunately they r listening to online gamers...so called celebs...multiple types of shoes...stuff that many people don't care about. But it seems like as many people who don't like the above more people do...that is the world we live in today.
Yeah...because online gamers SOOO want to play with Justin Bieber in his new Hyperdunks. SMH. Dude, GTFOH.
# 32 Rain816 @ 09/28/12 08:36 PM
That insight was pathetic and we knew 80% of that anyway....wow...that's just plain lazy
# 33 Dazraz @ 09/28/12 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by leo2k2ndc
Not 100% sure, but I think they said in assocation, if you start it during the real NBA Season you can take their IRL stats and bring it into the association. Like if its 20 games into the season and you choose that options, you'll start on the 21st game and if LeBron avg 25pt 5reb 7ast IRL, he'll start the 21st game with those stats in game.
Thanks for the reply. Not a feature many will use I guess but another attention to detail that 2K bring to the game.
# 34 BRxSKINSx @ 09/28/12 08:49 PM
That was an insight....? Really....
# 35 kjjnesb @ 09/28/12 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
but why on earth did this "insight" take so long to get posted when it is essentially the same info we already had plus a generic "bug fixes" tacked on at the end?
I very much appreciate 2k getting this info to us when they had no concret plans to do anything like this and I'm sure they're busy making the game but that is a damn good question.

I mean this isn't too heavy in terms of detail or anything and we got it a week before launch sooo I'm guessing getting info and insights approved and rubber stamped must be a super hectic process for the markting guys.
# 36 crosstheriver @ 09/28/12 08:49 PM
# 37 mylifeishid @ 09/28/12 08:55 PM
This might work. My biggest gripe with Association was the stuff "under the hood", this wasn't a car that needed a paint job, this is a car in need of an oil change, we gotta get behind the wheel to notice any changes. If 2k is true to their bullet points, this could be a big improvement. When I saw the brevity if that "insight", my first reaction was rage. But, taking a step back and looking at the big picture, improving logic and team building was my main criticism.
# 38 Optik @ 09/28/12 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by kjjnesb
I very much appreciate 2k getting this info to us when they had no concret plans to do anything like this and I'm sure they're busy making the game but that is a damn good question.

I mean this isn't too heavy in terms of detail or anything and we got it a week before launch sooo I'm guessing getting info and insights approved and rubber stamped must be a super hectic process for the markting guys.
This was released by the 2K Producer, Erick Boenisch, on a Tumblr BLOG. What super hectic process? We got more detail about this from an interview Erick did last week. They shouldn't have bothered with this.
# 39 kjjnesb @ 09/28/12 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by mylifeishid
This might work. My biggest gripe with Association was the stuff "under the hood", this wasn't a car that needed a paint job, this is a car in need of an oil change, we gotta get behind the wheel to notice any changes. If 2k is true to their bullet points, this could be a big improvement. When I saw the brevity if that "insight", my first reaction was rage. But, taking a step back and looking at the big picture, improving logic and team building was my main criticism.
My first reaction when I saw the various improved logics was atleast they're saying they attempted it and the smaller fixes interest me hopefully they added the ability to edit age back and fixed the draft class freeze glitch.
# 40 QKnick @ 09/28/12 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by mylifeishid
This might work. My biggest gripe with Association was the stuff "under the hood", this wasn't a car that needed a paint job, this is a car in need of an oil change, we gotta get behind the wheel to notice any changes.
Totally agree! I look at any additional perks as icing on the cake. What I, and I think a majority of the users on this forum are looking for is a stable, fun, and statistically sound association mode. Let us run 5+ seasons deep and get realistic results.

I'm willing to give 2K another shot at gaining our trust and hoping that they stay true to their word. We've been burned before but I am hoping that the 2K crew can establish a strong bond with the 'association' community. We're gamers too!

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