NBA 2K13 News Post

2K Sports has revealed NBA 2K13 player ratings for 3 more players.
  • Austin Rivers - 67
  • Chris Paul - 94
  • Amare Stoudemire - 84
Previously revealed NBA 2K13 player ratings below.
  • Andrew Bynum - 87
  • Michael Kidd-Gilchrist - 78
  • Tyreke Evans - 81
  • Michael Jordan - 99
  • Derrick Rose - 92
  • Allen Iverson - 95 (00-01 NBA Finals Iverson)
  • Jared Dudley - 75
  • Thomas Robinson - 75
  • Scottie Pippen - 92
  • Kevin Love - 89
  • Anthony Davis - 80
  • Monta Ellis - 86
  • Dion Waiters - 71
  • Andre Iguodala - 87
  • Kobe Bryant - 93
  • Carmelo Anthony - 92
  • Rajon Rondo - 90
  • Kevin Durant - 94 (Dropped 1 point)
  • Blake Griffin - 86 (Dropped 1 point)
  • Harrison Barnes - 75

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 tuck243 @ 09/06/12 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by Norris_Cole
Not bad. I hope Rivers got great handles, and good ability to shoot off the dribble. BUT if the 2k insider did his job he should give Rivers a horrible mid range rating. I think he only made 1 mid range jumpshot during last season...
Haha this isn't true... Where are you getting your stats from??
# 62 MarvinOida @ 09/06/12 01:49 AM
I just looked at my 2K12 rosters and it's rated somewhat very close to the 2K13 ratings (overall, not individual) Weird occurrence.
# 63 CD90 @ 09/06/12 01:54 AM
YOU are the Insider. Haha
# 64 2_headedmonster @ 09/06/12 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by triplewgf
Amar'e actually began performing better towards the end of the year last year, before his back injury. He still shot a high percentage at the rim, very close to his career numbers. Where he fell off was in the mid-range department -- he shot well below his career averages.

There's no reason to believe that Amare can't regain his midrange touch. When he does, people will have to play up on him again and he'll look a lot more athletic driving past them.
Originally Posted by tuck243
You are fooling my friend...

67 for a player that is a great scorer is not acceptable especially since Dion Waiters was a 71... Seem too low to me...
being a great scorer at one level does not automatically translate.
# 65 madman773 @ 09/06/12 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by SouthBeach
I kinda look at the current ratings to get an idea for what other players may be rated, based on their play this past season.

To me, 84 seems a bit right and a bit wrong, in a sense, for Stat.

Either way, I'm just concerned with Wade's rating whenever they release it. If Kobe's a 93, I really don't want Wade to be overrated having won another championship. We'll see, I guess.
Kobe has been overrated the last 4 years
# 66 speedy9386 @ 09/06/12 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by Colts18
If he was I wouldn't trip. He hasn't touched an NBA court. I don't see the issue.
Just because they haven't played yet doesn't mean they don't have skill.
# 67 DamnYanks2 @ 09/06/12 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Speedy_Bronco
Looking at your username, Your are obviously not trying to hide your Kentucky bias. Listen, Austin Rivers is a MUCH MORE nba ready player than MKG is. Austin Rivers has a natural feel for the speed of NBA basketball. He didn't grow up just playing basketball, he grew up playing NBA basketball. Trust me, He's gonna be a much better NBA player than he was a college player.
Not even close, MKG is a much better pick then Rivers right now. Look, we don't know how either one is gonna pan out in the league, but I would build a team around MKG, his unselfishness, work ethic, defense, and athleticism makes him a easy pick over Rivers. Rivers is definitely a SG, he has a better jumper then MKG, that's all I would give him, there is a reason Kidd-Gilchrist went Number 2 you know.
# 68 NowAndLaterCARZ @ 09/06/12 05:33 AM
austin rivers rating reminds me of jimmer fredette's rookie rating in 2k12. they were both great scorers in college, great shooters, and both lacked defensively. both are not true pg's henceforth 60's rating. it seems austin will have to prove himself worthy of a 70s rating this season
# 69 verbalhologram @ 09/06/12 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Speedy_Bronco
I honestly think Rivers' ratings is a bit low. But then again, the formula, the overall formula.
No offence mate,but did you see him in summer league he struggled big time and I think it will be a few years until we see him develop,the rating is on point imo.
# 70 manustyle90 @ 09/06/12 06:32 AM
i hope amare has the "glass breaker" signature skill
# 71 KDurant35 @ 09/06/12 07:55 AM
CP3 can't be 94 if Durant is 94..93 would be good for him, or put Durant back at 95
# 72 Mac33 @ 09/06/12 08:09 AM
Guys what do overall ratings even mean really? Austin will still be effective. We all know this. I'm cool with the ratings.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
# 73 nova91 @ 09/06/12 08:49 AM
Austin Rivers is a 67 as a PG, probably 70-72 as a SG. I forget what Jimmer's rating was as a PG but iirc it went up by like 3 points when I switched him to a SG.
# 74 iLLosophy @ 09/06/12 09:42 AM
Is there any reason why we can't see the screens for players who's already had their ratings released (like we did with durant, rose, griffin, and jordan)?
# 75 violatedterror @ 09/06/12 10:20 AM
84 for Stoudemire?! I see him as more of an 83.75.

Why is it year after year people still continue to overreact to numbers? Can't we at least wait 'til the game is in our hands to whine and complain?
# 76 YoungBuck3 @ 09/06/12 10:30 AM
When will people learn? overall rating doesn't mean ****. As long as they play true to their real life counterparts, what difference does that little "overall" rating matter, it's all of the other, specific, ratings that matter.

Last year Dirk was what like 85 or something? so many people I know were raging about it "wah wah wah Dirk an 85, put a championship on his back", but his overall didn't mean jack, Dirk was beast on the game if you played him like Dirk, his stats were great for making Dirk like Dirk, that's all that matters.

They should just do away with the overall rating, it doesn't mean a damn thing beyond giving people something to complain about "if this guy is an 84 my guy better be an 87" blah blah blah lol. I don't care whether a guys overall says he is 75, 85, 9001, as long as the other numbers equal a realistic representation of the player. When you're actually playing a game, what relevance does that overall number have to you? none? it's the other stats that matter. People in here talking about how Bosh needs to be better than Amare, Bosh is a better player than Amare in my opinion, but I don't give a damn who has a higher overall rating, what I care about is that Bosh plays like Bosh and Amare plays like Amare.
# 77 KB2009Champ @ 09/06/12 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by YoungBuck3
When will people learn? overall rating doesn't mean ****. As long as they play true to their real life counterparts, what difference does that little "overall" rating matter, it's all of the other, specific, ratings that matter.

Last year Dirk was what like 85 or something? so many people I know were raging about it "wah wah wah Dirk an 85, put a championship on his back", but his overall didn't mean jack, Dirk was beast on the game if you played him like Dirk, his stats were great for making Dirk like Dirk, that's all that matters.

They should just do away with the overall rating, it doesn't mean a damn thing beyond giving people something to complain about "if this guy is an 84 my guy better be an 87" blah blah blah lol. I don't care whether a guys overall says he is 75, 85, 9001, as long as the other numbers equal a realistic representation of the player. When you're actually playing a game, what relevance does that overall number have to you? none? it's the other stats that matter. People in here talking about how Bosh needs to be better than Amare, Bosh is a better player than Amare in my opinion, but I don't give a damn who has a higher overall rating, what I care about is that Bosh plays like Bosh and Amare plays like Amare.
No offense but this thread was created to discuss their ratings. We are all feigning for the game and who does it hurt for a ratings debate/discussion to occur in a thread about ratings? Don't click the link next time if these discussions get on your nerves.

Really simple solution IMO.
# 78 madman773 @ 09/06/12 10:55 AM
I just hope they dont overrate kobe at the begging of the season cause he should be a 89 or somwhere in that area.avging 30ppg and shotting 43% from the field for a 6'7 sg is not good at all.
# 79 bm011 @ 09/06/12 01:29 PM
First set of ratings that I actually like. I would maybe put amare down a point or two, but thats just nit-picking. I was starting to get worried that these rookies would all be high to mid 70's (with davis at 80) and that our whole concept of ratings was just going to be elevated.
# 80 Thunder Storm @ 09/06/12 01:36 PM
As soon as I saw that Amare 84 in the title I knew this thread would be full of whining and bishing. Not even gonna read all this lol. Just wait for the game guys.

2K is just predicting a bounce back year.

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