NBA 2K13 News Post

2K Sports has revealed NBA 2K13 player ratings for 3 more players.
  • Austin Rivers - 67
  • Chris Paul - 94
  • Amare Stoudemire - 84
Previously revealed NBA 2K13 player ratings below.
  • Andrew Bynum - 87
  • Michael Kidd-Gilchrist - 78
  • Tyreke Evans - 81
  • Michael Jordan - 99
  • Derrick Rose - 92
  • Allen Iverson - 95 (00-01 NBA Finals Iverson)
  • Jared Dudley - 75
  • Thomas Robinson - 75
  • Scottie Pippen - 92
  • Kevin Love - 89
  • Anthony Davis - 80
  • Monta Ellis - 86
  • Dion Waiters - 71
  • Andre Iguodala - 87
  • Kobe Bryant - 93
  • Carmelo Anthony - 92
  • Rajon Rondo - 90
  • Kevin Durant - 94 (Dropped 1 point)
  • Blake Griffin - 86 (Dropped 1 point)
  • Harrison Barnes - 75

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 RedSceptile @ 09/05/12 10:49 PM
If that was sarcasm my fault. It's hard to navigate the discussion of Player Overalls easily man..
# 42 squeakybirnbaum @ 09/05/12 10:53 PM
(it was sarcasm). I don't understand why people freak out about overall either. It could be a matter of 1 point in an individual skill rating like defensive rebounding that is making the difference between somebody being rated 1 point overall higher or lower.
# 43 beast10 @ 09/05/12 10:56 PM
I'm pretty sure Rivers is listed at PG with like a 50 passing attribute .. Put him at SG and watch his be a 74
# 44 beast10 @ 09/05/12 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by AirTeezy
Because he has the same rating as KD.......
Just like LeBron being a 99 and people saying he's not close to MJ. So 98 sounds better
Do you not understand the rating system?
They are not comparing MJ to LeBron they are giving LeBron the attributes he deserves which turn out to be a 99.
# 45 Colts18 @ 09/05/12 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by AirTeezy
Because he has the same rating as KD.......
Just like LeBron being a 99 and people saying he's not close to MJ. So 98 sounds better
Depending on the year, there could possibly be years in which current LeBron outrates Jordan. Every Jordan isn't going to be better than current LeBron.
# 46 iLLosophy @ 09/05/12 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by sword1986
Ok so now we know for sure ....

Chris Paul 94
Deron Williams 93 (or 92)
Derrick Rose 92

because in that order, thats the top 3 point guards in the NBA
Really curious where they put Westbrook in all this.
# 47 jersez @ 09/05/12 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
he cant go below 80 why not if its deserved? we cant use his pheonix suns days as the basis for his rating
Look at my previous post, I said I was guessing as to why he wasn't lower, I just didn't state, that it was just a thought. I feel as if 2k gives some players a break because of what they did.

Imo he should be a 77, but I'm okay with the 84 because he isn't complete garbage yet, and a he has not fallen to that 70's range yet. Imo the 70s range is for role players and rookies, I don't think that is amare right now.
# 48 grahf21 @ 09/05/12 11:30 PM
OMG totally agree with rating of the top 3 point guards, but I don't think we can look at overalls at face value. I think certain positions have specific skills that boost the rating more than others. For example passing is key for PG, but obviously Derrick Rose lacks in that department compared to CP3 and DWill. Knowing that DRose is hanging close to them despite this fact shows how much of a beast Rose is in this game.

A good example is Dirk always being rated in mid 80s despite being the best PF in the NBA for past few years (has Love passed him?). He has plenty un-PowerForward like skills that make him a great player but not necessarily the prototypical PF that determines overall rating.
# 49 ondreythegiant @ 09/05/12 11:39 PM
2k fever sure is spreading early this year
# 50 stillfeelme @ 09/06/12 12:02 AM
Amare went up by 1 and had a down year. His jumper was off most of the season. I actually thought he would be somewhere in the low 80's 81, 82. There is no way Amare can be rated higher than Aldridge who I think is the best comparison. Similar jump shooting PF's that don't rebound that well.
# 51 MarvellousOne @ 09/06/12 12:03 AM
Austin Rivers gets a 67...can't argue with that. Personally I think it's pretty accurate for his PG ability, the guys isn't good defensively and he isn't a paser by any means truthfully and being that Hornets will probably run him at PG because of Gordan being the starting SG I think 2k nailed it for him
# 52 JwP23 @ 09/06/12 12:07 AM

So Isiah Thomas would be at least 95 and Magic Johnson would be like 97.
# 53 JasonWilliams55 @ 09/06/12 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
Really curious where they put Westbrook in all this.
I feel 2k will give him a 90 just cause, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him anywhere from 88-92.
# 54 Belly_of_a_Whale @ 09/06/12 12:46 AM
It's interesting who's ratings they've chosen to reveal. There's been 2 Knicks, 2 Clippers, 2 Kings and 2 Hornets, yet several teams have not had a single player's rating released, including not a single player from one of the Texas teams. I'm not even from Texas, but that hurts.
# 55 Belly_of_a_Whale @ 09/06/12 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
I feel 2k will give him a 90 just cause, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him anywhere from 88-92.
Westbrook will be at least a 91. No matter what you think of him as a point guard, he's just too athletic and talented, with skills in every category.
# 56 Belly_of_a_Whale @ 09/06/12 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
Amare went up by 1 and had a down year. His jumper was off most of the season. I actually thought he would be somewhere in the low 80's 81, 82. There is no way Amare can be rated higher than Aldridge who I think is the best comparison. Similar jump shooting PF's that don't rebound that well.
Don't worry, Aldridge will have him easily beat with at least an 86. I wouldn't be surprised with an 87 or 88, either.

I'm interested to see what Bosh gets, though. His stats suffer playing with 2 of the best players in the game, but 2K needs to look beyond stats and realize that he's still a great player who should be rated higher than Amare with at least an 85. Hopefully, an 86.
# 57 Norris_Cole @ 09/06/12 12:52 AM
Not bad. I hope Rivers got great handles, and good ability to shoot off the dribble. BUT if the 2k insider did his job he should give Rivers a horrible mid range rating. I think he only made 1 mid range jumpshot during last season...
# 58 Belly_of_a_Whale @ 09/06/12 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by MoGotti
you said it yourself what he does better than austin...

hes a much more physical player than austin albeit they play different positions.
The real puzzling rookie rating is Barnes. There seems to be too much differential between him, Waiters and Rivers. 73 or 74 overall seems more in line for a player that underachieved and couldn't create his own shot in college.
# 59 BRxSKINSx @ 09/06/12 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Colts18
No, I am asking what is the point of saying, "He should be 1 point lower." What is 1 point? How is that really a difference.
Who are you...? The 2k insider...?
If its just one point and doesn't matter.... Why even comment on it...? I was just saying his rating was okay, maybe 1 freaking point too high... Geez....
# 60 tuck243 @ 09/06/12 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Colts18
If he was I wouldn't trip. He hasn't touched an NBA court. I don't see the issue.
You are fooling my friend...

67 for a player that is a great scorer is not acceptable especially since Dion Waiters was a 71... Seem too low to me...

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