NBA 2K13 News Post

During the 2K Live-stream, we managed to capture Kevin Durant's Signature Skills for NBA 2K13. As Ronnie explained, Durant will have the Shot Creator, Microwave, Deadeye, Closer and Finisher Signature Skills. The image also shows a glimpse at what Jay-Z has been working on, as Executive Producer.

LD2K mentioned via Twitter the following.

The difference between a FINISHER & a CLOSER is:
  • CLOSER: This player raises his game in clutch moments.
  • FINISHER: This player is adept at finishing contact layups and dunks at a higher rate than others.
More details in the Dev writeup (and video) coming Sunday via the Live-stream.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 FLAWDAxBALLA954 @ 09/01/12 12:52 PM
I kind of like the lay out its something new and itsnot like you spend all day staring at it...atleast I hope not. Even though i like the signature skills I do see it as something for people who don't really know basketball. Example we all knew that kevin durant is a dead eye shooter but I thinkthe skillsvis more to help unfamiliar players utilize them to thier best abilities. Maybe Im wrong but I don't see much cheese going on with them and I look forward to those intense moments of guarding the last shot....adrenaline rush.
# 142 FLAWDAxBALLA954 @ 09/01/12 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by FLAWDAxBALLA954
I kind of like the lay out its something new and itsnot like you spend all day staring at it...atleast I hope not. Even though i like the signature skills I do see it as something for people who don't really know basketball. Example we all knew that kevin durant is a dead eye shooter but I thinkthe skillsvis more to help unfamiliar players utilize them to thier best abilities. Maybe Im wrong but I don't see much cheese going on with them and I look forward to those intense moments of guarding the last shot....adrenaline rush.
Excuse my typos, my ipod does'nt always agree with me
# 143 liberaluser @ 09/01/12 12:55 PM
All this drama over sig skills lol.

I have a feeling that the skill system will be more balanced than ratings alone, since capturing superstars' qualities just leads to an arms race where all their ratings get jacked up.

Now 2K can balance the ratings for offense and defense at a more reasonable level while creating a separate but predictable boost from certain skills that don't mess up the ratings.

The 2K Insiders didn't notice anything crazy from the sig skills, so don't get bent out of shape yet.
# 144 Belly_of_a_Whale @ 09/01/12 01:21 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere, but it seems that "Put-Back Dunker" would be a worthy sig skill. Also, there should be a sig skill for taking charges and THROWING (and finishing) alley oops, as some players are definitely better than others.

And KLove should get a special "Outlet Passer" or "Full Court Passer" skill.
# 145 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/01/12 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Belly_of_a_Whale
I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere, but it seems that "Put-Back Dunker" would be a worthy sig skill. Also, there should be a sig skill for taking charges and THROWING (and finishing) alley oops, as some players are definitely better than others.

And KLove should get a special "Outlet Passer" or "Full Court Passer" skill.
I still don't understand why this can't be captured with ratings. What can signature skills do that player ratings cannot?
# 146 Biagas @ 09/01/12 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
I still don't understand why this can't be captured with ratings. What can signature skills do that player ratings cannot?
Stuff like brick wall was in the earlier games? how? like perkins setting screens for durant, brick wall makes them more effective right
# 147 Yungturbo @ 09/01/12 01:38 PM
He is 6'10
# 148 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/01/12 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Biagas
Stuff like brick wall was in the earlier games? how? like perkins setting screens for durant, brick wall makes them more effective right
I never said anything was in any game.

Once again... what exactly does "Brick Wall" do that a "Set Screen" rating could not?
# 149 Biagas @ 09/01/12 01:46 PM
Never saw a set screen rating before

I think its cooler than just ratings.

And it'd probably make the insider make the players skills more accurate because a lot of times ive seen roleplayers get garbage stats just because they aren't big names. Guess whoever does the ratings will have to actually think about the real life skills instead of just assigning different numbers to a players ratings.
# 150 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/01/12 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Biagas
Never saw a set screen rating before

I think its cooler than just ratings.
That's a terrible reason.

Originally Posted by Biagas
And it'd probably make the insider make the players skills more accurate because a lot of times ive seen roleplayers get garbage stats just because they aren't big names. Guess whoever does the ratings will have to actually think about the real life skills instead of just assigning different numbers to a players ratings.
Explain to me how this isn't true with numerical ratings. Maybe I'm missing something.
# 151 Belly_of_a_Whale @ 09/01/12 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
I still don't understand why this can't be captured with ratings. What can signature skills do that player ratings cannot?
There's no rating for put-back dunk, alley-oop, full court pass, setting screens, chase down block, etc. Sure, 2k COULD make 30 more rating categories and really mess with the overall ratings of players, but these are skill sets that not every player possesses, so the ratings for them would be really skewed.

As long as it doesn't become too easy to do something just because a player has a sig skill, there's really no harm. It's a way to differentiate players so they don't all play the same. I'm sure each of these skills have new animations that go with them, so it will really add to the overall possibilities/realism of each game.
# 152 Paul Pierce_OS @ 09/01/12 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
I never said anything was in any game.

Once again... what exactly does "Brick Wall" do that a "Set Screen" rating could not?
The set screen tendencies just meant the player would set more screens, the brick wall thing means when a player sets a pick it's stronger ala KG.

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# 153 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/01/12 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Belly_of_a_Whale
There's no rating for put-back dunk, alley-oop, full court pass, setting screens, chase down block, etc. Sure, 2k COULD make 30 more rating categories and really mess with the overall ratings of players, but these are skill sets that not every player possesses, so the ratings for them would be really skewed.

That was already the case with numerical ratings.

Originally Posted by Belly_of_a_Whale
As long as it doesn't become too easy to do something just because a player has a sig skill, there's really no harm. It's a way to differentiate players so they don't all play the same. I'm sure each of these skills have new animations that go with them, so it will really add to the overall possibilities/realism of each game.
For the second time...

That was already the case with numerical ratings.

Originally Posted by Paul Pierce
The set screen tendencies just meant the player would set more screens, the brick wall thing means when a player sets a pick it's stronger ala KG.
I said rating, not tendency.
# 154 Biagas @ 09/01/12 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
That's a terrible reason.

Explain to me how this isn't true with numerical ratings. Maybe I'm missing something.
like when nick collison for OKC got like a 40-50 rating in defense awareness and amare got a rating in the 70s.

If those were sig skills, I don't think that would happen..basically I am saying that the 2kinsider doesn't touch on all players like he should, and since we got this new feature i'm sure the 2k team will want him to make every player have the most accurate skills so I would believe it'd force him to give accurate skills instead of just seeing a player and scaling a number. Like nick collison 40-50 D-awareness. Thats crazy..at least now he'll get that trash can thing or whatever
# 155 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/01/12 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Biagas
like when nick collison for OKC got like a 40-50 rating in defense awareness and amare got a rating in the 70s.

If those were sig skills, I don't think that would happen..basically I am saying that the 2kinsider doesn't touch on all players like he should, and since we got this new feature i'm sure the 2k team will want him to make every player have the most accurate skills so I would believe it'd force him to give accurate skills instead of just seeing a player and scaling a number. Like nick collison 40-50 D-awareness. Thats crazy..at least now he'll get that trash can thing or whatever
So you're saying it's a shortcut because the 2K insider is stupid, lazy or both.

I would say fire his dumb ***, but maybe that's just me.
# 156 Biagas @ 09/01/12 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
So you're saying it's a shortcut because the 2K insider is stupid, lazy or both.

I would say fire his dumb ***, but maybe that's just me.
I think some role players could use more attention. Just makes everything more distinct..might seem gimmicky but I like it.
# 157 TheKasmar @ 09/01/12 02:54 PM
I hope fatigue will still be taken into account given the sig skills of certain players. While sig skills may be pointless to some, there are plenty of newcomers to the 2k series who will find this addition helpful.
# 158 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/01/12 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Biagas
I think some role players could use more attention.
Once again, if that's what 2K wants, then fire the dickhead working as the 2K Insider and hire someone with sense.
# 159 stillfeelme @ 09/01/12 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
I still don't understand why this can't be captured with ratings. What can signature skills do that player ratings cannot?
I think it probably comes down to memory 30 new categories for each player for the whole league would be roughly 10,800 sig skill ratings for the whole league. I would guess that is the reason.
# 160 Yungturbo @ 09/01/12 03:09 PM
He does have the best first step & cross over of any SF

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