Madden NFL 13 News Post

“Chase your dream.”

That’s what my coaches used to tell me. It’s what my friends and family tell me to this day. But what if my dreams and aspirations always involved playing or coaching in the NFL? Sad to say that for myself, and probably most of you, that playing in the NFL just isn’t going to be happening anytime soon. So we do what we do best, we compromise and try and fulfill are dreams within the Madden football series.

Well thanks to the near-complete redesign of the said series, in Madden NFL 13 those dreams may be able to finally come to fruition more than ever. With new animations, the most innovative Madden feature to date – and possibly any sports game ever – Connected Career mode, and the introduction of the Infinity engine, Madden NFL 13 should finally be able to please both the hardcore and casual gamers.

Being skeptical when reviewing the most anticipated sports game of the year is a must. You find yourself looking for wrongs moreso than rights. But after playing Madden for a week, those wrongs don’t tend to come up too often.

Read More - Madden NFL 13 Review (PS3/360)

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 roadman @ 09/19/12 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by adfletch71
Madden13 sales have dropped drastically since launch. Last year at this time, Madden12 for both the PS3 and Xbox360 had over 2.05 million unit sold. Right now Madden13 has less than a million unit sold on each system. I think this is a turning point for the Madden series. The consumers are letting EA know that the casual, arcade style of football isn't working anymore. Cam weber and these developers need too take notice and these Gamechangers need too as well. Football fundamentals are essential. Meaning: double-team pass blocking, all the NFL penalties and that they work properly, Real broadcast TV style and a nice halftime show, Replay system that looks and feels like the NFL, CB/WR interactions, OL/DL interactions...the list can go on and on. We want a NFL title that represent the NFL and not EA football that they think is the NFL. The real story will hit after christmas, but with NBA2k13 weeks away and other titles around the corner, I think Madden13 will sell less than Madden12. Will see. Check VGCharts for sales estimates.

I checked for just the 360 and PS3 numbers only.

W/E 9/10/2011- 1.572, 897 units sold
W/E/9/8/ 2012- 1.659, 696 units sold.

This does not include Nintendo hardware or any other mini-hardware, plus, they might get a push from the new WII coming out.
# 182 Vinnwilder @ 09/22/12 02:31 AM
I just got done writing a 14,570 word Madden NFL 13. It frustrates me to see short reviews that don't cover all the stuff. I went into as much detail as I could and broke everything up into sections that you can skip if you have no interest in reading about that part. I hope you guys check it out and let me know what you think. The biggest reason I wrote it is because hopefully it opens some eyes and in the end gives us a better product because I think that is what all the NFL fans who enjoy gaming want.

# 183 MPB34 @ 12/21/12 09:01 PM
This game is a 7 at best no defense and people online can do the same plays over and over again and the defense doesn't catch on I mean cmon man

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