Madden NFL 13 News Post

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Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
Madden NFL 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 btemp @ 08/18/12 11:20 PM
Draft logic needs to be tweaked, but I trust that EA can fix that (hope I didn't jinx it...)

Everything around it seems really interesting. I lack the back story and based on the video it seems like a much bigger deal than very coldly selecting names on a tv screen. This could start to make up for my disappointments with gameplay.

Originally Posted by Redskinsfan26
Pretty sweet! I like the new scouting... It seems simple yet fun. Overall looks impressive especially with the commentary about each draft pick
My one concern, and this won't be borne out until a couple months of playing the game, is that "simple yet fun" could mean really straightforward decisions. For example, in last year's Madden it was incredibly obvious what to scout at each stage (when you can recruit speed - WRs, HBs, CBs; anytime you can do RBL/PBL you do Olineman etc etc.)

Not anything that's going to be apparent right away, just worth keeping in mind.
# 42 Major9 @ 08/18/12 11:22 PM
Wow, this video makes me want to simulate the first season just so I can draft and get some of my own players on my team. Looks great
# 43 DaBlackGoku @ 08/18/12 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by StanleyStutters
I really like the new draft, but this is unrealistic. People are on here defending the WR & TE selections by saying it's a pass first league (which I get), but you're telling me that 19 teams in a row passed on the #1 Quarterback? Experts make mistakes on prospects all the time, but the #1 QB in the draft, who is considered by some to be the top player, slipping all the way down to #20 is unrealistic.
Well look at it this way. I listened to Wingo's commentary of the guy, and while he was the best QB in the draft, he didn't seem to be all that hyped up. Wingo called him a "good" college QB not "great". I'm guessing the NFL teams that passed on him believed that their starters were already good enough that they didn't need this guy because he didn't WOW anyone.

Anyway, I don't really mind it. I mean, at the end of the day it's just a video game. Now if I see kickers/punters/offensive guards going #1 or #2 (or even in the early first round) then I'll start complaining.
# 44 Hooe @ 08/18/12 11:25 PM
This video is awesome.

My question is: does the draft in an online multiplayer CCM have to be completed in one sitting?
# 45 Chrisksaint @ 08/18/12 11:33 PM
Hmm yeah how it's handled online is going to be interesting.

Regarding the QB falling, like said just look at Rodgers. Good prospect that kept falling but obviously 1. He wasn't high on many GMs boards or 2. Teams were comfortable with their QB at the team.
# 46 Nza @ 08/18/12 11:34 PM

"Pretty obvious Z.Richmond will be going 1st overall"

And he's picked 20th :|
# 47 outtamyway24 @ 08/18/12 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Chrisksaint
Hmm yeah how it's handled online is going to be interesting.

Regarding the QB falling, like said just look at Rodgers. Good prospect that kept falling but obviously 1. He wasn't high on many GMs boards or 2. Teams were comfortable with their QB at the team.
I get your point, but Rodgers was never the clear cut #1 overall pick, nor was he ever clearly the #1 QB. The fairest comparison to the video is Andrew Luck. The clear #1 overall pick going to a team that had a HOF QB on the roster, simply because he was too good to pass up. Nevertheless, the issue is with the tweet making it appear that it would be an absolute mistake to pass up on him, yet 19 teams did.
# 48 moneal2001 @ 08/18/12 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by outtamyway24
I get your point, but Rodgers was never the clear cut #1 overall pick, nor was he ever clearly the #1 QB. The fairest comparison to the video is Andrew Luck. The clear #1 overall pick going to a team that had a HOF QB on the roster, simply because he was too good to pass up. Nevertheless, the issue is with the tweet making it appear that it would be an absolute mistake to pass up on him, yet 19 teams did.
but some did think Rodgers was the clear #1. and the only one talking about that qb being the clear #1 was Stink. and then when he was drafted at 20 Mort tweeted that he fell farther than expected. it looks great.

Also about the WR and TE taken as high as they have been, someone mentioned that the rookie scale might be a factor to that. No team in the past would pay a premium like 50 mil guaranteed to either of those positions, but now that the rookie wage scale is in you might just see more positions being drafted in the top 5 than QB, LT, and DLine.
# 49 SmashMan @ 08/18/12 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by outtamyway24
I get your point, but Rodgers was never the clear cut #1 overall pick, nor was he ever clearly the #1 QB. The fairest comparison to the video is Andrew Luck. The clear #1 overall pick going to a team that had a HOF QB on the roster, simply because he was too good to pass up. Nevertheless, the issue is with the tweet making it appear that it would be an absolute mistake to pass up on him, yet 19 teams did.
The counter-argument to that is that it's one Tweet. Had many of the Madden analysts echoed it, I could see an issue - but this could be a pick that virtual Schlereth just missed his prediction on.

Obviously we'll have to wait until we get more hands-on experience (or other users' footage) to see if it's a mistake by Schlereth or if it's a common potential mistake.
# 50 Caveman24 @ 08/18/12 11:58 PM
great video
# 51 outtamyway24 @ 08/19/12 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
The counter-argument to that is that it's one Tweet. Had many of the Madden analysts echoed it, I could see an issue - but this could be a pick that virtual Schlereth just missed his prediction on.

Obviously we'll have to wait until we get more hands-on experience (or other users' footage) to see if it's a mistake by Schlereth or if it's a common potential mistake.
Definitely. I referred to it as an oddity. Maybe it was on purpose that analysts will sometimes give wrong observations or maybe it was a glitch. No one knows, just odd either way. By far the best NFL Draft in a video game I've seen.
# 52 Chrisksaint @ 08/19/12 12:26 AM
There are multiple of scenarios that we just don't know about, for all we know he could have been a complete bust rating wise,etc. I like it, adds a more dynamic effect to the draft and that's pretty realistic as we've seen what a simple red flag on someone can do in the top of the 1st round.
# 53 TarHeelPhenom @ 08/19/12 12:27 AM
Causasian OL name Kendrick? Cousin name Keion? His momma must have been down with the swirl lol!
# 54 edjames01 @ 08/19/12 12:34 AM
This is one billion times better than last years draft.
# 55 37 @ 08/19/12 12:41 AM
definitely am excited by the video as being a GM is primarily the reason why i play Madden....love all the aspects of the draft this year
# 56 iamgramps @ 08/19/12 12:47 AM
I don't know how to post links, but Rynoaid has an hour worth of the draft on YouTube. It's under Traditionsports. Those 1st and 2nd picks could be user controlled and not the CPU, neccessarly.
# 57 volstopfan14 @ 08/19/12 12:51 AM
# 58 davo1021 @ 08/19/12 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by iamgramps
I don't know how to post links, but Rynoaid has an hour worth of the draft on YouTube. It's under Traditionsports. Those 1st and 2nd picks could be user controlled and not the CPU, neccessarly.
It was the CPU, as stated already in this thread you can see the CPU above the team.

Also here's that video you ordered

# 59 Reed1417 @ 08/19/12 01:10 AM
that was awesome. it was a lot like HC09 with the commentary about the piks. i love it!!
# 60 Ryn Vintage1986 @ 08/19/12 01:22 AM
The few wonky things aside, this looks fantastic. The question is whether they have commentary planned for multiple drafts. Certainly would be a bummer if the 2014 draft was like Madden 12's.

But seriously, nice idea, devs.

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