NBA Live 13 News Post

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Presented with no other comment needed. 48 days and counting to release with no new news on the game's actual status....

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 fsufan4423 @ 08/15/12 05:21 PM
This is pretty funny. I just hope they come out with something average for their sake.
# 2 P-Dub @ 08/15/12 05:32 PM
I had a lingering thought that their "disruptive strategy" would be something surprising, but when things seem too good to be true, they usually are.

It would go against the point of business to hold back information especially if it's something good. If it's not good, then holding back makes more sense.
# 3 KB2009Champ @ 08/15/12 05:32 PM
Something tells me that game isn't going to see the light of day.
# 4 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 08/15/12 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by KB2009Champ
Something tells me that game isn't going to see the light of day.
I agree...it breaks my heart because EA was my first (lakers vs celtics). And you always remember your first...
# 5 AnnihilusLivius @ 08/15/12 05:45 PM
They better show us something next week or else I'm done with EA. Not that they actually care about as everyone seems to love them - but either way...they're being serious as*holes.
# 6 KidHypeTellem @ 08/15/12 05:51 PM
What day exactly is 'release' day? I'm just going to ignore this game unless something is said about it.
# 7 DaveDQ @ 08/15/12 05:53 PM
Saw this on the way out this morning...

# 8 scottyp180 @ 08/15/12 06:01 PM
it is looking more and more likely that this game will be cancelled. Mid way through August and nothing has come from EA. Maybe they are waiting for the NHL 13 demo to release to switch their focus to Live but with the news 2k has been releasing lately (whether big or small) its going to be hard for EA and Live to build any sort of momentum and hype before release. This game would have to either WOW everyone or have a $20 price tag to get people interested.
# 9 EllCee @ 08/15/12 06:04 PM
They probably are just going to "surprise" everyone with a slew of info next month.
# 10 chi_hawks @ 08/15/12 06:09 PM
Makes me wonder if they set an internal date to have a finished product or else another cancellation. Doubt they want another Bynum going Jesus type thing.
# 11 barimanlhs @ 08/15/12 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
it is looking more and more likely that this game will be cancelled. Mid way through August and nothing has come from EA. Maybe they are waiting for the NHL 13 demo to release to switch their focus to Live but with the news 2k has been releasing lately (whether big or small) its going to be hard for EA and Live to build any sort of momentum and hype before release. This game would have to either WOW everyone or have a $20 price tag to get people interested.
The thing that is going to be tough for Live is that 2k has effectively everythign that live couldve offered to differentiate itself from its competitor. Outside of Online stability, im not sure what live has to offer (at this point) that would make people choose Live over 2k.

Ive heard mention of a physics system, 2k13 implements a physic system. International teams? Well 2k has the Dream team and Dream Team 2. Right stick dribbling, 2k has that now as well....On top of all of that 2k has a very solid foundation that is being improved upon all the time, Live has to start from scratch again!

Im hoping for Live to come back but Im not sure what they have to offer that will blow us away, at least this year. Unless it has some amazing physics, a brand new and revolutionary play style that just works and feels natural Im not sure it can stand any ground....at least initially. 3 years from now? Who knows, it could be a much better game than 2k
# 12 MattyEdgeworth @ 08/15/12 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by fsufan4423
This is pretty funny. I just hope they come out with something average for their sake.
I hope so too, more basketball games is only a good thing
# 13 wallofhate @ 08/15/12 06:59 PM
Something is telling me there gonna put out some kind of cheaper downloadable game maybe $30 or so just to not have this year be a total bust. Probably the baroness of what they have where you can play a season but not multiple seasons with no title updates just a roster update after the trade deadline.
# 14 TalenT @ 08/15/12 07:28 PM
If this game doesn't come out I might cry. Not because I want Live, but because competition is healthy. I miss the days when the companies pushed each other to greatness. I'm not saying that 2K would put out a mediocre product, but if Live comes out and is halfway decent then it forces 2K to go above and beyond and vice versa.
# 15 JerzeyReign @ 08/15/12 08:31 PM
# 16 barimanlhs @ 08/15/12 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by wallofhate
Something is telling me there gonna put out some kind of cheaper downloadable game maybe $30 or so just to not have this year be a total bust. Probably the baroness of what they have where you can play a season but not multiple seasons with no title updates just a roster update after the trade deadline.
Im not sure if the NBA would allow them to release the game at a cheaper price. They kind of set a standard for all of that stuff, release date, cost, etc, so EA has little control over cost.
# 17 jyoung @ 08/15/12 08:49 PM
A+ thread. Would read again.

# 18 Blessin @ 08/15/12 08:59 PM
Really an truly i just want the best for EA Sports i don't want to see it fail, emphatically because there are jobs at stake. I also want NBA Live 13 to come out on time and be solid/average, because it will force 2K Sports to not slack on NBA 2K13. And because of all this competition is good!
# 19 jersez @ 08/15/12 09:03 PM
Should put who killed biggie and 2pac up there. Just sayin.

If you listen to the hip hop gamer he says it's something big EA has planned. So idk, take that and run with it, I guess.
# 20 jersez @ 08/15/12 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Blessin
Really an truly i just want the best for EA Sports i don't want to see it fail, emphatically because there are jobs at stake. I also want NBA Live 13 to come out on time and be solid/average, because it will force 2K Sports to not slack on NBA 2K13. And because of all this competition is good!
What about the people that were involved with NFL 2k, they had families. It's a dog eat dog world. I want competition as well, but if the live series is cancelled, so be it. It's the video game world we live in.

Also I'm not arguing with your points. I'm just stating that this industry isn't fair, and the consumer doesn't matter just money. I'm not bashing EA or 2k. Because hell 2k, has lost a lot of trust with 2k12.

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