NCAA Football 13 News Post

NCAA Football 13 title update #1 is available now for both PS3 and 360. Please keep in mind title update #2 arrives in late August, which fixes gameplay, dynasty and custom playbook issues. It will also include the Uniform Store.

What does the first title update fix exactly? Here's a recap.

The first issue was a loss of functionality on the Playcall screen, which created a situation where you couldn't change the formation without pausing the game. The second issue was a random crash in our Dynasty mode while loading into a Dynasty game.

The online rankings system update, was a server side update last week. Once you play your next game, you'll notice a change in the leaderboards.

Please post your impressions here.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 LionsFanNJ @ 07/31/12 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by AUChase89
Didn't the original post say there were no Gameplay changes in this patch ? I keep seeing people post about things that are different... how can that be ? lol.

Sent from my Desire HD
People see what they want to see.
# 42 OrngFur27 @ 07/31/12 02:06 PM
is it just me or is the leaderboard adjustment crazy. Played my first 3 games on 360, im 3-0 and a lvl 20? huh?
# 43 supremeteam_ceo @ 07/31/12 02:09 PM
Still Not Able To Use Custom Playbooks In Practice Mode In Your Dynasty.....It Freezes Everytime
# 44 smlmeyer @ 07/31/12 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by supremeteam_ceo
Still Not Able To Use Custom Playbooks In Practice Mode In Your Dynasty.....It Freezes Everytime
Haven't had that issue at all. I use exclusively custom playbooks and have multiple dynasties going.
# 45 booker21 @ 07/31/12 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by TarHeelPhenom
They may not have did anything to gameplay...but I certainly believe they did something to the sliders. They seem more powerful than they were pre-patch.
This would fix the game for me. Anyone else feel that the sliders work they way they shold with patch or it is a placebo.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
# 46 shaunlmason @ 07/31/12 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
People see what they want to see.
Those same people are the ones that think the tuner that is out changes gameplay.
# 47 TarHeelPhenom @ 07/31/12 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by nortobc
I'm going with placebo Alec!

I'm not> I just deleted the patch and went back and did CPU-CPU same settings. The run game and passing game with same settings is way more powerful post patch. Post patch with the slider settings I use, the QB's couldn't miss and the running backs were Bo Jackson like. I say the sliders are more powerful. Just me tho...
# 48 thebrettness @ 07/31/12 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Ummm that was done way before the patch. It has been that way since the demo.

Then just disregard that. I swear I've tried to hotroute fades multiple times from midfield and its only given me the goalline fade untill now.

Must be seeing things, carry on.
# 49 wolverinemaniac @ 07/31/12 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Shaun Mason
Those same people are the ones that think the tuner that is out changes gameplay.
it does change it unfortunately for the worst. If you tried deleting it and playing you have to reset your xbox before the changes will take effect. Then play.

There is a huge diff in human running game for sure.
# 50 michigan216 @ 07/31/12 03:07 PM
I'm seeing some weird stuff right now in an online game that wasn't happening before the patch. Players will run really slow to the line of scrimmage, running routes, going in motion. It looks really glitchy. Then the "glitchy" player will freeze in some weird position at the end of the play whether they are tackled or not.

NCAA patches always lead to other problems.....
# 51 callmetaternuts @ 07/31/12 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by michigan216
I'm seeing some weird stuff right now in an online game that wasn't happening before the patch. Players will run really slow to the line of scrimmage, running routes, going in motion. It looks really glitchy. Then the "glitchy" player will freeze in some weird position at the end of the play whether they are tackled or not.

NCAA patches always lead to other problems.....
This was an issue pre-patch that occurred. One player would look like he was in quicksand and would stay that way the rest of the game.
# 52 michigan216 @ 07/31/12 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by callmetaternuts
This was an issue pre-patch that occurred. One player would look like he was in quicksand and would stay that way the rest of the game.
It's the first time I've seen it...it never happened before the patch
# 53 BadAssHskr @ 07/31/12 03:20 PM
for all the people that claim game play is somehow different post patch today, i'm going to say, likely placebo affect like others have mentioned.

however, some people claimed that the tuner did something to the game play to worsen it, which i assume was also placebo due to not knowing what it did, and simply assuming that it was something negative.

that given, it's plausible that IF, and only IF, the tuner had an adverse affect on the game, that EA, in this patch would clear that up, it was certainly something small, because i and many others didn't notice any problem with the tuner.
# 54 BenGerman @ 07/31/12 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Ummm that was done way before the patch. It has been that way since the demo.
Not for me it wasn't. I've played a full season in Dynasty Mode already and was dealing with that issue. It would turn into more of a streak route than a fade route.
# 55 BenGerman @ 07/31/12 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by thebrettness
Then just disregard that. I swear I've tried to hotroute fades multiple times from midfield and its only given me the goalline fade untill now.

Must be seeing things, carry on.
Like I said, I had this issue as well. It appears to have been fixed.
# 56 Matt10 @ 07/31/12 04:20 PM
Guys, who cares if people think it's a placebo or not. Honestly, even if they didn't fix anything with the gameplay intentionally - who knows they might've messed up the QA testing part of this patch, just like they did when releasing the game.

You either have too much faith in EA that things will be right the first time (in this case the first time patch) or too little faith that anything is fixed at all.

What EA say can be completely than what is done. Their track record speaks for themselves. Don't knock the guys that believe this too.
# 57 malky @ 07/31/12 04:23 PM
So did it fix the freezing?? Not home to test yet
# 58 michigan21 @ 07/31/12 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by malky
So did it fix the freezing?? Not home to test yet
Nope. Just had a game freeze up in dynasty mode. Raining, going onto to second quarter and freeze. All this after the patch download. smdh.
# 59 michigan21 @ 07/31/12 05:43 PM
Post patch again had the game freeze up on me when the game was doing the gametrack. 2nd time post patch. Not trying to be an *******, but Im getting rid of the game tomorrow. No ****ing reason to keep it and college football is my favorite sport. Just unacceptable.
# 60 malky @ 07/31/12 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by michigan21
Post patch again had the game freeze up on me when the game was doing the gametrack. 2nd time post patch. Not trying to be an *******, but Im getting rid of the game tomorrow. No ****ing reason to keep it and college football is my favorite sport. Just unacceptable.
Agreed that's really disappointing thanks for checking

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