NBA Live 13 News Post

When Andrew Bynum made his debut as the Lord and Savior, the future of EA Sports basketball was in immediate danger. The backlash of the YouTube video and NBA Elite 11 demo led to the series being shut down for two years.

When Scott O’Gallagher tore his hamstring last June, his wife asked him what he wanted to do if he couldn’t play professional basketball anymore. He responded with what he considers, a joke.

“I told her I wanted to make video games,” O’Gallagher said.

Read More - Interview with NBA Live 13 Developer Scott O'Gallagher

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 jwtucker710 @ 07/18/12 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by cyborg.ninja24
Amen! EA is so tight lip about Live 13 because they're hoping when the tree falls (Live being delayed/cancelled), no one will hear it.

1. EA does NOT have Live available for preorder on their very own online store: Origin

2. EA Sports does not have Live listed under their online season pass program while the 2013 version of Madden, NCAA, FIFA, NHL and Tiger are ALL listed.

3. EA has not shown any gameplay videos

4. No cover athlete announcement. Nothing except rookie ratings has been announced since E3.

5. Gamestop and Amazon does not have a concrete date set for the game. Amazon just changed the release date of Live from 10/2 to 12/31 over this past weekend.

Could this all be a coincidence? Maybe. The game is 2.5 months away yet we know so little. Doubt is starting to creep in. I guess we will see in the coming days what Live has (not) in store.
The cover player for LIVE 13 should be released sometime in August or early Sept. (any guesses?) It's still early. They used to release the game a week before the season started (LIVE 98 thru 04). Around Oct. 21st. 2K started the whole release date at the first or second week of Oct for the 2005 editions.

LIVE 98 ... one of my all-time favorites!
# 82 JerzeyReign @ 07/18/12 09:48 PM
I don't think you've dug into 2k12 -- if thats the case, just say say so. Dig it -- here are some quick tips to get rid of the 'complaints' you have:

This will help with your post defense: http://www.operationsports.com/featu...ght-9-defense/

The reverse you doing is user error -- the shot stick controls how you finish -- what you're describing is probably you pushing the shot stick towards the baseline causing that -- you pushing it again will go into a 'change shot' action.

Never had the game auto correct me on anything so I can't help you there. The force field is in place on higher levels honestly -- thats true for every sports video game -- the higher the difficulty the more force fields and 'smarter' A.I is present -- thats how they set difficulty. Playing on All Star and below removes them from what I noticed -- and be sure to go around the defender and not through him.

And the 'cheap' feeling you get from the A.I during miracle runs is due to the Clutch Factor -- keeping it on means you will have a close game -- turning it off lets the score get as big as it possibly can.

Now, 2k12 isn't perfect but what were your issues again? Not to get into a comparison thread but now I'm curious of why you think 2k is a bad representation of basketball -- so far, I've only noted user error.
# 83 23 @ 07/18/12 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Thats what I don't get. The 2k series isn't perfect on the court (lack of charges, occasional bad animations) but I don't know anyone who would say its not a real representation of the sport. If thats not the closest we've gotten to a real representation, what is?

As for Live, I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Feature wise, it will probably be behind 2k13 (Live 10 didn't even have a 30 team season or franchise mode) but I want to see if the game has improved since 10.
I honestly think Live will still be lacking feature wise because its just not as simple as slapping something like a 30 team franchise in the game in a year

That said... come on man, I think some guys have lost their perspective when going on these 2k rants

More than ANYTHING else, this game has given us more of what we see on tv than anything ever made in this genre....even Live 10 was pretty generic and it took Mike Wang and Da Czar to help them get that far.
# 84 aholbert32 @ 07/18/12 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
The animations are the games (both throughout history) biggest problem lol.

I thought 2k11 was much better than 2k12 honestly. What I want is a game where the fundamentals are represented. Where you don't push one button and get some special nearly unstoppable post move. A game where a video open layup attempt randomly turns into a double pump reverse layup to the side of the basket where a defender is. A game where it doesnt auto correct every move you make, or have some magical force field around every defender. A game without cheap AI (if you played the games then you already know).

Neither game has that. That's what i want on the court from both games. Real basketball. Not band aided stuff.... The real thing. Like I said neither game has it or has had it in the past.

I don't hate either game they both have always had their own strengths much like the Madden and 2k football series... I want the real thing though on the court.

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I don't think you played 2k12 for long. I've played that game damn near every day since release and Ive never seen unstoppable post moves. Ive never seen one button press turn a layup into a double pump reverse layup unless the user double taps the button to tell the player to adjust his shot.

No offense but Ive seen you excuse several extreme flaws in other games specifically Madden and yet it seems like you are almost inventing gripes with 2k12. No offense but stuff like this makes it difficult for me to believe that someone who clear has a close relationship/association with EA can have an unbiased opinion on the competition. Even admitting that Live has failed (which isn't exactly going out on a limb) doesn't do much to take away that perception.
# 85 JODYE @ 07/18/12 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
The animations are the games (both throughout history) biggest problem lol.

I thought 2k11 was much better than 2k12 honestly. What I want is a game where the fundamentals are represented. Where you don't push one button and get some special nearly unstoppable post move. A game where a video open layup attempt randomly turns into a double pump reverse layup to the side of the basket where a defender is. A game where it doesnt auto correct every move you make, or have some magical force field around every defender. A game without cheap AI (if you played the games then you already know).

Neither game has that. That's what i want on the court from both games. Real basketball. Not band aided stuff.... The real thing. Like I said neither game has it or has had it in the past.

I don't hate either game they both have always had their own strengths much like the Madden and 2k football series... I want the real thing though on the court.

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This is to Jerzey as well, but I know what he is saying.

2k does do these types of things. Maybe not to the extent of which they are described but there are very frustrating things that occur in 2k that can't be explained nor fixed with sliders.

Another reason why I think at the time, Live 10 was received so well. It contained more free flowing control, something that 2k admittedly didn't have. The isomotion feature was very clunky and unresponsive and plenty of remnants of that system still remain. Something personally that I think is still holding 2k back. Obviously there are a lot of other minor issues, but this isn't the thread for that.

I think one of the most frustrating things for me, is the inability for the control scheme in 2k to recognize when and how to move, and to do it responsively. More specifically on the perimeter. If I want to just take two steps backward, or back it out. You can't walk backwards. Your player literally tries to turn around, and then you get caught in the middle of this momentum animation which takes you somewhere you don't want go, or you will get caught in this step back animation instead of literally just taking 2 steps back.

Collision detection is also really bad, and the force field effect is present at pretty much every difficulty level.

I have seen the layup issue many times. It is not user error. The AI will detect someone within range and it will try to change the path of where you take the layup, often resulting in a missed layup or a block.

Even with those issues, there are still ALOT, and I mean ALOT of things 2k get's absolutely right and the foundation they have built is built for success. Obviously with all games, there will be flaws and things to improve upon and 2k12 is way far from perfect, but at the moment it's the closest thing to simulation that we have. Is it simulation? Some aspects are, and some are not. You have to expect that though. It's a video game.

Does that mean that 2k can never be dethroned? Absolutely not, but at this point after recent history, am I'm relying on EA to do that in one year, or at all? Not a chance.

At the end of the day, we all might have different visions, but we all want the same thing. Basketball represented the right way, and a competition to make each brand push each other to produce the best representation we can get. At this point, I don't care what brand does it, as long as it is done right. Currently 2k is a lot closer than EA is. Just the fact of the matter, whether you like the game or not.
# 86 TUSS11 @ 07/18/12 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by 23
That's exactly what I've been wanting to know but Im sure you'll keep getting EA tagline answers about stuff like online, presentation and passing
Why make it so polarized? Can't one be unimpressed with 2K, without being an EA tagline-pushing drone?
# 87 23 @ 07/18/12 11:12 PM
No offense to you Dustin but
So with the well-deserved backing from the community, and the experience he has garnered playing overseas, O'Gallagher is poised to make big changes for NBA Live 13.

EA Sports just might have found their new savior.
The dude just joined and now im supposed to believe 2 months in that he might be a savior?

The problem hopefully resolved is EA's thinking and nothing will change until they think differently about what they've been doing with this series

....and all of you guys using 2k as an excuse to try to cover up the mess EA has made is not working
# 88 23 @ 07/18/12 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by TUSS11
Why make it so polarized? Can't one be unimpressed with 2K, without being an EA tagline-pushing drone?
I could care less if you or anybody is impressed with 2k.. I dont own stock in the company

That said I've seen a ton of tagline posts in here and other threads man so dont try to act like im some kind of indirect poster

Either you skipped over that crap on purpose or you're completely being dishonest which would then mean I dont have too much to say to someone who does something like that to prove a point.
# 89 aholbert32 @ 07/18/12 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by TUSS11
Why make it so polarized? Can't one be unimpressed with 2K, without being an EA tagline-pushing drone?
Its a bit suspect when someone affiliated with EA says a game by a competitor that has been pretty much universally seen as one of the best basketball games ever...describes the game as not a "true representation of the sport."

Gamechangers aren't the same as employees of EA but imo they are part of EA's marketing machine. So anytime comments like these come from a GC, I'm a little suspect. No matter if they say its coming from a fans perspective.
# 90 23 @ 07/18/12 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Its a bit suspect when someone affiliated with EA says a game by a competitor that has been pretty much universally seen as one of the best basketball games ever...describes the game as not a "true representation of the sport."

Gamechangers aren't the same as employees of EA but imo they are part of EA's marketing machine. So anytime comments like these come from a GC, I'm a little suspect. No matter if they say its coming from a fans perspective.
The problem with posts like his is that you spot the discrepency immediately.. its hard to even say as noshun replied that you haven't touched a game in 3 or 4 years and can't give any direct answers to what exactly needs to be fixed but tries to pour it on the comp.. even showing little knowledge in that area
# 91 JODYE @ 07/18/12 11:33 PM
I want to know how the hell I can get on a damn dev team or being a community leader.

I live literally less than 10 minutes from EA Tiburon, have (begrudgingly) played every Live game ever put out since 1994 and played basketball my entire life.

Where do I sign up? I'd give EA the honest truth lol
# 92 TUSS11 @ 07/18/12 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I could care less if you or anybody is impressed with 2k.. I dont own stock in the company

That said I've seen a ton of tagline posts in here and other threads man so dont try to act like im some kind of indirect poster

Either you skipped over that crap on purpose or you're completely being dishonest which would then mean I dont have too much to say to someone who does something like that to prove a point.
All I'm saying is that not everyone who dislike aspects of 2K are blind EA supporters.
# 93 23 @ 07/18/12 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by TUSS11
All I'm saying is that not everyone who dislike aspects of 2K are blind EA supporters.
Thats good to know because I'm not labeling everyone and again I could care less who doesnt like 2k...theyve had versions I didn't like too but thats besides the point its not about liking 2k

But who I'm addressing is only for the ones doing it and make no mistake some are

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# 94 King_B_Mack @ 07/19/12 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by 13.
I want to know how the hell I can get on a damn dev team or being a community leader.

I live literally less than 10 minutes from EA Tiburon, have (begrudgingly) played every Live game ever put out since 1994 and played basketball my entire life.

Where do I sign up? I'd give EA the honest truth lol
My man you giving them the honest truth don't do a damn bit of good if they ignore it. The honest truth was sitting right there in they're faces when guys responded to Live 10 and started giving them props for going in the right direction and they said 'F it' and flushed the Live name and Mike's vision down the toilet for Elite.
# 95 bigdoc85 @ 07/19/12 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
The animations are the games (both throughout history) biggest problem lol.

I thought 2k11 was much better than 2k12 honestly. What I want is a game where the fundamentals are represented. Where you don't push one button and get some special nearly unstoppable post move. A game where a video open layup attempt randomly turns into a double pump reverse layup to the side of the basket where a defender is. A game where it doesnt auto correct every move you make, or have some magical force field around every defender. A game without cheap AI (if you played the games then you already know).

Neither game has that. That's what i want on the court from both games. Real basketball. Not band aided stuff.... The real thing. Like I said neither game has it or has had it in the past.

I don't hate either game they both have always had their own strengths much like the Madden and 2k football series... I want the real thing though on the court.

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I'm surprised at how many people completely overlook the 30+ classic teams in NBA2k12 -- that was a major improvement over NBA2k11. Whether you like playing classic teams or not, it showed that 2k was committed to improving its product offering. I can't imagine the effort that went into securing the licenses from all of those folks to make that happen. I also think that it was a brilliant idea by 2k knowing that a lockout was on the horizon and that the season was in jeopardy -- they gave people a reason to still buy and play an NBA video game even without current rosters.
# 96 btrapp @ 07/19/12 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
I'm surprised at how many people completely overlook the 30+ classic teams in NBA2k12 -- that was a major improvement over NBA2k11. Whether you like playing classic teams or not, it showed that 2k was committed to improving its product offering. I can't imagine the effort that went into securing the licenses from all of those folks to make that happen. I also think that it was a brilliant idea by 2k knowing that a lockout was on the horizon and that the season was in jeopardy -- they gave people a reason to still buy and play an NBA video game even without current rosters.
They're not overlooking it, they're just choosing to ignore it to make somehow nba live 13 look better. 2k12 was an improvement over 2k11. The vast majority of the people that bought it and almost ALL of the websites and magazines that reviewed it aren't afraid to say so.
# 97 bumpyface @ 07/19/12 11:36 AM
I don't think the vast majorityconsider nba212 better than 11. 12 is more for the casual gamer which 2k admits to. For the people who have been spending their hard earned on 2k basketball games over the years, 12 isn't as appealing. But yet and still, 2k is squatting on all the previous EA basketball titles over the years. EA has had to years to construct a basketball game (laughing as I type) and don't even have gameplay videos out to market their product. I might be ol fashion, but I swear we the consumers do not get what we pay for anymore. EA expects us to read their little hype articles and be sold. We're supposed to run to gamestop and pre-order with our 5 bucks, and then come midnight release date give up the remaining $60? It's a no go for me. I have nba 2k12, got it at midnight launch, but I won't be doing that ever aain. I'm not a casual nba2k gamer. I've spent countless hours on and offline competing. When you take a game that requires skill and know-how to be effective at and then render it to a state where an 8 year old with no B-ball IQ can pick a top team and compete with a 30 yr old vet who has played the game for over 2 decades, you're telling that experienced vet that he is the minority and the 8 year old is the majority. Apparently the loyalty the fans show to these game developers and companies isn't recipricated.
# 98 Conda @ 07/19/12 03:21 PM
Ok... Where's the "interview." Did I miss something?
# 99 JerzeyReign @ 07/19/12 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Conda
Ok... Where's the "interview." Did I miss something?
First page, lol. Whats happening now is basically discussion after CR shook the hornet nest which is the OS basketball crowd with his 2k comments
# 100 TUSS11 @ 07/19/12 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by 23
The problem with posts like his is that you spot the discrepency immediately.. its hard to even say as noshun replied that you haven't touched a game in 3 or 4 years and can't give any direct answers to what exactly needs to be fixed but tries to pour it on the comp.. even showing little knowledge in that area
I understand. The comment just seemed like an over-generalization.

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