NCAA Football 13 News Post

The "athlete" has historically been one of the most misrepresented prospect types in NCAA Football. For NCAA Football 13, EA Tiburon has completely overhauled prospective athletes, making them some of the most valuable recruits in Dynasty Mode.

Athletes will now excel at two or three field positions, giving them more attribute categories to unlock than any other prospect type. Through weekly scouting, you will unlock more of an athlete's ratings, which allow you to determine the on-field positions at which he might excel. That extra time spent recruiting an athlete will be well-rewarded, as their combination of elite skills and versatility gives them the chance to start immediately at multiple positions.

Highly rated athletes will add major flexibility to your recruiting classes in NCAA Football 13. The position may have been largely irrelevant in previous NCAA Football games, but athletes should be top recruiting targets in NCAA Football 13.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 TDenverFan @ 06/21/12 11:39 AM
This is big. For a while, athletes were more or less just 'Mystery Position.' They could only play 1 position, and weren't usually overly good at it.
# 2 Miraclz1 @ 06/21/12 11:40 AM
Finally, they have done the athlete proper justice!
# 3 Jakeboutte @ 06/21/12 11:42 AM
This is awesome! So juiced for 13!
# 4 pdandi1 @ 06/21/12 11:59 AM
Love this! Opens up offensive game in that you could have him in the backfield one play, lined up in the slot the next and even run some wildcat maybe...on defense you could have different packages all over for him..

this is definitely my favorite thing this year
# 5 BadAssHskr @ 06/21/12 12:04 PM
Very nice addition with this one. I can't wait to start building a team this year, they really see to have taken dynasty to a new level.
# 6 jkra0512 @ 06/21/12 12:05 PM
This is definitely a welcome tweak to the series. Hopefully, they won't overdo it and make them ridiculous compared to other positions...
# 7 patsfan1993 @ 06/21/12 12:11 PM
Has anyone heard if we can finally create an athlete now that they have upgraded them?
# 8 CPTryder1536 @ 06/21/12 12:13 PM
There were rare ones in previous versions of the game. I remember in NCAA 09 I recruited a 3 star WR while at Tulane that had a 98 speed and to my surprise this WR could also play QB and DB. Needless to say this WR took my Tulane to the National Championship and won it in my Online Dynasty. I cannot wait for NCAA 13
# 9 jfsolo @ 06/21/12 01:32 PM
Most of the time I disagree with almost everything on these OS lists, but this one has been on the beam so far.
# 10 goduke30 @ 06/21/12 01:49 PM
so can this mean we can recruit an athlete where they suck at qb decent at wr and be the best rb in the nation that be awesome
# 11 KOwusu @ 06/21/12 01:56 PM
Interesting that this took so long, considering that useful ATHs were on NCAA 06
# 12 thbends @ 06/21/12 02:22 PM
I love NCAA Football games. The recruiting adds so much to playing multiple seasons. Especially since players graduate. The fact Madden 13 does not allow importing of the NCAA rosters this year is fine with me. I did not import them last year anyway because of all the import ratings issues that popped up.

The Athletes and gem/bust recruits really is exciting.
# 13 Brandwin @ 06/21/12 05:59 PM
I'm so excited they revamped the Athlete position. I hated that the top players were Athletes but could really only play one position once they got in.
# 14 kingsofthevalley @ 06/21/12 06:40 PM
More excellent revelations. Getting better and better. I still want my cosmetic upgrades though.
# 15 dfwrazorback @ 06/21/12 07:39 PM
Addressing an earlier post - I doubt this means you'll get to play the guy all over the field on both sides of the ball. It just means that athletes now will have about 3 primary positions during the recruiting process, that by recruiting him more you figure out what those positions are, then if you are able to sign him that during the pre-season you assign him a position and the skills he builds up from then on are mainly for that one position. Still a huge improvement for athletes.
# 16 voodoo_magic @ 06/21/12 09:06 PM
Excited by this.
Just one of those things that makes the game a little more dynamic and flexible which is never a bad thing.
# 17 Gloves 82 @ 06/21/12 09:22 PM
On NCAA 12 I had a 20 year dynasty, my longest ever. With all of these changes, my goal is to go 30 years. Pumped!
# 18 woogie98 @ 06/21/12 10:17 PM
First day buy
# 19 noplace @ 06/21/12 10:27 PM
I'm sure this is just a statistical overlay but it wouldn't matter who you move to any position. The ratings may reflect higher in numerous positions but I'm sure the player want play any better than previous years. Its all fluff to me...
# 20 TDenverFan @ 06/21/12 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by noplace
I'm sure this is just a statistical overlay but it wouldn't matter who you move to any position. The ratings may reflect higher in numerous positions but I'm sure the player want play any better than previous years. Its all fluff to me...
I'm not sre what you mean. Before, an Athlete was only good at 1 position. (Ex. John Smith is a ATH who is 67 ovr at QB, in the 40s for everything else. Matt Johnson is an ATH who is a 75 ovr CB, in the mid 40s for everything else) Now, they can play several positions (John Smith is 67 OVR at QB, 68 OVR at HB, and 65 OVR at WR, and Matt Johnson is 75 OVR CB, 72 OVR S, and a 74 OVR WR)

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