NCAA Football 13 News Post

Our staff breaks down the NCAA Football 13 demo released last week and gives the low down on what they think about the game. Is it a buy or no buy? Click through the jump to find out.

Read More - NCAA Football 13 Demo Roundtable

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Bizekidz @ 06/12/12 10:53 AM
After playing the demo, I'm not too excited. The gameplay does feel much smoother and realistic to me, but there's not much else to it. It still feels like NCAA Football 12, just a smoother running version of it. Presentation is still too similar and everything else seems bland and boring. I will not be buying this game this year, just going to buy Madden instead. Typically I buy both NCAAF and Madden but this year I don't see the value in doing so. Madden seems like it's going to be a mile ahead of NCAAF this year with all of the new updates it has gotten.
# 42 noplace @ 06/12/12 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by grandchampbaby117
You guys are the reason ea will never put out a more than par NCAA football game! This game is the exact SAME GAME as last year...with a few tweaks here and there.....I'm not getting sucked in this year like I do every other year....definitely not buying this game...I'll wait on madden...#fml
True, I don’t get why a lot are making this out the be a huge jump from 12'... The updates are very generic and lame without highlights. I understand the feel EA is trying to add but if you're going to do this go all out & don’t half azz it. I mean they didn’t add RTP this year so at least get the things you’ve added correct like updates, commentary, presentation, equipment & graphics. Nothing really shows me they did any of this. They feel they can stick any year after NCAA and we'll buy it. Listening to Bens interviews makes me want to puke because he’s really selling this BS as if they put in a ton of work. Oh well, Madden looks like the way to go & as I said I’ll check NCAA out later in the season if that. I’m not buying it though….lol
# 43 Mos1ted @ 06/12/12 11:53 AM
To me, the NCAA 13 demo is what the retail version of NCAA 12 should have been, and NCAA 13 should be where NCAA 14 will presumably be. That's what gets about EA Tiburon (and even Visual Concepts in recent years): I don't think either developer is pushing for innovation as aggressively as they did last generation.

I agree with everyone else that the lack of competition this generation has severely held back nearly every sports franchise's potential. It's really making me less interested in sports video games with each passing year.
# 44 DJ @ 06/12/12 12:06 PM
The more I play the Demo, the less difference I see between 13 and 12. The intros haven't changed one iota, and the gameplay, by and large, is exactly the same. CPU AI in the demo on offense is real bad, too.

In-game studio updates, a score ticker and a change in recruiting. I have to decide if those are enough to warrant a $45 purchase, or if I just stick with 12 for another year.
# 45 Mos1ted @ 06/12/12 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
The more I play the Demo, the less difference I see between 13 and 12. The intros haven't changed one iota, and the gameplay, by and large, is exactly the same. CPU AI in the demo on offense is real bad, too.

In-game studio updates, a score ticker and a change in recruiting. I have to decide if those are enough to warrant a $45 purchase, or if I just stick with 12 for another year.
Yeah, the CPU AI is atrocious. I've played through the demo about six times, and I haven't been scored on yet, not even a field goal or safety. I will say it's the one area of the game that has regressed from last year.
# 46 Diggler360 @ 06/12/12 01:24 PM
I don't see how you can think the updates are minor. They sound minor, but completely change the every down gameplay for the better.

-No more super LBs.
-Amazing new pass system.
-Catching feels brand new.
-DB's react more realistic.

Graphics are basically same, but come on. This is the most refined, polished football game in almost 10 years. Madden will be a beta this year fellas from what I'm hearing. I didn't want a brand new game filled with bugs and glitches... I wanted a very good game perfected. If you think getting rid of a terrible, cheesy passing system is a minor improvement. Wow. It to me is a monster, badly needed innovation. The game's animations look amazing and continue to surprise.

It's not reinventing the wheel, it's just perfected it. Beware beta buyers of Madden, you heard it here.
# 47 Playmakers @ 06/12/12 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Diggler360
I don't see how you can think the updates are minor. They sound minor, but completely change the every down gameplay for the better.

-No more super LBs.
-Amazing new pass system.
-Catching feels brand new.
-DB's react more realistic.

Graphics are basically same, but come on. This is the most refined, polished football game in almost 10 years. Madden will be a beta this year fellas from what I'm hearing. I didn't want a brand new game filled with bugs and glitches... I wanted a very good game perfected. If you think getting rid of a terrible, cheesy passing system is a minor improvement. Wow. It to me is a monster, badly needed innovation. The game's animations look amazing and continue to surprise.

It's not reinventing the wheel, it's just perfected it. Beware beta buyers of Madden, you heard it here.
Honestly if truth to be told some of those things could actually be fixed in NCAA 12 and should have been fixed in NCAA 12 if EA had just released a patch to do it.

Super leaping LB's only required a fix to the Jumping ratings but EA wanted it to waite for NCAA 13 to make it appear as if this is the 1st time ever you won't see it happening.

DB's Play Recognition and Awareness ratings have always been there for us to modify and make them play the ball more realistic in the air.....

This is something else EA could have fixed with a patch last year but waited til this year in order to get the dough from us again.

Player movement on the field has a lot to do with agility and speed ratings and to be honest if someone truly wanted to get some of the things they will get out of NCAA 13 incorporated into NCAA 12 they could actually pull it off if they are willing to spend time putting in work on their own.

Now of course with the broken tendencies in NCAA 12 you do still have some drawbacks as it appears EA might have fixed that issue in NCAA 13.

I can assure you just based on experience from tweaking their game over the years NCAA 13 is really just the patch we wanted for NCAA 12 we are simply just getting it one year later.

If you don't care about studio updates and a few added WR catch animations can you seriously tell me the two games are that much different?

Now i'll be getting 13 mainly because i only spent most of my time playing in Coach Mode for NCAA 12 (was too lazy to edit last years game) but I'm not expecting something ground breaking and i can understand why some people may not even purchase NCAA 13 at all and just stick with NCAA 12 for another year.

I'm one of EA's biggest fanboy's when it comes to their sports games but i've realized over the years a lot of the stuff they promote as new or improved really isn't new and improved at all we just didn't see it from the previous year. But it was always possible to see the same things like non-super man LB's if we truly wanted to see it or guys not dunking from the FT line (Rocket Dunks).

Look at their NHL Series i stopped playing it because really it's just the same game year after year with minor tweaks to it....

NCAA Football is a game that continues to have minor tweaks to it and some guys just see what they want to see while EA does their brilliant marketing job to promote something that you should have been in their game 4-5 years ago.

I know i sound very negative towards them but if we are true to ourselves this is just really a updated NCAA 12 in so many ways....nothing wrong with that because football doesn't envolve every year in real life either. But at this point and stage of the NCAA series I just feel like gameplay, animations and announcing should be things new and fresh.

Things like Passing Trajectories, Non Super Leaping LB's, Studio Updates, Heisman Players and what ever else they want to promote this year shouldv'e been in the game back in 08, 09, 10, 11 and 12.
# 48 moylan1234 @ 06/12/12 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
Yeah, the CPU AI is atrocious. I've played through the demo about six times, and I haven't been scored on yet, not even a field goal or safety. I will say it's the one area of the game that has regressed from last year.
It's on varsity. I think if it was on AA or heisman you would have been scored upon
# 49 bryanthelion @ 06/12/12 08:36 PM
I'll still buy it, cause they way it looks, and playing it, feels like a you're in the game. I just think the heisman challenge is overrated, and pointless to me. The game updates, and bottom line is perfect, cause it'll keep me updated, and know if the team is losing so I can come in first in the conference. So this is a must buy!
# 50 micksharp @ 06/12/12 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
you put someone who has never played NCAA 12 or the 13 demo in a room and have them watch a game of each and the only way they'd be able to tell you it was a different game is the studio updates.
Only if they're completely blind. I agree that they should have done more but that statement is just plain not true at all.
# 51 PowerofRed25 @ 06/12/12 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by micksharp
Only if they're completely blind. I agree that they should have done more but that statement is just plain not true at all.
Keep in mind, he said watch. The game on the field feels very new, more fluid and simply different. No doubt about that. But if you ran a blind test asking someone to watch a video from this year and last, there simply aren't any significant audio or visual clues to tip you one way or the other.
# 52 KG @ 06/12/12 10:46 PM
If by fluid you guys mean sped up then I will agree. I feel like they sped up the animations to mask some of the inconsistencies with animations that have complex branch sequences, especially by the sideline.

Has anyone noticed how twitchy the players get by the sideline? Zig-Zag running is already pretty bad but when you cut in from the sideline the players do it at hyperspeed.

There are a lot of minor improvements that I see but I still feel like DT's are way too overpowered. They accelerate and close down on the ball much too quickly.
# 53 BA2929 @ 06/12/12 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
But if you ran a blind test asking someone to watch a video from this year and last, there simply aren't any significant audio or visual clues to tip you one way or the other.
LOL. You could do that for nearly every single sports game on the market right now.
# 54 The Amaizen Blue @ 06/12/12 11:05 PM
This might be the first year where I skip NCAA and buy Madden 2 years straight. Still feels like NCAA ELEVEN
# 55 BA2929 @ 06/12/12 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by The Amaizen Blue
This might be the first year where I skip NCAA and buy Madden 2 years straight. Still feels like NCAA ELEVEN
Play a game of NCAA 11 then turn around and immediately play a game of the '13 demo. I believe you'll see quite a difference. It's fine if you don't buy the game, but it doesn't play like NCAA '11 at all.
# 56 PowerofRed25 @ 06/13/12 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by BA2929
LOL. You could do that for nearly every single sports game on the market right now.
Yes, but nearly every single sports game on the market right now looked and sounded pretty good to begin with. NCAA, not even close. The status quo is fine if you've gotten your game to the point where it just needs a little polish here and there every year. The status quo is not fine when you have incredibly outdated graphics, sound and animation like NCAA.

Looking and sounding just like NCAA 12 is not a compliment.
# 57 Mos1ted @ 06/13/12 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by moylan
It's on varsity. I think if it was on AA or heisman you would have been scored upon
True. But even on Varsity last year, the CPU at least scored.
# 58 Aggies7 @ 06/13/12 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by Pmoney327
I'm banking on the studio updates to present better with a named roster.
Speaking of that any word on of they will show up as names once the rosters are named or will they stay just number on tickers and updates.
# 59 fcboiler87 @ 06/13/12 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by BA2929
Play a game of NCAA 11 then turn around and immediately play a game of the '13 demo. I believe you'll see quite a difference. It's fine if you don't buy the game, but it doesn't play like NCAA '11 at all.
Using the demo to compare with the game is a poor example (unfortunately). I really enjoyed last year's demo and felt very good about it. Then the game came out and it disappointed. I am liking the feel of this year's demo. But I anticipate the actual release being different as they have been in year's past. Remember, demos are an early build, so it is not the final product.
# 60 xxSTEELCITYDxx @ 06/13/12 10:27 AM
I love the new passing game and I think the new animations is awesome threw a lobb pass to the side line safety came over and knocked his block off totaly loved it unllike last years this years he actualy got up under the guys arm in mid air and the guy went flying. I do think its more fluid then last years.Im still holding out hope they add the updated roster feature and also a feature were we can click on to our friends name and watch them in game and join them on mic as they play especaily during bowl season that would be awesome game experiance!

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