NCAA Football 13 News Post

Here are a couple of new NCAA Football 13 screenshots.

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
NCAA Football 13 Videos
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# 41 Playmakers @ 05/29/12 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
Honestly I haven't seen much upgrade from 11 to 13 as far as player model and graphics.
yeah i agree the graphics are basically the same for the last 3 years.

but at the same time if EA steps up the overall actual gameplay on the field i don't think the graphics or player models will matter that much.

Hell i love College Hoops 2K8 not because of the graphics but because the gameplay even for a 5 year old game is still top notch.

I don't think EA has ever actually surpassed or matched their graphics in NCAA Football with top notch gameplay on the field.

NCAA 11 remains my favorite version but it still falls short in gameplay in some very key areas that was never fixed in NCAA 12.
# 42 BA2929 @ 05/29/12 10:13 PM
Looks fine to me. Looks like NCAA has this entire gen, imo. I don't expect extreme graphical changes from year to year anymore, I stopped doing that very early on in his generation of consoles. I expect NCAA to look exactly like this until the next-gen is released, and I'm fine with that. I just want a game that plays well and is fun, which I thought NCAA '12 was. So as long as NCAA '13 is a step forward in gameplay (and it looks like it'll be like that thanks to the new passing game and the new recruiting), they can keep the graphics EXACTLY the same as far as I'm concerned.
# 43 da ThRONe @ 05/29/12 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
yeah i agree the graphics are basically the same for the last 3 years.

but at the same time if EA steps up the overall actual gameplay on the field i don't think the graphics or player models will matter that much.

Hell i love College Hoops 2K8 not because of the graphics but because the gameplay even for a 5 year old game is still top notch.

I don't think EA has ever actually surpassed or matched their graphics in NCAA Football with top notch gameplay on the field.

NCAA 11 remains my favorite version but it still falls short in gameplay in some very key areas that was never fixed in NCAA 12.
As much as I perfer better player models I'd gladly scarifice it and graphics for better physics and better interaction at the LOS and with players on the primeter. However it doesn't seem like where getting a drastic upgrade in game play considering how similar everything else is to the same game 2 years ago.

Clearly it's much more difficult to progress this game in a yearly cycle than I can imagine.
# 44 qdog @ 05/29/12 11:58 PM
guys graphically you not going to get too much change on this console, so since thats the case they should be working very hard on gameplay. whats funny to me is that they just putting where the players locate the ball while in the air to see it, 2k had this in 05 on the original xbox, they shouldnt be marketing 3,5,7 step dropbacks, this is the fundamentals of playing quaterback this should have automatic been in the game and working properly since the start.

pump fakes/shovel passes also should not marketed, this is also the basic fundamentals of football. passing trajectory should have been in the game so im glad they got that in. no more super linebackers and physic db's,this should have never been an issue to start with. the latest video displayed some of the improved route running and how they create space, this also should have been in the game, its football, its what happens on the field of play. hate to keep bringing up 2k but theyhad great route running and foot planting in the game and created space between the reciever and the db according to how the reciever ran his route, need i say this was in 05 and on the original xbox..smh

We should have spring games by now, the ability to focus/practice on certain areas of the team (pass defense, run defense, linebackers, corners, d-line, etc.) depnding on your opponent you are facing the upcoming week. when facing a team like oklahoma state you should be able to focus your practice time on your cornerbacks and pass rush. then after the practice, according to how you did in practice you should get a boost in certain ratings for that week, maybe not big boosts but maybe 1-3 points +/-. We need pre-game show and analysis from lee corso and the gang, halftime show with scores from around the league. announcers should give their halftime adjustments and analysis, post-game show and analysis, coach interview at the end of the game. ok i like the the studio updates but how about highlights with the studio updates( again 2k had this on the original xbox)

double team blocks on passing plays we really need this in ncaa and madden, fix the crowd noise please, this is big, remember when the stadium use to shake in away games , bring that back, this plus what they doing with the icons this year should be just right for stadium atmosphere in away games. more team celebrations on big plays and key first downs especially in the fouth quater of a close game. AI should run their playbook just like the real life team and use more juke moves and all the other stuff the user has at his disposal (smarter AI). i keep going forever but i hope by next gen this will all be in the game or atleast in the plans for next gen.

oh and by the way no one is going to play this hiesman mode its a waste of time imo. i know i wont touch the mode myself. its pointless when you have a dynasty going and you got players just as good as the ones in the heisman mode, especially when you in your 3rd to 4th year and freshmans are now 95 ovr and above, you just play with those players.

EA send me a job offer ill have your game on point...lol
# 45 jpdavis82 @ 05/30/12 12:13 AM
Madden is innovating this year, NCAA 13 is recycling. I haven't seen anything NCAA 13 is doing aside from studio updates and crowd improvements(good job Christian) that really distinguishes 12 from 13. The more improvements we hear about from Madden, the worse it will make NCAA 13 look. I'm hoping that NCAA has something up their sleeve too, but it seems very unlikely. I was originally planning on getting both, but it seems like every time something new comes out about NCAA 13 lately, it is met with more disappointment than excitement.
# 46 TrapStar215 @ 05/30/12 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by qdog
guys graphically you not going to get too much change on this console, so since thats the case they should be working very hard on gameplay. whats funny to me is that they just putting where the players locate the ball while in the air to see it, 2k had this in 05 on the original xbox, they shouldnt be marketing 3,5,7 step dropbacks, this is the fundamentals of playing quaterback this should have automatic been in the game and working properly since the start.

pump fakes/shovel passes also should not marketed, this is also the basic fundamentals of football. passing trajectory should have been in the game so im glad they got that in. no more super linebackers and physic db's,this should have never been an issue to start with. the latest video displayed some of the improved route running and how they create space, this also should have been in the game, its football, its what happens on the field of play. hate to keep bringing up 2k but theyhad great route running and foot planting in the game and created space between the reciever and the db according to how the reciever ran his route, need i say this was in 05 and on the original xbox..smh

We should have spring games by now, the ability to focus/practice on certain areas of the team (pass defense, run defense, linebackers, corners, d-line, etc.) depnding on your opponent you are facing the upcoming week. when facing a team like oklahoma state you should be able to focus your practice time on your cornerbacks and pass rush. then after the practice, according to how you did in practice you should get a boost in certain ratings for that week, maybe not big boosts but maybe 1-3 points +/-. We need pre-game show and analysis from lee corso and the gang, halftime show with scores from around the league. announcers should give their halftime adjustments and analysis, post-game show and analysis, coach interview at the end of the game. ok i like the the studio updates but how about highlights with the studio updates( again 2k had this on the original xbox)

double team blocks on passing plays we really need this in ncaa and madden, fix the crowd noise please, this is big, remember when the stadium use to shake in away games , bring that back, this plus what they doing with the icons this year should be just right for stadium atmosphere in away games. more team celebrations on big plays and key first downs especially in the fouth quater of a close game. AI should run their playbook just like the real life team and use more juke moves and all the other stuff the user has at his disposal (smarter AI). i keep going forever but i hope by next gen this will all be in the game or atleast in the plans for next gen.

oh and by the way no one is going to play this hiesman mode its a waste of time imo. i know i wont touch the mode myself. its pointless when you have a dynasty going and you got players just as good as the ones in the heisman mode, especially when you in your 3rd to 4th year and freshmans are now 95 ovr and above, you just play with those players.

EA send me a job offer ill have your game on point...lol
Well said.
# 47 PowerofRed25 @ 05/30/12 02:09 AM
I don't know what y'all are talking about, EA was just trying to make an authentic game atmosphere. Old graphics for older version players. Duh!

Seriously though, I am way beyond even worrying about graphics anymore. It will never be a beautiful game, never has been. We'd all be better off just putting possible graphic improvements out of our heads and just focus on the game operating correctly. Player models are hideous, lighting is usually awful, stadiums and sidelines are flat (literally) but I can't think of many times I was in the middle of the game thinking how bad it looked. The only time I really realize it is during all the painful cut scenes and stadium pans that EA shoves down our throats.

Let's not get too worked up over it. I'm more worried about how awful gameplay has looked in the videos.
# 48 Mckinley Cash @ 05/30/12 02:47 AM
"NCAA Football
NCAA thought they’d jump the gun a little bit and give you a taste of what they’re bringing to the table a week early. In addition to revealing their Heisman Playbook on Wednesday May 29th, they’re also hosting a Heisman Webcast the same day. There may also be another big announcement in the works that we’re not at liberty to discuss yet...but if we were you we would probably be checking the site regularly for some big NCAA news."

Found this on easports.com/e3.. Looks like whatever is in Madden 13 might be in NCAA as well!
# 49 TheBadOwl @ 05/30/12 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Mckinley Cash
"NCAA Football
NCAA thought they’d jump the gun a little bit and give you a taste of what they’re bringing to the table a week early. In addition to revealing their Heisman Playbook on Wednesday May 29th, they’re also hosting a Heisman Webcast the same day. There may also be another big announcement in the works that we’re not at liberty to discuss yet...but if we were you we would probably be checking the site regularly for some big NCAA news."

Found this on easports.com/e3.. Looks like whatever is in Madden 13 might be in NCAA as well!
The "big thing" is probably going to be something stupid. Like the Heisman Challenge thing. Just the ability to now use the likeness and names of former players. I doubt it'll be anything we actually want.

Also, these screens look downright terrible IMO. I think they look worse than 12, only because the player models are so messed up looking. Blah.
# 50 Dr Death @ 05/30/12 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82

Here are a couple of new NCAA Football 13 screenshots.
I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet... but what is EA's deal w/ the color green? For years it was Michigan State, now it's Baylor. How do they continually get the shade of green wrong? And this year, RG III was in studio, in uniform...

Here's Baylor in the same uniform as above... note the massive difference in the shade of green. Also, from the screen shot above it would appear that they didn't include the gold trim on the numbers. Why???

# 51 TrapStar215 @ 05/30/12 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dr Death
I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet... but what is EA's deal w/ the color green? For years it was Michigan State, now it's Baylor. How do they continually get the shade of green wrong? And this year, RG III was in studio, in uniform...

Here's Baylor in the same uniform as above... note the massive difference in the shade of green. Also, from the screen shot above it would appear that they didn't include the gold trim on the numbers. Why???

As my dad always tells me, "thats just being lazy. C'mon man!"
# 52 CT Pitbull @ 05/30/12 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Madden is innovating this year, NCAA 13 is recycling. I haven't seen anything NCAA 13 is doing aside from studio updates and crowd improvements(good job Christian) that really distinguishes 12 from 13. The more improvements we hear about from Madden, the worse it will make NCAA 13 look. I'm hoping that NCAA has something up their sleeve too, but it seems very unlikely. I was originally planning on getting both, but it seems like every time something new comes out about NCAA 13 lately, it is met with more disappointment than excitement.
well said my friend ...i swear you and i think very much alike atleast when it comes to video game football

like i've said before june 4th WILL be judgement day for me and NCAA 13 ....if the change in madden isnt also in NCAA i will not be buying both for the first year in a loooonngg time....(i hope ncaa 13 is holding out on us)...
# 53 blkrptnt819 @ 05/30/12 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by TrapStar215
But it's the truth??? They upload these replay edit pics every year since 09 and it hasn't been any difference in player models or graphics at all.
So this game looks like 09? Ummm I will have to respectfully disagree.
# 54 mestevo @ 05/30/12 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Dr Death
I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet... but what is EA's deal w/ the color green? For years it was Michigan State, now it's Baylor. How do they continually get the shade of green wrong? And this year, RG III was in studio, in uniform...

Here's Baylor in the same uniform as above... note the massive difference in the shade of green. Also, from the screen shot above it would appear that they didn't include the gold trim on the numbers. Why???

The thing is, they've probably got these colors matching down to the pantone level in the game, and it's lighting/lack of proper reflection/not emulating the materal well or something that causes many of these kinds of complaints.
# 55 skinnybonez @ 05/30/12 08:41 AM
besides adding new unis, what exactly did the art team do this year?
# 56 Pezell04x @ 05/30/12 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Dr Death
I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet... but what is EA's deal w/ the color green? For years it was Michigan State, now it's Baylor. How do they continually get the shade of green wrong? And this year, RG III was in studio, in uniform...

Here's Baylor in the same uniform as above... note the massive difference in the shade of green. Also, from the screen shot above it would appear that they didn't include the gold trim on the numbers. Why???

The gold trim could be there, it may just not be visible given where the lighting is on that uniform.

I agree that the NCAA always has an issue with colors, but I think that has to do with the HDR lighting. If you look at screenshots from NCAA 11 and compare it with NCAA 12 (which introduced the HDR lighting), the colors seem a lot more washed out in 12.

I did a quick google search and this is the best example I can come up with using Miami:

NCAA 11 (also from our very own Playmakers I believe):

NCAA 12:

While NCAA 12 looks superior due to the lighting, I think it's also the reason that the colors are wrong. Look at the orange in 11 compared to 12. 12 seems more washed out.

I believe the same will happen with Madden 12 and 13 as well since this new lighting will be in Madden 13.

Madden 12:

Madden 13:

So either Madden 12's colors were too rich or Madden 13 may have that washed out look like the NCAA series has had.

Just a thought.
# 57 TrapStar215 @ 05/30/12 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by blkrptnt819
So this game looks like 09? Ummm I will have to respectfully disagree.
Player models?
# 58 Armor and Sword @ 05/30/12 09:49 AM
This thread is pure madness. Just pure madness.

Had to say it.
# 59 Scrapps @ 05/30/12 09:49 AM
For the life of me, I can't understand the purpose of releasing these screenshots. They look like every other d@mn screenshot we've seen over the last couple of months (well, closer to two years). There is not one thing new, enhanced, or exciting in any one of them. But, what do i know. Maybe someone in marketing had 5 minutes to kill.
# 60 kt-od @ 05/30/12 09:59 AM
I'm getting really close to cancelling my pre-order. I hope that some new videos or something will change my mind.

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