NCAA Football 13 News Post
NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 21
packersfan4eva @ 05/29/12 07:43 PM
If there's something that's going to encourage me to buy NCAA '13 instead of waiting for someone to make updated rosters for '12, I have yet to see it.
The demo is going to be the biggie. If it plays better, I'll consider getting it.
The demo is going to be the biggie. If it plays better, I'll consider getting it.
# 22
TrapStar215 @ 05/29/12 07:49 PM
I really dont get why they uploaded pics from NCAA 12! That was stupid.
I have a question...why in the WORLD do the game developers think that we actually wanna relive graduated players college days when we have road to glory? I mean seriously. I don't think that many people will care about this new relive Heisman thingy. That could of been even more focus on game play rather than insert a game mode that won't be in next year's game.
# 25
TrapStar215 @ 05/29/12 08:04 PM
# 26
JerzeyReign @ 05/29/12 08:05 PM

# 27
Playmakers @ 05/29/12 08:08 PM
not that i really care but it would have been cool to get entire classic rosters with those heisman players then i could have just edited the entire roster and ratings to my likings since EA probably would have just thrown anything together themselves.
oh well with Tebow and RG3 that should atleast mean EA will have the CPU QB's scramble and take off much better this year if they really are promoting those two guys in the game this year
I would hope that's the case.
These are for the Heismen challenge mode...
I wonder if they would have other players names that made it into the pros and since EA sports have players licensed...
I wonder if they would have other players names that made it into the pros and since EA sports have players licensed...
# 31
Playmakers @ 05/29/12 08:20 PM
# 32
wallofhate @ 05/29/12 08:26 PM
Im unfortunately so disappointed in ncaa. It just seems lagging so far behind madden in every way. This is the 1st year I won't buy both
# 33
WLU Golden Hawk @ 05/29/12 08:35 PM
How could the Devs be pleased playing this game when they see the ball the size of a guys head!
They could make the players hands larger to make the ball look smaller but that would look worse in their opinion.
Just one of the many mistakes that were made when this engine was built for this gen.
What exactly is happening here? I honestly thought someone just posted screens they took from 12 and posted them here as a joke.
Honestly I haven't seen much upgrade from 11 to 13 as far as player model and graphics.
# 37
TrapStar215 @ 05/29/12 09:15 PM

maybe theres no "FSU" logo on the chest because they may have uniforms that were available back when those players were playing????? that uni wasnt introduced til last year, so maybe
# 39
COACH WEBB @ 05/29/12 09:52 PM
I know it's been said, but man, the player models just look bad. Especially the lineman and they have the same cleats from like 08 or 09. Just outdated all around.
I think that they are doing a horrible job marketing this years game. The screen shots they have chosen to show look EXACTLY like NCAA12 and to be honest...should we be excited to play as RG3? We were able to play with him last year so what is the big deal? I am so disappointed in everything that they have shown so far.
With the lack of equipment upgrades, the horrible player models, and the crowd video, this game is actually turning me away from the series instead of getting me excited. Gone are the days where I couldn't wait for release day. I now look forward to Madden.
With the lack of equipment upgrades, the horrible player models, and the crowd video, this game is actually turning me away from the series instead of getting me excited. Gone are the days where I couldn't wait for release day. I now look forward to Madden.
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