NHL 13 News Post

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What do you think it will be?

Game: NHL 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
NHL 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 SinisterAlex @ 05/14/12 01:12 PM
Hopefully it's something useful and not the next over hyped feature like Be a Legend mode was...
# 2 Simple Mathematics @ 05/14/12 01:37 PM
Nice! Please don't be "Ultimate Fantastic Hitting Physics 3.0". Let's get something like collision detection, a new skating engine, players actually have weight, only skilled players can perform good dekes, 100% loose puck, more sloppy gameplay, I could go on.

Or why not throw all of them together and make a great game? It is the year 2012 you know.
# 3 drewst18 @ 05/14/12 01:38 PM
I am pretty pumped... I must say the skill stick is by far the biggest improvement to any sports game that I play in the last 10 years. It revolutionized hockey video games.

Other games have tried analog controls and most fall flat. If it is even half as big of a game changer as the stick was this is going to be a great game.
# 4 savoie2006 @ 05/14/12 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by drewst18
I am pretty pumped... I must say the skill stick is by far the biggest improvement to any sports game that I play in the last 10 years. It revolutionized hockey video games.

Other games have tried analog controls and most fall flat. If it is even half as big of a game changer as the stick was this is going to be a great game.
It's gonna be first person mode either as a player or a ref
# 5 jyoung @ 05/14/12 01:43 PM
I'm hoping for "stick physics" or "total stick control."

They could move the body checking to an actual button and let the right joystick control your stick on defense.
# 6 savoie2006 @ 05/14/12 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
I'm hoping for "stick physics" or "total stick control."

They could move the body checking to an actual button and let the right joystick control your stick on defense.
Thing is, that's already an option.
# 7 gator3guy @ 05/14/12 01:59 PM
Hopeful: The next gameplay revolution is coming.

Likely: The next gameplay glitch is coming.
# 8 adayinthelife @ 05/14/12 02:02 PM
I can't honestly picture this being anything too special. This is supposed to be the 3rd and final year of the implementation of their physics engine, but I thought it kinda took a bit of a step back last year (at least with the hitting/player contact stuff) so I'm not that optimistic about things this year. Here's hoping I'm wrong.
# 9 Cardot @ 05/14/12 02:04 PM
It will be Kinect.
# 10 savoie2006 @ 05/14/12 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by gator3guy
Hopeful: The next gameplay revolution is coming.

Likely: The next gameplay glitch is coming.
Not like that's anything new in gaming. People always find cheap ways to win. If they banned the cheaters though, there would be far less people online.
# 11 Lions_Pride @ 05/14/12 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Cardot
It will be Kinect.

Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3.

Taken from first post.
# 12 canucksss @ 05/14/12 02:37 PM
does this means that ALL players can do the stick skills??? Even the less skilled ones in BaGM?
# 13 DetroitStyle @ 05/14/12 02:51 PM
Does the NHL series even need a new mechanics overhaul? If that's what I think the trailer is implying....

I wish they would spend more time on tuning the sim engine, upgrade be a gm, and have better player face models like the show has. That would be fantastic.
# 14 drewst18 @ 05/14/12 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Rogie Vachon
As I posted on the EA forum....

That teaser showed me nothing,.....and wasn`t a teaser at all.

More of an antagonizer than teaser.

It showed some Dman get turned inside out by the incredibly easy to pull off dekes that are present in NHL12 and earlier game versions.

Then we see the goalie get scored on,in a clip of the NHL12 version,...then it ends with .5 seconds of seeing a guy stop and a defenceman pivot,....all in views that aren`t even game play views....and they didn`t show anything "new".

Of course,the koolaid drinkers are in full placebo mode,.....and the mods are dropping hints that it`s a new skating engine.

I`d bet my left nut that if anything,whatever they`ve done to the skating engine will be a huge FAIL,....as will be the whole NHL13 version.

They had more than enough opportunity to even just make some adjustments with NHL12 gameplay,and they refused to even do that,...so,meh,.......I expect more of the same or worse.
oh who invited that guy ^^

Really if your that close minded why even bother watching. Unless Stamkos skates through your TV and invites you to play your not going to be happy.

NHL 12 is one of the few games that I play after 6 months after release date and I can say there are plenty of others who agree.

Its not perfect but its a great game, and you are hating on us for liking it and not being miserable about it.

EA takes a lot of heat but I think they do a pretty good job with NHL. Especially compared to the competition. Which they beat out without the need of a license deal
# 15 Dazraz @ 05/14/12 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by DetroitStyle
Does the NHL series even need a new mechanics overhaul? If that's what I think the trailer is implying....

I wish they would spend more time on tuning the sim engine, upgrade be a gm, and have better player face models like the show has. That would be fantastic.
Totally agree. This game has issues & they're not in the gameplay.
# 16 Fiddy @ 05/14/12 03:52 PM
i was think skating engine as well..

anything has to be better than the skating engine now, right? i mean the starting and stopping on a dime.

they had it tuned that if you did that you would fall over last year. but to many guys complained about it so they changed it back to normal this year.
# 17 Ryn Vintage1986 @ 05/14/12 04:12 PM
Coming in NHL 13: Waggle your stick even more and be even more invincible to stick checks. Score on any A.I. goalie and de-pants any A.I. defenders using this simple set of commands — they're not glitches, folks — they're WOW moments.

Wait, we already had all that?

Er... Uh... Play with occasionally-updated rosters in NHL 13!!

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# 18 savoie2006 @ 05/14/12 04:33 PM
Well since this is the year the physics engine is suppose to be complete, I could see the skating and such getting an overhaul. If so, that and a Presentation overhaul would be fine with me for a year. Then next year focus on an AI overhaul along with adding depth to BAGM. I understand they can't possibly get it all in one year.
# 19 Qb @ 05/14/12 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rogie Vachon
Of course,the koolaid drinkers are in full placebo mode,.....
Originally Posted by Rogie Vachon
You`re spilling your koolaid on me,...so step back.
Feel free to present legitimate criticism regarding the game, but check the condescending attitude and hackneyed platitudes at the door.
# 20 BlueNGold @ 05/14/12 07:58 PM
I think it's physics-based skating. Look around the :19 second mark.

If so, I'm excited. But it'll mean nothing if the rest of the game isn't up to par and the issues from last year aren't fixed.

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