Madden NFL 13 News Post

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In video #1, go behind the scenes with ESPN's Mark Schlereth as he talks with Creative Director Mike Young, Designer Patrick Bellanca, and Art Director Jean Adams about presentation. In video #2, he talks with Designer Larry Richart about gameplay.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
Madden NFL 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 MiNiDiTkA @ 05/03/12 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by EmmdotFrisk
I loved running in M10.
Me too!

Originally Posted by Stroehms

The thing that I feel is missing from Madden's running animations is that it doesn't feel as if the player has weight to him when he plants a foot to cut. You can juke out a guy with the left stick easier than the Juke buttons, imo.
My biggest gripes with Madden 12 are the animations and the players lack of weight/momentum. O3 was my favorite as far as player weight/momentum with 05 and 10 in a tie for 2nd.
# 62 z Graffitti x @ 05/03/12 11:51 PM
did anybody else notice the physics @ like 1:55 when the ravens tackled benson?..
# 63 Still2REal @ 05/04/12 12:06 AM
LOL, one thing Madden does right is Marketing. Nothing about that video looked impressive to me nor does having Schlereth add any authenticity but some people will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

Not to mention most of the scenes in the first video were not angles you would see in actual gameplay. For the life of me I can not see how someone gets excited by cutscenes and video of CPU vs CPU gameplay.
# 64 cameroncrazie07 @ 05/04/12 12:23 AM
Don't want to sound picky here but at around the 5:34 mark in the video I see that they have the cowboys wearing their blue uniforms at home again. I think they were also doing this in an earlier video. Also they have #41 Terrance Newman playing who was cut recently.
# 65 jpdavis82 @ 05/04/12 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Still2REal
LOL, one thing Madden does right is Marketing. Nothing about that video looked impressive to me nor does having Schlereth add any authenticity but some people will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

Not to mention most of the scenes in the first video were not angles you would see in actual gameplay. For the life of me I can not see how someone gets excited by cutscenes and video of CPU vs CPU gameplay.
I think the presentation stuff was pretty impressive, especially the studio sets with players before the pregame, read and react and pass trajectories should help with the biggest issue with Madden 12 gameplay, which was psychic dbs.

I'm still playing Madden 12 so I'm pretty excited for Madden 13 knowing that it will fix the commentary, add more presentation for games whether it's reg season, snf, mnf, playoffs, or super bowl, that will keep things fresh for me. I also am looking forward to hearing about the new connected careers mode and what this new monumental change to gameplay will be on June 4th.

So shoot me, I'm excited about Madden 13, and I've been playing Madden longer than almost anyone on here.
# 66 Skyboxer @ 05/04/12 12:29 AM
Love what I'm seeing. Progress is being made finally so as long as it's an ongoing this with Madden I'll be happy.
Getting pretty excited for release.
# 67 illwill10 @ 05/04/12 12:43 AM
Im more excited for this game than I ever been. Visually it looks great. Hopefully Connected Careers has depth.
Commentary was one of my biggest non-gameplay issues. I cant wait for May 14 and June 4
# 68 Still2REal @ 05/04/12 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
. I also am looking forward to hearing about the new connected careers mode and what this new monumental change to gameplay will be on June 4th.

So shoot me, I'm excited about Madden 13, and I've been playing Madden longer than almost anyone on here.
I was referencing mainly the extensive sue of cutscenes which to me doesn't affect actual gameplay. Most of the time, that's something people will be skipping after a few games.

The idea of "monumental change" in gameplay is brought up every year around this time.

More than likely if you liked past Maddens you will like this one and if you didn't you probably still won't. I just haven't seen anything that would persuade someone either way. Good or bad.
# 69 Meast21Forever @ 05/04/12 01:11 AM
Just a few comments on these videos -

- I feel nauseous. That camera man had some type of palsy.
- Also, quite hilarious how sweaty the gameplay guy was
- I like the new pregame stuff, but the player models still look awful. I would be pissed if I was Ryan Grant. And it looks like everyone is wearing giant chest plates. Is that what the art designer sees when he watches the NFL? He may need glasses.
- I wonder how much time was spent on that stupid menu crap. That is pointless fluff that time and money goes into. I just don't understand the priorities.
- I may be alone in this, but motion blur looks stupid. I don't think it adds realism at all. Maybe I'll like it when I play it myself. Everything I've seen so far though - don't like it.
- Whoever at EA decided to not include the ability to save images from replays (a la NCAA) should be punched in the face. Why spend so much time/effort/money on lighting if it can't really be appreciated?

Not to be a negative nancy, but these videos didn't impress me at all. I'll still probably by the game eventually because I'm an idiot, but overall I'm disappointed with what I've seen so far.
# 70 speedy9386 @ 05/04/12 03:27 AM
lol at 4:08 after the touchdown it says 2nd and -35
# 71 ultralow36 @ 05/04/12 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Still2REal
LOL, one thing Madden does right is Marketing. Nothing about that video looked impressive to me nor does having Schlereth add any authenticity but some people will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

Not to mention most of the scenes in the first video were not angles you would see in actual gameplay. For the life of me I can not see how someone gets excited by cutscenes and video of CPU vs CPU gameplay.
what do you care what other people like...or buy......

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# 72 therealsmallville @ 05/04/12 10:04 AM
As far as Cowboys wearing blue at home, down & distance incorrect after the TD, (fill in the blank problem here) goes, the videos do say WIP. Work In Progress. And we don't know how old or recent the build shown is. Let's cut 'em some slack, it's May.

I'm not even remotely suggesting that these things will be fixed, as we've seen things slip through in the past. But I do think it's a little too early to judge the game as "not impressed" yet. Heck, it's too early to say "impressed", even. Give it some time, let's see what EA can do with it.
# 73 Bfreecloud @ 05/04/12 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
This is so true. I'm sure there will be a large group of people that find a way to complain about how unreal Simms and Nantz will look but will forget about how terrible Chris Berman looked.
Oh you mean how bad he looked 8 years ago on a last gen system?
# 74 at23steelers @ 05/04/12 11:43 AM
Comparing the scorebug with CBS', its not so much anything else other than that blue. They don't need to change anything, other than getting a different color, and make it more like the CBS colors that they used. From looking at it at first, I thought it'd need a bigger change, but the CBS one proved me wrong.
# 75 TreyIM2 @ 05/04/12 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I really like the new graphics package too, but the scorebug needs to be touched on, looks way too arcade/wii ish
I can agree wit dat. I actually was thinking that when they first showed footage of the game last week but said, "Eh, whatever..." Ha. Hopefully, it's just a place holder and they'll improve on it. I have to say, I was really loving the bug for Madden 12.
# 76 jpdavis82 @ 05/04/12 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by speedy9386
lol at 4:08 after the touchdown it says 2nd and -35
Yep and at 4:11 the scorebug doesn't even show up, so obviously this vid says WIP for a reason.
# 77 jpdavis82 @ 05/04/12 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
I can agree wit dat. I actually was thinking that when they first showed footage of the game last week but said, "Eh, whatever..." Ha. Hopefully, it's just a place holder and they'll improve on it. I have to say, I was really loving the bug for Madden 12.
Yeah me too, I do like the play by play stat banner right underneath it though, it stands out a little more than in Madden 12.
# 78 Tengo Juego @ 05/04/12 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Meast21Forever
- I may be alone in this, but motion blur looks stupid. I don't think it adds realism at all. Maybe I'll like it when I play it myself. Everything I've seen so far though - don't like it.
It looks overdone. It keeps getting flaunted in screenshots and I shake my head at it. Why do I care to see a blurry shot, in the first place? I've had a hard time really noticing it during video, but that's probably because I'm not looking for it. We'll see, I suppose.
# 79 ODogg @ 05/04/12 02:32 PM
Well here's my two cents. I think Madden looks better and better each year as a video game. But seems to look worse and worse each year as a realistic representation of a sport.

And by that I mean it seems the colors are more cartoonish, the players move more and more like videogame characters without any weight or momentum and the field seems to more and more resemble a pool table as someone mentioned.

It looks overall like it's becoming "Mario'ized" and that score banner doesn't help things any.

With that being said I still look forward to playing it because while it may become more and more unrealistic going in this direction it could also end up being quite a fun game to play. I mean Mario is fun after all and it's not a realistic representation of an Italian plumber trying to rescue a Princess.
# 80 slashpg88 @ 05/04/12 02:37 PM
When will they learn that the whole "EA Sports" presentation just doesnt work. We need CBS/ESPN/FOX. That would take the presentation to a whole different level.

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