Madden NFL 13 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 dallen8wr @ 04/30/12 11:28 PM
I didn't have a problem with Gus Johnson being in the booth. The guy really made the game exciting and almost none scripted. Unfortunately the programmers did not help him out with that. With comments like...look at the burst! He's got get away from the cops speed! Rumble young man rumble! That is a quote from Muhammad Ali - back in the day for you youngsters! Why change just to change - with better programming, this guy brings excitement and uniqueness to Madden. If you were going to try and go with a traditional booth team - why not try to get the best team. Aikman & Buck. When they are there....you know it's a big game! Sort of like Madden and Summeral were back in the day!
# 22 EAGLESFAN10 @ 04/30/12 11:43 PM
yeah especially when they call Eagles vs Giants and Eagles vs Cowboys games

anyway if they want Aikman and Buck they need a FOX NETWORK theme because they have a CBS type presentation so it made sense 2 go out and get them as commentators
# 23 jpdavis82 @ 05/01/12 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by balcobomber25
I agree with you on this one, this new connected careers mode scares me. I see one of two things happening, A) Franchise as we know it is gone and this is going to be the replacement for it, B) this is another new gimmick mode and we will get the same boring franchise from the previous 6 years with some new menus. I hope connected careers is a ground breaking new franchise mode with complete control over everything but I have been promised too much in video games to get my hopes up.
If the presentation changes every week and you can tell a difference between a day game, afternoon, sunday night, monday night game, then I don't think franchise will get boring. I've heard the presentation graphics for snf and mnf will change to look more like what you see on snf and mnf so that should be cool to see. I think there's a lot presentation wise that we are going to find out on May 14th. I guess it's kinda wait and see right now about a lot of things.

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