Madden NFL 13 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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# 1 Official_Mole @ 04/28/12 01:40 AM
Commentary will be great to listen to this year. Im a big fan of Nantz in Tiger woods so im going to enjoy hearing him talk with Simms.
# 2 kingsofthevalley @ 04/28/12 04:13 AM
The question thats starting to form in my head is this. Will this new commentator team follow your progress through franchise mode, or is this just specifically tailored to some type of career mode? I'm starting to lean towards the latter.
# 3 jjazwick @ 04/28/12 10:55 PM
I think that Connected Careers is for both Franchise and Superstar mode. I think it is similar to the NBA Today and MLB Today that 2k Sports has.
# 4 jersez @ 04/29/12 01:21 AM
I just realized that I've never heard a developer interview, where they say we fixed this(insert problem) its always the new features first and I understand that, but I would still like to know if they have fixed problems that have been holding the game back.
# 5 roadman @ 04/29/12 01:27 AM
Yes, so far, but we'll need to see further ourselves when the demo drops.

1. Physic DB's
2. Physic LB's
3. PA
4. Screen Passes
5. 20 new Pass Trajectories
6. Poor sound and commentary

Anything you particular in looking for? This is what we know, now.
# 6 DGuinta1 @ 04/29/12 09:17 AM
Address the sidelines, collision detection. Game sure looks but the sidlines and everyone clapping line drones doesn't look good for years.
# 7 roadman @ 04/29/12 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by DGuinta1
Address the sidelines, collision detection. Game sure looks but the sidlines and everyone clapping line drones doesn't look good for years.
Probably not this generation sidelines and crowds.

It was said by developers in the past that if they addressed the sidelines, then the field of play would take a hit.

Collision detection, there could be something in 13.

We'll see.
# 8 DGuinta1 @ 04/29/12 12:09 PM
OIC ty for the info. Road. I wasn't aware. Go Brew Crue! Though Yanks fan here. :O)
# 9 shupirate98 @ 04/29/12 01:06 PM
Gotta tighten up Cruz's salsa. He's a better dancer than that.
# 10 Dynastium @ 04/29/12 06:23 PM
The shoulder pads look too high... maybe I'm just looking for a fault.
# 11 abcabc @ 04/29/12 06:34 PM
wow phil simms, this makes it a must buy alone!
# 12 green94 @ 04/29/12 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by DGuinta1
Address the sidelines, collision detection. Game sure looks but the sidlines and everyone clapping line drones doesn't look good for years.
Totally with you on this... Also will refs throw flags this year (actual flags on the field)?
# 13 TreyIM2 @ 04/30/12 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by green94
Totally with you on this... Also will refs throw flags this year (actual flags on the field)?
Nope, don't think so. EA most likely would have spoken on that if that was back in the game. I see it coming next gen.
# 14 RnRexpress3423 @ 04/30/12 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
Nope, don't think so. EA most likely would have spoken on that if that was back in the game. I see it coming next gen.
I know they used to toss the flags back in Madden '99 on PC and those wonderful ambulance days were awesome as well.
# 15 bluestreak10 @ 04/30/12 10:50 AM
i wonder what get your game face on is i saw that in the main menu the other day during the presentation video.. and i hope they make the penalties and challenges happen more like in every game on sunday.. i hate when i say fumble the ball and somehow when i challenge instead of challenging the fumble it does ball spot.. and i wanna see more penalties on both sides of the ball!! but REALLY hopin Get your Game Face on is what i think it is like in PGA Tour 10 would be cool if u could import your face
# 16 kjjnesb @ 04/30/12 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
The question thats starting to form in my head is this. Will this new commentator team follow your progress through franchise mode, or is this just specifically tailored to some type of career mode? I'm starting to lean towards the latter.
I'm actually thinking franchise mode as we know it is gone and I'm kinda nervous about it.I liked having complete control and playing a Jerry Jone type role lol
# 17 Skyboxer @ 04/30/12 06:27 PM
As much as I'm getting a bit excited for Madden 13.. if they haven't touched online franchise, I'll be greatly disappointed.
# 18 kjjnesb @ 04/30/12 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
This thought crossed my mind as well but then I remembered that upgrading franchise mode was made such a big deal last year. Couple that with the fact they have stated many times, this new team is allegedly committed to ending that practice of removing things, instead of building on them every year.

Considering that, I strongly expect connected career modes to encompass the franchise mode as we know it, with more options.
I hope your right I just hate the idea of having to play franchise mode only from the prospective of a coach (who really don't last long in the modern NFL) or player (Hated superstar mode) I'd much rather they left the role undefined or hopefully the have the foresight to leave an option similar to past years.
# 19 twthomas @ 04/30/12 10:23 PM
I am impressed that I won't have to listen to Collinsworth drone on and on or better yet 'week in and week out'.
# 20 EAGLESFAN10 @ 04/30/12 10:47 PM
Atleast we will get good commentary 2 keep franchise mode fresh

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