News Post

Okay guys...

Here is the Spring Training version of the Operation Sports Full Minors for 2012, for MLB 12 The Show.

This initial set looks really tight... and there is some FANTASTIC work done on these. Dare I say... the best set yet.

There are too many to thank for this... and I will come back and fill out this post with all those involved, as I know you guys want to get your hands on these and start your franchises.

Here is the link for the OSFM ST v.1They will be up in the Vault momentarily...
  • File name: O.S.F.M. SPRING
Thanks for all your patience... and most of all enjoy!!!

I just want to thank some people... and I have to say... this community is truly exceptional. Operation Sports is simply the best run website I visit. Bar none... and the members that frequent here are one of the main reasons. Good people attract other good people.

In no particular order... I really need to thank all of the people involved in the making of this set... as this is a true community effort and without all of these guys, it would make the process much harder and much, much longer.

Thanks to:



I'd like to thank ksig24 for his insight and input into the potential base for the set...

... and last but CERTAINLY not least...

Without his TREMENDOUS work and the immense amount of time that he puts into these rosters... they would have taken 3 times as long to do.

I CANNOT say enough about this, as his dedication and sheer bulldog mentality to get it done, means so much to these.

Also to Steve... the owner of O.S. and the mods on here who make it easy to keep the threads in order and viable to use in conjunction with the set.

...and of course thanks to the entire O.S. community for all the input that you guys have been putting into these for YEARS!


Guys.....a lot of people have requested to give back in response to these rosters. They offer thanks and several have offered money.
I suggest charities if you really want to do something as a thanks to these.

My suggested charities....The N.Y.C. FireFighters Burn Center....Wounded Warriors....or .....http://www.extra-life.org/

Thank you!


Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 SilentSanta @ 04/03/12 09:33 PM
After playing with these rosters for a while now, I conclude that they are B.A. My Nationals franchise is going to be played a lot. Thanks a ton, again, and excellent work to everyone who contributed.
# 142 Knight165 @ 04/03/12 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Can you clarify Knight? Does this mean that if Darvish was included in the 4/2 update and had a face that looked nothing like him, we would be stuck with that face for every OSFM release?
No....we won't import any SCEA players over the ones you guys made.
Only players from updates that already aren't in the set.

# 143 TGov @ 04/03/12 09:38 PM
Much appreciation for everyone involved in the creation of this rosters... I have never gotten to use them in the past but I will enjoy them this time around... Thanks again... Play Ball...
# 144 cibo2 @ 04/03/12 09:43 PM
This roster is unbelievable!! Just like it is every year.

One question: When a player like Andy Pettitte and Jamie Moyer are officially added by SCEA with all their career statistics and such, are we able to import them from the SCEA roster for the OSFM roster? Aside from their statistics, its a pain that they are both considered rookies on this roster.
# 145 tabarnes19_SDS @ 04/03/12 09:43 PM
Thank you everyone. Outstanding work.
# 146 Dropkick @ 04/03/12 09:46 PM
This is all great and all. But I love how the questions about how to use/update the roster are being completely ignored. If you could please just tell us the steps to uploading them, that would be great, as I've been trying for the last hour and can't get it to work. I can't even get it uploaded to the ps3 and the old thread from years past saying how to do it is missing.
# 147 chinatownpwnage @ 04/03/12 09:47 PM
i don't think bryce harper's age is correct he's 19 not 21
# 148 moose616 @ 04/03/12 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dropkick
This is all great and all. But I love how the questions about how to use/update the roster are being completely ignored. If you could please just tell us the steps to uploading them, that would be great, as I've been trying for the last hour and can't get it to work. I can't even get it uploaded to the ps3 and the old thread from years past saying how to do it is missing.
Not really the right way to go about asking for help. You should do a little digging (search) for your answer. It's been answered multiple times in Knight's thread.
# 149 Vechi8 @ 04/03/12 09:51 PM
Awesome work all! You are not kidding with Harper's apperance, unbelievably dead on!! Wanted to add to the punch list, John Lannon is in AAA and not part of the Nat's rotation. It should be Ross Detwiler. Not sure if this just happened today but heard it on Comcast Sportsnet. Thanks again for this unbelievable work. Now Sony can say It so real it's unreal!!!
# 150 Flightwhite24 @ 04/03/12 09:52 PM
What Knight165 & Crew do for our enjoyment for this game is simply "INCREDIBLE" Thank you.
# 151 Vechi8 @ 04/03/12 09:53 PM
[quote=chinatownpwnage;2043531906]i don't think bryce harper's age is correct he's 19 not 21[/quote

Yes that is true. They already have pointed it out in earlier posts
# 152 pjsnell10 @ 04/03/12 09:53 PM
Thanks for all the hard work guys, looking forward to checking these out!
# 153 Knight165 @ 04/03/12 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by cibo2
This roster is unbelievable!! Just like it is every year.

One question: When a player like Andy Pettitte and Jamie Moyer are officially added by SCEA with all their career statistics and such, are we able to import them from the SCEA roster for the OSFM roster? Aside from their statistics, its a pain that they are both considered rookies on this roster.
You should be able to. It's how it's been in the past.

Originally Posted by Dropkick
This is all great and all. But I love how the questions about how to use/update the roster are being completely ignored. If you could please just tell us the steps to uploading them, that would be great, as I've been trying for the last hour and can't get it to work. I can't even get it uploaded to the ps3 and the old thread from years past saying how to do it is missing.
From the link:
Download the roster to your PC
Transfer it to to a USB drive
Unzip the file onto the same USB drive.
Make sure the file format is...
PS3(folder)/SAVEDATA(folder inside the PS3 folder)/BCUS39484930(another folder inside the SAVEDATA folder and I'm just making up the numbers...they change for each save)
Transfer the roster to your PS3(PS3 Saved Data Utility section...in the GAMES) section on the front end of your PS3(the screen you see when you quit a game or start the PS3 without a game in it)
Make sure you load the roster to look at it.

Originally Posted by chinatownpwnage
i don't think bryce harper's age is correct he's 19 not 21
Noted already...thanks!

# 154 19 @ 04/03/12 09:57 PM
Outstanding work everyone. Quite an effort to get this out before Opening Day.
# 155 37 @ 04/03/12 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Majoniak
Outstanding work everyone. Quite an effort to get this out before Opening Day.
Im quite sure the Opening Day set will be even 100x better ...i REALLY can't wait for that set
# 156 benanderson110 @ 04/03/12 10:00 PM
Thanks guys! Appreciate the hard work!
# 157 lgkeeper @ 04/03/12 10:01 PM
Thanks to everyone - much appreciated
# 158 BrownLemons @ 04/03/12 10:07 PM
Thanks to everyone the rosters look great. I've had this game since release day but it just feels incomplete without these.
# 159 The_Kid77 @ 04/03/12 10:09 PM
Amazing work by all involved....greatly appreciated with the time and effort you guys put in out of your own time
# 160 Bushido @ 04/03/12 10:10 PM
Do the Opening Day rosters usually get released on Opening Day? Thanks. Great work on Harper, I don't think anyone could have made him look more real.

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