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I may be wrong but I believe Kelenna Azubuike is on the disc for those that use XBOX. He was on Free Agency all of last year. I could name more players missing Jerome Jordan (NYK), Jerry Smith (NJN/10-Day Contract), Courtney Fortson (HOU/10-Day Contract), Julyan Stone (DEN), Jamaal Tinsley (UTA), Mickell Gladness (GSW/10-Day Contract), Cory Higgins (CHA), etc
I think I stated this earlier, if 2K made a CAP of Gerald Green and added their draft info then I would bet money that we can find a way to do the same thing with our Cyber Faced CAPs. If we can figure this out then the community's rosters just improved alot.
The rockets only have 10 players on their roster. I have to sign a random free agent to start an association. It only makes sense to put in Greg smith. But I don't know what 2k is doing
Donald Sloan - Cavs
Terrell Harris - Heat
Lance Thomas - Hornets
Chris Jonson - Hornets
Jamal Tinsley - Jazz
Jerome Jordan - Knicks
Kelena Azubuike - Mavs
Jerry Smith - Nets (10 Day)
Julian Stone - Nuggets
Pendergraph - Pacers
Walker Russell - Pistons
Courtney Fortson - Rockets (10 Day)
Greg Smith - Rockets
Eric Dawson - Spurs (10 Day)
Chris Wright - Warriors
Myckell Gladness - Warriors (10 Day)
Ubiles - Wizards (10 Day)
18 Missing Players, Mills isn't on the official Roster.
Because I don't have my Ps3 right now,I'm not sure about it, but i thik Rockets have only 11 Players on the Team....
Mills is on the disc for sure? and i thought Gerald Green wasn't on disc??? If he wasn't how did they put his portrait? Why can't they do that for all rookies?
As far as ratings etc. I am leaving those the way 2K has them now. That way everyone can adjust it to their preference. Accessories will be hex edit accessories by Fonrolalexexnay, he will also be adding real portraits to missing players. I will be going through every player and making their accessories accurate as of late and salaries. Hopefully it turns out great.
Still trying to find a way to add the draft information to the player card like 2K did with Gerald Green CAP. Also still trying to figure out how to add some of the deleted/retired players back with their career stats.
Still trying to find a way to add the draft information to the player card like 2K did with Gerald Green CAP. Also still trying to figure out how to add some of the deleted/retired players back with their career stats.
# 58
nosambob808 @ 03/24/12 04:53 PM
so, maybe i spoke too soon earlier in this thread. i went to load my myplayer which i'm about 100 played games into and it freezes. not sure if it's this roster or the fact that i played around in the nikeid thing like an idiot, but when i load my myplayer from the home screen my xbox freezes. shut off autosave and deleted all files except for my user profile, restarted the xbox and the damn shoes are still in there. how can i get rid of them or is it something tied to this roster?
# 60
Norris_Cole @ 03/25/12 12:22 AM
I hope tonight's game opened the 2k insider eyes, Brandan Wright with 7 blocks , he probably leads the league in blocks per minute (maybe him or larry sanders) but he is only rated 71 in blocks!! Not to mention his athleticism should be seriously bumped, I've been tweeting the insider for weeks but no luck, he doesn't care about these kind of players.
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