MLB 2K12 News Post

The MLB 2K12 demo is available now. Play a few games and post your impressions here.

Read the full press release below.

2K Sports Announces Major League Baseball 2K12 Demo
Now Available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network

Features Texas Rangers against St. Louis Cardinals in
rematch of 2011 World Series

New York, NY – February 28, 2012 – 2K Sports today announced that a free demo of Major League Baseball® 2K12 is now available on the Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation®Network for PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

The demo allows players to relive 2011’s thrilling, back-and-forth World Series and play three innings as the Texas Rangers or St. Louis Cardinals. In addition, it showcases many of MLB 2K12’s improved features, including the dynamic tendencies system that adjusts pitcher and batter ratings as the game unfolds; a revamped throwing system; and a new hit distribution system with more varied and realistic hit types.

This year’s edition of MLB 2K will allow players to experience the authenticity and excitement of a real baseball game, and also a chance to win $1,000,000. The Perfect Game Challenge returns for the third consecutive year with MLB 2K12, and is bigger than ever. The new format will utilize a dynamic leaderboard that ranks the top eight perfect games thrown. At the end of the competition, the top eight competitors will face each other in a live $1 million tournament.

MLB 2K12 is rated E for everyone by the ESRB and will be available March 6, 2012 for Xbox 360, PlayStation®3, Wii™ system, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, Nintendo DS™ and Windows PC.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 Cavicchi @ 02/29/12 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by MrChainsaw
Auto fielding! Nice.
2K11 also had auto fielding. Are you saying it's been improved in 2K12?
# 82 Cavicchi @ 02/29/12 01:11 AM
Seemed to me the players were running slower to first on a bunt and grounder than in 2K11.
# 83 vwnut13 @ 02/29/12 01:42 AM
My impressions:

(I have been playin the show since 2006. 2K5 was the last 2K game I played. more + signs, more serious, IMO)

+ Hit two homeruns in the first two innings.
+ Batting camera angle is weird.
+ Outfield angle is weird.
++ Matt Holliday dropped first ball hit to him.
++ Matt Holliday ran to third base (From LF) on a no doubt HR
+++ No advance on ball thrown in stands
+++ Bunting stance is weird!
++ Massive delay on dives
+ Infield dirt dark splotches

Played a game as the Cardinals, and couldn't do anything. I wonder if the team ratings affect teams too much.
# 84 BA2929 @ 02/29/12 03:06 AM
Played a few "games" after work, here are my impressions:


--The 'Pitch Track' when you hit left on the directional pad. They had this in MVP 05 and I've missed it ever since, but 2k has made it even better. Now I can see where I've thrown pitches in the at-bat and when I'm hitting I can see tons of stuff, incliding where a pitcher has thrown first pitches to lefties or what he threw me in my previous AB. Great addition. BEST addition, imo.

--Actually hit two HRs with Beltre on contact swings. That didn't happen much last year unless you were using a guy with 90+ power. (If he has 90+ power against righties, forgive me. Still nice to hit HRs with contact swings)

--The new throwing meter is cool. Still trying to figure out how to cancel a throw though. No button is listed for it in the menu. LOVED that I could actually change which base I could throw to after I had already selected one.

--The outfield seems bigger this year. That's a plus.

--The scoreboard actually had a sweet looking graphic on it! Not a generic thing that didnt even fill up the jumbotron.

--Had a nice looking double play where Kinsler flipped it with his glove to the SS who made a nice turn. REALLY liked that. Felt smooth and not forced.

--Seemed like it was easier to see what pitch was coming in.

--Gloves actually look like real baseball gloves. Not something someone bought at Toys-R-Us that came with a plastic bat and a wiffle ball.

--Mike Napoli pimped the grand slam I hit with him at the plate. "Pimped" means he stood there watching it sail over the wall for those of you that aren't into baseball slang. It was oppo, but it was a high and away fastball. Not like last year where you would hit a HR on a low and away curve. Also had Beltre do the same thing on a no-doubter. Different looking though, that was a plus.

--Seemed like more of the crowd was in 3D.

--I was late on an inside fastball and grounded out weakly to the 2nd baseman. Awesome. Exactly right.


--The new running animation for baserunners. They all look like Forest Gump to me. Running stiff, up and down and almost looks like they're jogging. Elvis Andrus looked like he was jogging to 2nd on a steal attempt. It looks fine on a HR trot, but not when guys are sprinting. However, I did like how guys rounded the bags.

--The way the CPU fielders will stop their fielding animation and pause.... then start their throwing animation. This was in 2k11 and I hated it then as well.

--The celebration animation runners have when they score runs. MLB guys dont jump up and down and pump their fists after they take a 1-0 lead in the 1st. Didn't happen every time, but it happened. This was in 2k11 as well.

Not sure what to think:

--The new fielding animations are just ok to me. The guys actually look like they're trying to throw hard, but its a little excessive sometimes.

--I can't decide if I like the new "you've thrown a pitch too much" stuff. When I used Ogando I threw the change-up probably 5 times and it was in the red the rest of the game. I understand what they're going for, but with a guy who only has 3 pitches, it really limits you.

--Slight freezing on foul balls. Hopefully this is a demo issue, but it was in there last year so who knows.

--99mph doesn't look or sound like 99mph to me still. Looks like 88-90mph. 99mph is FAST 2k. I understand you made 100+ look and sound like this, but seriously, 96-99mph should feel the same way. Problem was in last years game as well. This could have been because it was on PRO and a demo also. I'll let it slide for now.


The CPU actually made a pitching change against me after I scored 8 runs off of Kyle Lohse. They brought in Kyle McClellan in the top of the 3rd after I put up 5 against Lohse without recording an out.


This demo feels like a tighter version of 2011. Slightly better graphics, slightly better player models, same music and the same crowd noise. As many others have said: If you liked 2k11, you'll like this, as this seems like a more polished version of that game. I'll be getting it, but it might not be on release day. I want to hear if they've done something to My Player, as that's the mode I usually spend the most time in.

That's it for now. I don't want this to be 10 pages long.
# 85 RobSkillzz @ 02/29/12 03:53 AM
At most it was OKAY for me. Very decent game, with a few graphical upgrades from 2K11.

I will definitely not buy this right away, but later on down the road after a price drop.
# 86 Scribe1980 @ 02/29/12 04:33 AM
Almost the exact same game as 2k11 (PS3). Graphically, a slight bump. Faces and unis look clearer, no ballpark jaggies. That's it. Same undecipherable throwing meter; speed of runner v. fielder's throwing still feels off (any big league player who stops running out a grounder 20 feet from the bag doesn't play for long).

One new concept: The change in the quality of pitches, if it has been 'overused'. A nice idea, theoritically, but after a couple of games I fear the logic behind it has been implemented incorrectly. Let me explain:

If no one can touch your out pitch, you continue to throw it until they can.

In both games I played, I was seemingly penalized out of the blue for simply using a pitch too much (circle turned red), rather than for what the CPU did against it (in this case, Wainwright's 12-6 curve). In other words, the sheer quantity of 12-6 curves thrown by me, rather than CPU success against it, determined whether the circle graphic for the 12-6 curve turned red.

Once that happened, THEN the CPU had success against that pitch. I either couldn't throw it for a strike, or the CPU whacked the cheese out of it.

So a pitch the CPU couldn't lay a bat on for 3 innings suddenly failed me, solely due to the circle going red on me for "overuse" rather then for any CPU success against it.

That's not the way it works. My .02, anyway.

Demo Verdict: I pop in 2K11 when I want a break from the 'other game'. Got it post-patch for 13 bucks in December, downloaded the final rosters for that season and just made moves I was aware of. Will continue to play it as my "break" game, rather than drop $60 on 2K12.
# 87 natey2k4 @ 02/29/12 04:38 AM
I hate how the batters head is cut off by the bars across the top (score bar, etc).

The pitching is a lot better than the Show. If I could put the gesture pitching into the Show, I'd be a happy camper.
# 88 ryan36 @ 02/29/12 05:31 AM
Guys, no comparisons please. Thank you.
# 89 rudyjuly2 @ 02/29/12 07:50 AM
I’m very rusty having not played any baseball games since last summer. Played three games of the 2K12 demo with one going 4 IP. I was 2-1. Overall the game looks and plays very similar to 2K11 with a few noticeable tweaks.

Obviously the new reward/penalty system for each pitch as well as the game forcing you to mix up your pitches is new. I didn’t mind your pitch getting an automatic reduction for giving up a hit – like a fastball dropping from 89 to 88 but why automatically colour it red? I would rather see those green/red penalties only change colour after a total adjustment of five or more. But it was fine in the time I played. I did feel that the pitch usage was a bit restrictive, especially early on as the percentages can get out of whack really quickly.

The other change was the new throwing meter which I still have to get used to. In three games I made two throwing errors. It seems like a good idea but I have to use it more.

The ball physics and hit variety seemed the same. It’s early so I don’t know. I did see two hits where a ball was pulled on a pitch over the outer half but the hitting system still feels very rigid. Ball outside you go to the opposite field. This led to way too many opposite field HRs last year. My other complaint over the last two years has been the wide disparity between contact and power swings. They were just too different. I can’t tell if this was fixed yet or not although I’m guessing they left this alone. This usually resulted in the user having to crank power up for the cpu although the cpu did hit one HR off of me on Pro.

The base running animations when rounding second or third look better but the runner still “snaps” into his straight line animation. The animations to 1B are still bad as runners don’t run through properly or don’t round the base properly. It’s just odd.

A few details that stood out as wrong or odd. I hit a HR with Josh Hamilton (I only hit one and the cpu only hit one with Josh as well) and the LF ran in the entire time until the ball landed in the stands. I hit a routine grounder to Kinsler at second and he did an underhand throw to 1B that landed in the dirt. Feliz is now a starter for Texas so he should have a windup but he only throws out of the stretch. I did hit 100 mph with Feliz on one pitch but the sound effect from last year – the extra loud pop on triple digits – was gone. I’m fine with that but just thought I would note it.

Overall the game seemed a lot like last year other than the throwing meter and new pitch confidence system. I’d like to hear a lot more about franchise mode and if they fixed all the bugs and problems last year. Right now I’m going to pass on this game this year.
# 90 jb1 @ 02/29/12 08:30 AM
This is my first ever experience with 2k Baseball and I have to say I had a lot of fun. Played three games and for the first two I was getting beat up badly while I learnt the controls. My third game was fantastic however, winning 3-1 in 6 innings.

Once I got my timing down hitting was fun but the pitching is what really impressed me the most. 2k looks to have a great pitching system in place with a lot of good information at your disposal to make solid decisions on the mound. Also loved the presentation (something I feel 2k always does a great job with) and when coupled with the commentary i'm sure it will feel even better.

There were a few things I didn't like however, stuttering was an issue on my PS3, also at times it felt as though the game was being rushed with the timing of the music and PA announcing new batters. I also noticed the Left Fielder running in on home run which just looked odd.

Overall though I really enjoyed the demo, as a 2k baseball rookie and a relatively new Baseball fan who is still learning about this great sport after 3 years i'm excited to try and pick this game up. Might not be easy hunting out a PC copy here in the UK but i'll be doing my best come next week.
# 91 brewersfan84 @ 02/29/12 09:10 AM
Keeping it short and sweet.... my impressions are very high for this game, the demo was very polished and the game is improved highly over last year!
# 92 shogunofharlem3 @ 02/29/12 09:14 AM
Played 2k11, loved it. Played 2k12 last night and thought it was good in my short time.

I only played defense in the demo as I wanted to see how the throw meter worked out and some other various things.

Looked pretty smooth to me. Meter is pretty cool how it changed and it is tough to hit that green. Pretty cool.

Pitching is good, as usual.

Fielding looked super slick at some points and then I had a few moments where my outfielders went into super speed to catch the ball, total opposite of the slow motion effect in last few years game. Overall, was happy with the fielding.

2 things got me though.

1. coulnd't figure out how to cancel a throw, I could reroute it but not cancel it. I'm sure if I kept playing I'd find that input.

2. This is a big one for me. It seems you still have to throw to either the cut off man OR to a base. You can't seem to throw to a base and have it get cut. That irks me!

All in all, very pleased to see 2k12 get smoothed out.
# 93 bonannogiovanni @ 02/29/12 10:00 AM
Played only two innings, but my impressions are on the same wavelength as the majority in this thread: a few noticeable upgrades but almost the same game as last year.

What stands out to me are:
- the graphics, jaggies and 2d crowds have been toned down drastically,
- animations, both in batting and fielding, pitching seems tha same to me
- hit variety, foul balls are possible without using the horrible defensive swing

Had this been 2K10 I'd be enthusiastic of this installment.

To those who practised with check swing, is it better than last year where it was impossible to execute?
# 94 Money99 @ 02/29/12 10:05 AM
Played a few games (about 10 innings total).
- Noticed a throwing error that pulled my 1B off the bag.
- Pitching is still really fun.
- hitting is tough. I stink at games, I know that. But I found that if I pulled the ball it was always foul. I think in the 10 innings I played only pulled 3 or 4 total balls that were in fair territory. Only 1 landed safely. Almost all my fair balls were hit up the middle.
I would definitely have to make the pitch speed slower to get accustomed to the proper timing.
- no homers from either myself or CPU.
- a few weird animations. One was a player running out a ground ball but as soon as I was thrown out, the player immediately stopped like he hit an invisible wall. Stuff like that. I'm hoping it's just because it's a demo though.

Overall, I liked what I played. I would have loved commentary, but it is what it is.
# 95 Blazzen @ 02/29/12 10:17 AM
I've played 6 innings and overall its better than I thought it was going to be. It's a more polished version of 2k11. I saw a lot of the things already mentioned in this thread, nothing really to add. Still on the fence about buying it.
# 96 Cavicchi @ 02/29/12 10:30 AM
I don't care for the overuse of a pitch thing. If a pitch is working, I see no reason a pitcher should suffer just because he's getting guys out. And, I don't see where giving up a hit should affect the rating of that pitch. Pitchers do not throw perfect games all the time and hits will be given up, and that does not mean the pitch quality is going downhill. Location is key and missing your location one time does not mean that same pitch loses efficiency unless we are supposed to pitch perfect games all the time.
# 97 nemesis04 @ 02/29/12 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by jp121272
I don't care for the overuse of a pitch thing. If a pitch is working, I see no reason a pitcher should suffer just because he's getting guys out. And, I don't see where giving up a hit should affect the rating of that pitch. Pitchers do not throw perfect games all the time and hits will be given up, and that does not mean the pitch quality is going downhill. Location is key and missing your location one time does not mean that same pitch loses efficiency unless we are supposed to pitch perfect games all the time.
I am starting to think this pitching system addition was added to combat pitching exploits in dealing with the contest. The system is way over the top as far as changing from one at bat to the next. Not a fan of it all actually.
# 98 Herky @ 02/29/12 11:01 AM
I loved 2K11 and enjoyed the demo. I always tell myself that demos are just that and not the finished product.

I'll do what I did last year though and wait for the patches before I buy it however. Probably get it around May if the patches work well.

Things look positive however. Just need to hear how franchise is once it's out.
# 99 NINJAK2 @ 02/29/12 11:30 AM
I must say that I liked the demo very much. The graphics and animations are an obvious improvement over 2 k 11 imo. only played 1 game an endEd up losing 10 to nothing. I had a hard time throwing some pitches and couldn't figure out fielding in outfield for life of me. I kept getting a late start on some balls resulting in hits that could have been outs. Liked what I played.
# 100 Alonzo @ 02/29/12 11:43 AM
My first 2k baseball demo since 2009 or something. I gotta say I absolutely love the real-time presentation, stats overlay (and usually the commentators, even though they are disabled in the demo) Pitching is fun, great system. You get used to it, but still feels more natural than button-tapping. And a question for guys having played the 11 version...when you play the demo, there is a stat overlay after every pitch (i.e. 1-0 count: .266 BA, 20 HR, 37 RBI) Does this stat pop up in franchise mode or does this only work with the real MLB stats from 2011? I hope you get what I mean. All in all, the game is very decent, far from horrible. It's definitely worth a look.

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