MLB 2K12 News Post

The MLB 2K12 demo is available now. Play a few games and post your impressions here.

Read the full press release below.

2K Sports Announces Major League Baseball 2K12 Demo
Now Available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network

Features Texas Rangers against St. Louis Cardinals in
rematch of 2011 World Series

New York, NY – February 28, 2012 – 2K Sports today announced that a free demo of Major League Baseball® 2K12 is now available on the Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation®Network for PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

The demo allows players to relive 2011’s thrilling, back-and-forth World Series and play three innings as the Texas Rangers or St. Louis Cardinals. In addition, it showcases many of MLB 2K12’s improved features, including the dynamic tendencies system that adjusts pitcher and batter ratings as the game unfolds; a revamped throwing system; and a new hit distribution system with more varied and realistic hit types.

This year’s edition of MLB 2K will allow players to experience the authenticity and excitement of a real baseball game, and also a chance to win $1,000,000. The Perfect Game Challenge returns for the third consecutive year with MLB 2K12, and is bigger than ever. The new format will utilize a dynamic leaderboard that ranks the top eight perfect games thrown. At the end of the competition, the top eight competitors will face each other in a live $1 million tournament.

MLB 2K12 is rated E for everyone by the ESRB and will be available March 6, 2012 for Xbox 360, PlayStation®3, Wii™ system, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, Nintendo DS™ and Windows PC.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 Kernel Pie @ 03/01/12 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Beetlebum
I just had a great game, a pitching duel between Feliz (me) and Westbrook that went into the 10th, Feliz took a perfect game into the 5th.

How do you play more than 3 innings?
# 182 Blazzen @ 03/01/12 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
How do you play more than 3 innings?
If the game is tied past the third it lets you keep playing. I've had this happen too.
# 183 Cavicchi @ 03/01/12 04:06 PM
You are not going to get realistic steal stats using auto baserunning.

I also used auto fielding, but not so sure it's been improved from last year. Beltre bobbling a ground ball didn't impress me. I know it's possible, but knowing what I saw last year makes me concerned. There are a few other things I saw that looked similar to last year. One was the CPU hitting inside and outside pitches that went through the middle. Unfortunately, I mostly hit them up the middle where someone made a play. Now what gets me is the CPU hitting inside and outside up the middle and me hitting pitches down the middle up the middle.

At this point, I have mixed feelings about the game. I'll play some more demo games but will wait to hear impressions after the game is out.
# 184 dodgerblue @ 03/01/12 04:13 PM
Not that I expect anyone to care, here are my impressions of the demo:

The good:
Animations are better than they were. They are not as good as they should be, but they are improved. It's not as herkey jerkey.
I like the new throwing meter depending on how set the fielder is. Very nice addition and very typical of 2k to innovate. I really like this.
Pitching has stayed about the same except for the new graphics and effectiveness. I really enjoy 2k pitching.
I think the "fun" factor is still in the game.

The not so good:
Graphically the game is not very pretty. I don't think it's as ugly as some say it is but I was hoping it would be better than last year.
There is some warping when throws are off line, hopefully this gets fixed.
The ball does something weird when it bounces, it flattens out after a hop or two and scoots along the outfield. Hopefully this gets fixed too.
The sound of the ball off the bat doesn't sound authentic.
The crowd and the base coaches still look like zombies.

It's about what I expected really not a big leap but a better version of last year. Really looking forward to MLB today season mode so hopefully it's not buggy.
# 185 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/01/12 06:17 PM
The game play does seem tighter, but for the game to still have frame rate issues especially during foul balls is very disappointing. I'm liking the hit variety I'm seeing. I really wish they would let customize the batting/fielding/pitching camera. I really believe this would help with the immersion of the Demo, but I believe it would allow the New Ball Physics to show more than they do now. It would also help with the Base Running Diamond getting in the way on the left side of the field when trying to field fly balls

Compared to 2k11 graphically you can see a difference. Animations in the field look better as do the swing animations. I'm torn with the these new base running animations. They look better than 2k11, but still look un-natural.

Real-Time Presentation is not that great. I've seen no real new aspect to it. It seems identical for the last 2 years which also is disappointing because 2K has always been Top-Notch in this area.

Hopefully the retail copy will be much more polished in the areas I just mentioned
# 186 NINJAK2 @ 03/01/12 06:27 PM
I wish LD2k could chime in on how old this build is.
# 187 jripper09 @ 03/01/12 10:02 PM
after playing several 3 inning games the pitching is fun i like the way its done.
i like that hitting is simple and more realistic much easier to tell the pitches coming at you than the other game. like my wife says looks like a 3rd grader was in charge of graphics for this game. even the demo JAGGIES JAGGIES AND MORE JAGGIES! i didnt even know what those were till i came to this section of the forum. as some one said earlier the baserunners look like forrest gump! the gameplay is fine the hit variety is improved. The best part of this game wasnt in the demo the commentary and the loads of stats which i love! In all seriousness can someone explain to me how in this day and age that JAGGIES can be allover a game like this. I played nba 2k and wow that game is amazing! and every other game i have played ive never seen these except these baseball games! dont get it! http://www.operationsports.com/forum...s/lolabove.gif
# 188 Randiesel75 @ 03/01/12 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Cardot
True, but isn't that the case with most sports games these days?
Exactely, most games (I will say the other baseball game and a hockey game I play) have very little tweaks each year. Why, because these other games are already solid and not in need of an overhaul. Sure, certain aspects am have grown stale, but I'll take that over any game that tries to overhaul each season when they are already dropping a stellar product.
# 189 Behindshadows @ 03/01/12 10:21 PM
Been playing the demo for a while using the Rangers....

The more I look at it the more it just looks like 2k11, the graphics are horrible and so are the animations when running. Crowd is still same ole' polygons mess with lack of details. Whole game just looks cartoonish!

Lack of commentary makes it a snoozefest. Same intro and all of 2k11...

Really not seeing enough outside of pitching that has changed much. Controls remain solid and batting is still excellent.

But it doesn't feeling like a new game more like a patched previous version.

Graphics on faces have a 8% increase on details, bodies are proportioned differently, but that's about all I can see different.

I'll pass on consoles and get the cheaper PC version and wait on mods.
# 190 Blzer @ 03/01/12 10:44 PM
I was really tired last night when I launched the demo after I realized it had finished downloading from the night before.

Anyway, I jumped in and only played an inning before having to jump out and sleep. To be honest though, if I were more attracted to the demo, I would have stayed up for a few more innings to finish it off.

But, like all 2K demos, I can't invest any time in them. They bore me to death. When I play baseball video games, my focus comes in when I can get a franchise going, play nine inning hardball, get the deep rich commentary, and customize the game to my liking. Obviously I can't get the first two in any demos really, but the fact remains that 2K demos, in any sport, have been awful since All Pro Football 2K8.

It's not the game that's awful, though. I just can't play this game which feels so much better to play when it includes commentary and you can change all out of the box controls. This includes anything from changing the batting camera view to lowering the volume of the umpire's calls.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say at this point. One inning in, I did like some things like a more varied strike zone and more pitches missed from their intended location, as well as the new ball physics and throwing system. I love the improvements that they make, but there are some things that make me go, "Why?" I understand the fielding camera angle while on offense, but I'd never prefer it if given the choice. I still need that option to turn off the pitching ball cursor.

The good news is that the PS3 version, while not as good as NBA 2K12 did this year, is starting to look closer to the 360 version. I think 2K is finally realizing how to do it, but the demo did have some stutter on balls going down the lines. If it always did that, it would be a problem. I have a feeling it won't for the retail version, but these things definitely need to be addressed first and foremost.

Anyway, I know what to expect out of the game, but this is a message for 2K: Sacrifice making your file size a couple gigs larger to include commentary, sliders, and other customizable options. Want to sell your game? The first one is a must.
# 191 nunogomes @ 03/02/12 06:40 AM
Really good demo!!! I enjoyed every bit of it! Specially the batting! I can see the pitches very well!

Guys, do you remember how much time it took for 2k11 to be put on sale on Marketplace after the release?

Im thinking about buying this game, but the game will not be on sale here in Portugal, i will have to buy it in the Marketplace when is available.

But i don´t know if it´s going to be on Marketplace and how much time it will take to be there IF they decide to put it there for sale...
# 192 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/02/12 08:17 AM
Just re-watched the 1 inning game play video & some of the stuff that make your head scratch in the demo IE: catcher's throwing missiles back to the pitcher was toned down totally

The inning video looked much smoother also. Just don't understand why 2k puts out these builds for demo's that are no where near close to the final build

Sent from Awesome Phone
# 193 mva5580 @ 03/02/12 11:09 AM
Downloaded it to check it out.....very underwhelming. It's not even that it's a bad game, but there's just not anything there to make you go "Wow, maybe I should buy this."

If you only play on 360 or PC you obviously don't have any other choice, so for them it doesn't matter. But a PS3 owner has no reason at all to even consider this game. It's just not in The Show's league.
# 194 Yeats @ 03/02/12 11:25 AM
Very similar to last year which isn't all bad. And in some ways that's a very good thing. At least the game didn't take a step backwards this year. If you can get past thoughts about what this series could have and should have been by now, 2K12 is decent enough. Very similar to FIFA 12 for me. Lower your expectations and then prepare to have some serious fun. Enjoy it for what it is, it's only a game after all.

Now, I play it on the PC, so for $29.95 I can say the game definitely seems worth it. But I wouldn't pay console prices for it, that's another matter altogether. It's too much like last year's game IMO to pay any more.
# 195 Kernel Pie @ 03/02/12 11:47 AM
I was watching some vids of the demo on Youtube, and I'm seeing a strange baserunning animation. When a batter leaves the box, he is running with a nice-looking motion--head down, full speed. It looks correct.

After about 5 steps, though, the run turns into the slow 'Forrest Gump' stride that everyone is griping about. I'm wondering if they can patch the final game so the run to first (and steals also) uses that first animation, instead of switching halfway through.

I don't know if it's cool to link YT vids, but the 8:00 minute mark on this vid shows what I'm talking about here.

# 196 sooner111 @ 03/02/12 04:09 PM
Felt very similiar to last year. No major upgrades I noticed, just small ones like when they round the of bases. It looks way better. Things that still kill me are the 1-2 second hesitation when they catch a fly ball. Instead of getting it to the infield all in 1 motion, I was able to tag up on a shallow fly ball with no problem to score. Also I hate when after a hit, the player will throw the ball to where ever the pitcher is standing after the play is over. I had a pitcher backing up home and the second basemen threw a lolipop all the way to me instead of waiting for me to walk to the mound or simply just hold on to the ball. Last a minor issue, Texas does not wear the "red T" on the helmets anymore ( road grays). That was dropped year's ago. If it makes you feel better, Sony's Show has the Texas catcher wear a blue helmet with the alternate Red uni's. It will take year's to finally get all uniforms right I bet.
# 197 shogunofharlem3 @ 03/02/12 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
I was watching some vids of the demo on Youtube, and I'm seeing a strange baserunning animation. When a batter leaves the box, he is running with a nice-looking motion--head down, full speed. It looks correct.

After about 5 steps, though, the run turns into the slow 'Forrest Gump' stride that everyone is griping about. I'm wondering if they can patch the final game so the run to first (and steals also) uses that first animation, instead of switching halfway through.

I don't know if it's cool to link YT vids, but the 8:00 minute mark on this vid shows what I'm talking about here.


The 13:00 minute mark of this video is what irks me the most about this game. You can't throw to a base and then have the throw cut off.

Why isn't the first baseman there just ahead of the mound to cut that thing so he could have hosed the guy at third.

Even, further, that far out in the outfield, there would essentially be a double cut.

Loved 2k11, really like what I am seeing of this game so far, just wish, like you could in 2k9, cut the ball off as it goes to a base.
# 198 jacksonvillecounty @ 03/02/12 05:23 PM
I hope in the real game that Beltran has a cardinals hat and not a met's. When players dont have the hats right its very annoying. I dont understand why they can never get that down. I really wanna see Pineda in a Yankee Cap and Montero in a Mariners cap
# 199 speedtrucker @ 03/02/12 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by foofighter2455
You can change the difficulty by changing it for your default on your xbox console. There is a menu off of the guide button where you can set your default difficulty and ramp it up. In last year's demo I set it to the hardest and the CPU was unreal.
Originally Posted by tvman
Could you explain that in more detail, thanks.
Originally Posted by jp121272
On 360 go into your profile on the dash, then game defaults, and then choose Easy, Normal, or Hard.
WOW! honestly I never knew that and it probably save my purchase...

I had played probably 5 more 3-inning rounds since my original thoughts and was ready to revise my thoughts negatively and cancel my pre-order until I read the above. my settings were defaulted to Hard and it was taking the fun out of the game and beating me over the head with the throwing meter.

I was furious that Beltre who is a golden glover didn't have more than a sliver of green on simple grounders.

replaying the demo on "normal" made so much difference, this game is actually quite enjoyable and with sliders it will be a ton better.

still the away Grey uniforms look too cartoonish compared to the home whites.

I like that the CPU pitchers can feel "human" at times, not programmed to start missing the strikezone randomly but rather it felt like a combination of loss of composure and the ump squeezing them due to lack of control.
# 200 extremeskins04 @ 03/02/12 07:39 PM
Played it for 10 minutes and uninstalled. Very very underwhelming. The graphics are not good. The fielders throwing animations have been broken for how many years now? The batters swing way too fast in their animations. The stadiums don't look that good.

Above all the stuttering and the framerate is a major issue. Almost every at-bat when I swung the bat I would get a quick stutter. This made me turn the game off after 10 minutes.

The game seems like it's the same from 3 years ago.

I'm a PS3 and 360 owner. I skipped the past 2 years of 2k baseball and got The Show instead. After playing The Show so much, 2k baseball is just a flat out disappointment honestly.

I'll be skipping another year of 2k baseball.

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