Madden 12 News Post

It seems like every year Madden is shipped with flaw after flaw, causing an uproar in the OS community. We see lists of forgotten features, underwhelming commentary and even missing players. But what if you could only choose one fix? What if you had to choose the single, most important problem in the game to change in your opinion.

What would that be?

Read More - If You Could Change One Thing - Madden NFL 12

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 DJ @ 02/24/12 03:00 PM
Add in the Player-Lock camera for defense.
# 2 spankdatazz22 @ 02/24/12 03:02 PM
Animation system
# 3 RGiles36 @ 02/24/12 03:02 PM
Trivial as it may sound, the QB completion % in franchise. It really hurts the immersion for me...

I've continued to play M12 despite the awful commentary, and I've continued to play franchise for that matter. But man, it's such an eye sore seeing Aaron Rodgers lead the league with a 59% completion percentage.
# 4 TheTodd84 @ 02/24/12 03:04 PM
I know it is beating a dead horse, but the topic will not go away until it is implemented...

...But the one thing I would change is adding REAL TIME PHYSICS to the gameplay. That's it. I can deal with the commentary bc I can just turn it off. But I can't turn off the crappy animations and psychic LBs and defensive backs that run my routes for me.
# 5 Armor and Sword @ 02/24/12 03:05 PM
True Network television broadcast presentation with dynamic commentary in franchise mode and a weekly around the league wrap up show with highlights (ala 2K5).

Then this game would be over the top good.

I was thrilled that franchise mode recieved a much needed boost.

Madden 12 is a very solid game if you go in with the expectation that.....well it's Madden and as long as you are a long time Madden fan you know what I mean.

Come on Madden 13........surprise me big time!
# 6 Armor and Sword @ 02/24/12 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheTodd84
I know it is beating a dead horse, but the topic will not go away until it is implemented...

...But the one thing I would change is adding REAL TIME PHYSICS to the gameplay. That's it. I can deal with the commentary bc I can just turn it off. But I can't turn off the crappy animations and psychic LBs and defensive backs that run my routes for me.

That would be a welcome addition. Playing NHL 11 lately a bunch. Although not perfect.....the real physics and weight of the players is such a game changer.

Totally agree.
# 7 jmik58 @ 02/24/12 03:11 PM
Change the programming logic for gameplay to a read-and-react system. Currently it appears that the gameplay is set up in a way that incoporates an "A happens and C is going to be the result, so we fill in the gap with B". That means we get super linebackers and psychic DBs. The quarterback throws the ball (A) and the game decides it's going to get batted down or intercepted (C) so the game initiates an animation to connect the dots (B) resulting in odd gameplay.

Instead, attach a chain of events using "keys" that each player (especially on defense) focuses on. Depending on what that "key" does will determine the reaction of the player. This is how it's done in real life. There should be several options for reactions and several variances of success as you incorporate each player's attributes.

Instead of the A then C so B example, you get something like this:

Linebacker reads key (offensive guard) and sees him stand up in pass blocking stance. LB reacts by dropping to his zone. Linebacker then looks for his next key (depending on the coverage and offensive formation this would vary). He then reacts to the routes accordingly. Notice how none of that determines if the ball is swatted, tackle is made, etc. It would let the attributes work, so Mr. Linebacker wouldn't execute his assignment as mentioned to the same success rate as a player with different attribute ratings.

But most importantly is the point that it gets the players to act and react more like they do in the real game. If you want to revolutionize the game and make it dynamic...this is what you do.
# 8 bigsmallwood @ 02/24/12 03:17 PM
# 9 StL_RamZ @ 02/24/12 03:18 PM
Mike Kilroy lmao
# 10 BigBlue @ 02/24/12 03:19 PM
Ball trajectory! The ability for quarterbacks to be able to put touch on passes, throw the ball just over a linebacker's shoulder, or deep depending on how long you hold the corresponding receiver's button is something that is sorely missing.

That and use the kicking system from All Pro Football 2k8!

# 11 mwolchock @ 02/24/12 03:27 PM
the challenge system...I want to be able to choose to challenge the spot of the ball or challenge a complete/incomplete pass....not hope and pray the computer reviews what I want it to.
# 12 Senator Palmer @ 02/24/12 03:36 PM
COMPLETELY RE-VAMPED Defensive/Offensive line interactions. Ideally, these interactions would function in a real-time physics environment where weight, momentum, realistic turn rates, and engaged player movement are king. Defensive linemen that are programmed to actually man gaps instead of looking to engage the offensive linemen at the snap, and polished protection schemes where offensive linemen aren't programmed to only recognize the stock defensive plays, but can actually recognize delayed blitzes, pass off defenders, etc.

You can't have anything close to a true simulation of football if the trenches aren't right, and right now, what's going on in the trenches isn't getting it done.
# 13 mshoop3 @ 02/24/12 03:42 PM
The Developers
# 14 bigdoc85 @ 02/24/12 04:01 PM
Commentary / Presentation. It's just awful.
# 15 NikeBlitz @ 02/24/12 04:04 PM
Footplanting. And it's a whole new game
# 16 kjcheezhead @ 02/24/12 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
COMPLETELY RE-VAMPED Defensive/Offensive line interactions. Ideally, these interactions would function in a real-time physics environment where weight, momentum, realistic turn rates, and engaged player movement are king. Defensive linemen that are programmed to actually man gaps instead of looking to engage the offensive linemen at the snap, and polished protection schemes where offensive linemen aren't programmed to only recognize the stock defensive plays, but can actually recognize delayed blitzes, pass off defenders, etc.

You can't have anything close to a true simulation of football if the trenches aren't right, and right now, what's going on in the trenches isn't getting it done.
This. I would take it a step further and just say blocking in general. I'm tired of not being able to really read a block or having my blockers do this to me..

# 17 DUDERMAN @ 02/24/12 04:35 PM
Many people are going with the idea of adding one feature, which I can understand.

I'm going to try and stay true to changing a feature that was in the game. This definitely won't be a popular choice but I'm going choose how the point system worked in superstar mode. It was good in theory but executed very poorly. They need to take a page from NBA 2k11.
# 18 tfctillidie @ 02/24/12 04:52 PM
Player awareness of the football.

Nothing's worse than pressing your receivers button and before the ball leaves the QB's hand, all 11 defenders are on a straight line to the precise spot the ball is going to.

Yes, without even leaving the QB's hand, the defenders know the exact freaking trajectory!
# 19 Phobia @ 02/24/12 04:55 PM
1) I have to say complete redo of the blocking and line interactions.

2) Close second would be DB and WR interactions. It is lifeless right now.
# 20 BaylorBearBryant @ 02/24/12 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
Add in the Player-Lock camera for defense.
There's about a million things I would like fixed with Madden, but this one is pretty damn high on my list.

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