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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Factzzz @ 02/21/12 07:22 PM
The game looks great! Looks like they gave Teixeira and A-Rod new batting stances though, i liked the old ones better.
# 2 sydrogerdavid @ 02/21/12 07:29 PM
That homerun worries me a little because of that shot we saw of Jim Leyland. I hope Mike Matheny is in the game so I don't have to look at some stranger.

Looks great though.
# 3 bcruise @ 02/21/12 07:31 PM
Nice play Jeter.

Still watching, only about 4 minutes through. Definitely got a kick out of that though.

Edit: Okay, to be fair he did make up for it on the very last play.
# 4 Doormat @ 02/21/12 07:41 PM
Like that guy from WWE Daniel Bryan..

# 5 loganmorrison1 @ 02/21/12 07:42 PM
Damn that looks sweeeeettttt
# 6 sbmnky @ 02/21/12 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Nice play Jeter.
Ruled a hit.

It's gorgeous - I'm glad I'm watching this for the 1st time with only 14 days to go instead of 28.
# 7 Foo4Everlong @ 02/21/12 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
The game looks great! Looks like they gave Teixeira and A-Rod new batting stances though, i liked the old ones better.
Eh, I'm indifferent to the changes. Although I hated ARod's old pre stance routine where he would swipe the bat super fast before he stepped into the box. It appears that it is gone which makes me happy. It really looks like SCEA paid a lot of attention to correcting stances, which is a huge plus IMO! IThis game looks better and better the closer we get! Per usual! Later
# 8 Drew127 @ 02/21/12 07:56 PM
The chopper to Cano at 2:42 is a thing of beauty.

The new sounds sound amazing and I think will help give the game a fresh feel this year. Especially the sound of the ball hitting the catcher's mitt.

So much for "new" commentary. Some new lines specific for what happened last season does not count. I was expecting more. No bantering and it still sounds just as unnatural as before.

Oh well...game still looks great...
# 9 Doormat @ 02/21/12 07:57 PM
Yeah ^ there's some ball physics action right there looks great.
Also love it how they show Jim Leyland after the home run.. I'm gonna enjoy seeing that with my player on RTTS
# 10 joshtree14 @ 02/21/12 08:15 PM
You can hear the gloves pop even when the infielders throw it around after a k
# 11 sandmac @ 02/21/12 08:35 PM
The new physics are nice, but wow, the commentary is exactly the same.
Dead as ever. What a letdown.
# 12 Foo4Everlong @ 02/21/12 08:44 PM
Just curious when these videos were made. The pitch meter in this video is the old one, but in the first look video there's a different pitch meter against Melky Cabrera. Are there different pitch meters or is the old one gone? Thanks. Later
# 13 rudyjuly2 @ 02/21/12 08:47 PM
Someone's cheating with the Tigers! V-Mart is done for the year. V-Mart's 20 HR total looks too high as well - just 3 behind Prince. Check the 1:40 mark for the stats.
# 14 rudyjuly2 @ 02/21/12 08:53 PM
I agree about the commentary. It just seems dull. They need to replace everyone in the booth imo.
# 15 Doormat @ 02/21/12 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Foo4Everlong
Just curious when these videos were made. The pitch meter in this video is the old one, but in the first look video there's a different pitch meter against Melky Cabrera. Are there different pitch meters or is the old one gone? Thanks. Later
I think the one from the pitching video was an old build, these are new.
# 16 sandmac @ 02/21/12 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I agree about the commentary. It just seems dull. They need to replace everyone in the booth imo.
Good news. There is a bit of booth interaction in the Cubs/Cards video. So it's not as bad as last year.
# 17 tnixen @ 02/21/12 09:15 PM
Is there an HD version of this?
# 18 Blzer @ 02/21/12 09:17 PM
Wow, awesome home run presentation! Reminds me of a suggestion post that I made about the different camera cuts, though I'm sure this was all in place well before that.
# 19 Tomba @ 02/21/12 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by sandmac
The new physics are nice, but wow, the commentary is exactly the same.
Dead as ever. What a letdown.
Yeah I'm confused too its been two years now.

makes the game feel a bit campy
# 20 edwing @ 02/21/12 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by LilWayneFTW
I think the one from the pitching video was an old build, these are new.
No, the pitching meter from the first look/pitching video was for the Move. The one you see in this video is used when you play with a normal controller on meter pitching. Nothing to do with builds or anything like that.

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