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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show trailer, featuring CC Sabathia.

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 61 oakland89 @ 02/15/12 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by earp4530
Cool story bro..
No story Bro, just adding, as others have and its ok too, that a lack of media release, and lack of franchise upgrade don't really persuade me into buying the next installment of a game. Go ahead and flame me, I just don't get excited over 1.5 minute trailers that show general gameplay of someone swinging a bat or throwing a ball. Yes, do arm slots and tickers around a stadium add to the feel of a game, absolutly, but if thats whats persuading you to purchase a game, I think your missing out on what the core mechanics of a baseball game consist of. Yes, I have seen the list of new features, simply put, I as many others I would venture to say, but don't view their opinion on here for childish comments as yours, aren't going to purchase this years game based on what information has been released.
# 62 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/15/12 02:14 PM
New ball physics add a whole new dimension of "core mechanics" in video game baseball. As well as the new fielding animations, branching and urgency. Tagging system, player awareness, break up plays and beauty of the double plays, etc.

Feels like a whole different evolution for baseball gaming. One where I can no longer even "watch" '11 play out, let alone play.

And that is just the tip of the slew of features they have added. But since we are on the subject of "core mechanics", I need not mention everything else.
# 63 Knight165 @ 02/15/12 02:14 PM
Well...IMO Community WEEK has evolved.....for the MUCH GREATER GOOD of the community.

As being someone who has attended every one of these events.....here is my take.

We initially started as kind of a "sneak peek" group.....and that's why you saw a lot of pics and our general opinions of what we saw at the events.

Fast forward to FOUR(?) years later and it's become much more of a conduit of direct input/request from the users of the game...to the designers of the game.
Whereas initially...the devs would come into the room where we checking out the game....and we would comment on what we saw.....we now spend most of our time...checking things out....going to the devs...relaying our thoughts(community) and they ...if possible(at the point they are in development) try to implement our suggestions if possible.
This was more apparent than ever in each area that we concentrated on individually the past two years. Brett and Nem with online...Nem and Pared with gameplay...Brandon with unis and stadiums....me just taking up space(A LOT)
....and add to that the fact that Ramone wisely has pushed the process into an even greater limit by asking even more guys in every year.....that he sees are active in certain areas of the game(Yanks...with online...theSlab...stadiums/unis/online....tabarnes19 with franchise)....and it's become much more than..."take pics of this".....etc.

JMO...but I'd much rather have the time spent "working" on things than "playing and posting pics". .....and honestly...the time is shorter than you think...and we spend A TON of time in studio.
That's why we leave any of the media to SCEA.(I know they would let us at least take pics)...but even that is getting cut into as Ramone has more and more of his time taken by us with questions...****nning around chasing down answers and such as well.

This has nothing to do with me being there or not...but this is one of the smartest things a game company has done to further there product IMO.

# 64 econoodle @ 02/15/12 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by earp4530
Cool story bro..

really? nice contribution.
stuff like that stinks on here.

i am loving the look of yankees stadium this year!
excited to see more of what they did to those ribbons.

bring on the raw footage baby!
# 65 Knight165 @ 02/15/12 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
really? nice contribution.
stuff like that stinks on here.

i am loving the look of yankees stadium this year!
excited to see more of what they did to those ribbons.

bring on the raw footage baby!

Maybe....but so does the "no gameplay footage?....I'll stick with XXX".
Is that a necessary addition to the thread?
I think not.

# 66 Yankees2009Champs @ 02/15/12 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Maybe....but so does the "no gameplay footage?....I'll stick with XXX".
Is that a necessary addition to the thread?
I think not.

He may be trying to incite a riot but why all these ignorant comments?

The guy is entitled to his own opinion. And people make condescending remarks about how well see you next year? Is that your way of getting him to buy the game.

I did look at MLB 11, and surprisingly gameplat vids didn't release until February 18 and so on. Here's to seeing actual gameplay evidence that the game has improved/changed.

(Not for you Knight, just replied to the last comment on this thread)
# 67 econoodle @ 02/15/12 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Maybe....but so does the "no gameplay footage?....I'll stick with XXX".
Is that a necessary addition to the thread?
I think not.

good point.
those comments about 'no gameplay footage' can be ,kind of [but not really] related to the thread in that they see that and then wonder where to other footage is.
but hit and run type comments like the one i quoted aren't necessary and just come of as argumentative.
i mean do they really think the person isn't going to respond to it? and how will they? nicely? probably not lol
it'd probably be better to let a comment like that roll. SCEA doesn't need posters here to defend them in that regard.
do the show forums need more of that as it is?
i could probably put names in a hat of the posters who will make a snarky comment after someone says something negative about the Show, then pull them out afterwards and win my girl a kewpie doll.
i agree some of the stuff posted doesn't need to be said, this post probably as well!
peace. love.

ok enough outta me,
i gotta get ready to go a knicks game.
# 68 thaSLAB @ 02/15/12 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
He may be trying to incite a riot but why all these ignorant comments?

The guy is entitled to his own opinion. And people make condescending remarks about how well see you next year? Is that your way of getting him to buy the game.
Opinions work both ways though. In my opinion, he is doing himself a disservice by not at least upgrading to to '11 (but I didn't want to push my opinion on anyone) Along the lines of posting replies... was the purpose of his post to get SCEA to post some footage?
# 69 jmik58 @ 02/15/12 02:37 PM
I'm encouraged also by the apparent improvement to the arm action of the pitchers. I've yet to see how it looks in a gameplay video, but it looks like Sony got it pretty correct from the little slow-mo shot of CC.

I can only hope this will improve the experience at the plate by allowing for the ball to be released at the appropriate spot and to not look like it just shot out of a pitching machine. Timing is very important and we need the arm action to get timing correct.

Also, I think pitching could be more enjoyable as well. The view from behind as the pitcher's arm-whip unfolds could make for some visually stunning moments where you can almost feel the power behind the pitch. That is, of course, as long as the pitch isn't turned around for a 430' homerun.
# 70 earp4530 @ 02/15/12 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by oakland89
No story Bro, just adding, as others have and its ok too, that a lack of media release, and lack of franchise upgrade don't really persuade me into buying the next installment of a game. Go ahead and flame me, I just don't get excited over 1.5 minute trailers that show general gameplay of someone swinging a bat or throwing a ball. Yes, do arm slots and tickers around a stadium add to the feel of a game, absolutly, but if thats whats persuading you to purchase a game, I think your missing out on what the core mechanics of a baseball game consist of. Yes, I have seen the list of new features, simply put, I as many others I would venture to say, but don't view their opinion on here for childish comments as yours, aren't going to purchase this years game based on what information has been released.
Childish comment? What is this, The New York Times thread? I'm simply saying nobody cares about you badmouthing a game that the devs have worked extremely hard on. The fact that we have community developers like Ramone commenting back too many of our questions is spoiling. You forgot to mention the ball physics, which is a game changer.. you don't know what you're talking about, you mentioned maybe two new additions when they just released a list with over 50.. child please.
# 71 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/15/12 02:42 PM
Well said Knight.
# 72 earp4530 @ 02/15/12 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
good point.
those comments about 'no gameplay footage' can be ,kind of [but not really] related to the thread in that they see that and then wonder where to other footage is.
but hit and run type comments like the one i quoted aren't necessary and just come of as argumentative.
i mean do they really think the person isn't going to respond to it? and how will they? nicely? probably not lol
it'd probably be better to let a comment like that roll. SCEA doesn't need posters here to defend them in that regard.
do the show forums need more of that as it is?
i could probably put names in a hat of the posters who will make a snarky comment after someone says something negative about the Show, then pull them out afterwards and win my girl a kewpie doll.
i agree some of the stuff posted doesn't need to be said, this post probably as well!
peace. love.

ok enough outta me,
i gotta get ready to go a knicks game.
Cool story bro..
peace. love.<3.
# 73 Skyboxer @ 02/15/12 02:50 PM
I'm basing my purchase on the knowledge the game gets better each year.

If what SCEA has produced over the past few years doesn't get people past wanting to see 3000 minutes of film to justify a purchase then they simply want to complain just for the sake of complaining.

Not mentioning any other companies but for me until SCEA starts slowing down on the improving of an already great game, I don't need gigabite upon gigabite of videos and pics to be sure I'm buying a quality product.
They've earned that respect.
# 74 tanchl @ 02/15/12 02:53 PM
You know what I have noticed? White names can be blasted for their comments without mercy by a blue name; even more, a blue name that had attended community day. How were you guys even chosen to attend communtity day I often wonder? How were you all deemed The Greatest Fans of the Show on the Face of the Earth? Hmm, interesting to me. I wish OS would give the community day gods gold names, so we can bow to their existence upon any thread they enter.

When I read the comment from the gentleman that may or will keep playing '10, but then was ridiculed in such a cute, hip, and ruthless manner, I simply shook my head. Why couldn't the response be met with an uttering of "to each their own" to themselves, and let it drop. Heck, what's the big deal, I have seriously considered sticking with '11 simply because I want to keep playing with the classic roster set I have? It doesn't mean 12 will be awful and unfit for purchase, it's a simple choice. Now, the gentleman may have other reasons for the comment, but it is moot in my opinion.

Nonetheless, it looks like it is my turn for the cute abuse from the resident dieties. OK, blast away big boys!
# 75 thaSLAB @ 02/15/12 03:05 PM
Yeah, this thread has definitely been led astray... especially when you get people specifically asking for a "rise" from other members.
# 76 nomo17k @ 02/15/12 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by tanchl
You know what I have noticed? White names can be blasted for their comments without mercy by a blue name; even more, a blue name that had attended community day. How were you guys even chosen to attend communtity day I often wonder? How were you all deemed The Greatest Fans of the Show on the Face of the Earth? Hmm, interesting to me. I wish OS would give the community day gods gold names, so we can bow to their existence upon any thread they enter.

This is partly because previously-banned users tend to comeback with new accounts just to make negative statements for the sake of doing it... That may well be the case if their join dates are like really recent...
# 77 oakland89 @ 02/15/12 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
New ball physics add a whole new dimension of "core mechanics" in video game baseball. As well as the new fielding animations, branching and urgency. Tagging system, player awareness, break up plays and beauty of the double plays, etc.

Feels like a whole different evolution for baseball gaming. One where I can no longer even "watch" '11 play out, let alone play.

And that is just the tip of the slew of features they have added. But since we are on the subject of "core mechanics", I need not mention everything else.
Your point is taken. My point was not to "start a riot". I was simply offering a different perspective based on what has been released and to possibly have a discussion on it. The disservice to myself would be to simply ditch my multi-year franchise because of the release of a new game. Its unfortunate that I can't roll my franchise into the new release, but I understand the limitations and difficulties in doing so. Look, I am very brand loyal as is displayed by me playing a game 2 years old and not moving to another. I believe the buisness model Sony employs by communicating with their fan base to develop a brighter product is one that should be modeled by other companies. The core problem I have is the amount of time that has been placed into my 2 year old franchise by playing games and developing players to me , at this time, based on what I have seen and read, simply does not warrant a purchase at this time. I'm thinkning '13 will be the year. I am an older gamer who started on the Commodore 64 playing Star League baseball and Hardball, as well as table top Statis-Pro. Those games inititally did not reproduce year to year. In fact, it has been discussed on this board the advantages/disadvantages to stopping the year to year release of sports games. Todays games are light years ahead of those days, and are true sims. So from that perspective adjustements as those that you have mentioned, although all valid, don't greatly persuade me to make a change year-to-year. As opposed to people getting into an uproar, my comment should be taken not as a criticism but praise for the product SCEA has produced.
# 78 CMH @ 02/15/12 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by earp4530
Cool story bro..
peace. love.<3.
Please stop this. Add to the convo or walk away.
# 79 earp4530 @ 02/15/12 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by CMH
Please stop this. Add to the convo or walk away.
okay it's childish i'll stop.. but don't tell me what to do.
# 80 Pared @ 02/15/12 04:02 PM
Get back to the topic.

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