MLB 2K12 News Post

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The MLB 2K12 Official Trailer is 90 seconds of real-time in-game action featuring highlight clips of 2K Signature Styles for players such as Justin Verlander, C.J. Wilson, Jay Bruce, David Price, Tim Lincecum, and many more. Check out the attention to detail in the all-new catcher animations, updated logos and uniforms including the brand new Miami Marlins stadium, diving catches, 100 MPH fastballs and all-new hit types thanks to improved ball physics.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K12 Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 12 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 ckarlic @ 02/10/12 10:29 AM
Game is looking good. I may pick up the combo pack (MLB 2k12 and NBA 2k12).
# 42 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/10/12 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by peigone
Maybe I'm not understanding, but I don't see how that impacts at least getting the cap, uni and equipment all the same color, regardless of the RGB values they choose. Can't they at least use the same RGB values for all three? Why for example would a team have one shade of red for their caps, a different shade of red for the trim on their unis, and a third shade for the catcher's gear? That's not an RGB standardization issue, that's just a lack of attention to detail is it not?
I've seen the game get team color totally wrong, but I have never seen a team have 3 different shades of a color on 1 uniform. If you have please post a picture so I can see what your talking about.
# 43 Knight165 @ 02/10/12 12:35 PM
I don't get the hate for the game from this trailer.

It looks improved in gameplay...

Now I'm not one on graphics....so it's easy for me to dismiss them as not being improved, honestly....it just doesn't bother me. They are not that bad.

But isn't it more important that they discussed(elsewhere maybe) that they worked on ironing out the bugs and glitches that hindered the game in '11?

bf'n joe....love the DRIVE avatar!!(under the radar flick if you ask me!)

# 44 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/10/12 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I don't get the hate for the game from this trailer.

It looks improved in gameplay...

Now I'm not one on graphics....so it's easy for me to dismiss them as not being improved, honestly....it just doesn't bother me. They are not that bad.

But isn't it more important that they discussed(elsewhere maybe) that they worked on ironing out the bugs and glitches that hindered the game in '11?

bf'n joe....love the DRIVE avatar!!(under the radar flick if you ask me!)

They said they've worked on polishing the game & fixing bugs, but unfortunately until the game hit's stores or we get an in-depth preview/review it's all talk. We'll see how it turns out.

As for Drive. Simply amazing movie. 1 of my all-time favorites
# 45 Cavicchi @ 02/10/12 01:02 PM
I don't get all this talk about color shading of caps. I just want hitting to be a little easier, slower pitch speed, and no bugs and I'm good to go. Everything I've seen in in the trailer looks fine.
# 46 ckarlic @ 02/10/12 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Yikes! That was almost hard to watch.
I don't know. I thought the video looked good. Reserving judgement until i can see actual gameplay footage.
# 47 DickDalewood @ 02/10/12 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by jp121272
I don't get all this talk about color shading of caps. I just want hitting to be a little easier, slower pitch speed, and no bugs and I'm good to go. Everything I've seen in in the trailer looks fine.
SLOWER pitch speeds and easier hitting? Really?

It's already all timing based, and the pitch speed is already the slower of the two options in this genre.

Plus, aren't there pitch speed sliders?

Hitting is definitely not something I ever would have pegged as being too difficult in this series.
# 48 jeffy777 @ 02/10/12 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I don't get the hate for the game from this trailer.

It looks improved in gameplay...

Now I'm not one on graphics....so it's easy for me to dismiss them as not being improved, honestly....it just doesn't bother me. They are not that bad.

But isn't it more important that they discussed(elsewhere maybe) that they worked on ironing out the bugs and glitches that hindered the game in '11?

bf'n joe....love the DRIVE avatar!!(under the radar flick if you ask me!)

Agreed. I'd actually prefer them to just leave the graphics alone and just focus entirely on the gameplay.
# 49 seasprite @ 02/10/12 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
Again, I hope you're not a Braves fan:
I agree, thats pretty bad
# 50 Blitzburgh @ 02/10/12 02:22 PM
I see what you mean about the colors now, but honestly, I mostly play with my pathetic Pirates so I don't even notice that stuff lol. I wouldn't know if the colors are right or not unless I saw pics of every team like the one you posted. I guess if my team was the braves then that would be very frustrating since it's so obvious the colors wrong.
# 51 stlchamp10 @ 02/10/12 02:25 PM
I know its just minor but why do they fail to give make Matt Holliday a bald head? Every year he has a full head of hair...
# 52 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/10/12 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
There are examples in the vid. First shot of Verlander, and the closeup of CJ Wison. Their caps are one shade, their sleeves a different shade.
The Verlander's hat shade of blue is bad, but I don't see anything wrong with CJ Wilson. The red looks fine to me. As well as Yankees color. Listen this has been an issue for a while. We can only hope they get it right
# 53 areobee401 @ 02/10/12 03:43 PM
Some color shading being off is the least of my concerns. My only concerns are bugs/glitches and off course gameplay.
# 54 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/10/12 05:34 PM
Make things even funnier is in 2k11 the Braves Hats & Helmets look fine. Weird
# 55 Cavicchi @ 02/10/12 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
SLOWER pitch speeds and easier hitting? Really?

It's already all timing based, and the pitch speed is already the slower of the two options in this genre.

Plus, aren't there pitch speed sliders?

Hitting is definitely not something I ever would have pegged as being too difficult in this series.
I used the pitch slider but could still use a bit more range. Timing is what I use and that's something that also bothers me. Why am I missing a pitch in my hot zone because I'm supposedly looking in my cold zone? Even if I hit a pitch in the cold zone, an easy out is what to expect.

I could forget about pitch speed if my batters only look for a pitch in their hot zones.
# 56 rudyjuly2 @ 02/10/12 06:40 PM
I don't understand the complaint about pitch speed and I'm one of the few guys that always wants slower pitch speeds. The default pitch speed on 2K is pretty good at 60. I've played with it at 55 and 60 in the past. I thought the slider was pretty responsive too so I would think at 0 anyone could have success with it.
# 57 Cavicchi @ 02/10/12 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I don't understand the complaint about pitch speed and I'm one of the few guys that always wants slower pitch speeds. The default pitch speed on 2K is pretty good at 60. I've played with it at 55 and 60 in the past. I thought the slider was pretty responsive too so I would think at 0 anyone could have success with it.
Holy Toledo, I'm thinking of the wrong game! Sorry, I was thinking of a different game.

Pitch speed and hitting is absolutely fine in 2K11, and no doubt will be the same in 2K12. I am a little concerned about the new pitching aspect. Time will tell how that works out.
# 58 Charles Hustle @ 02/10/12 07:07 PM
Pitch speed was way too slow default in 2K11. The ball looked like it was floating to the plate. It looked terrible.
# 59 Knight165 @ 02/10/12 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by peigone
Again, I hope you're not a Braves fan:
Yeah...side by side...that's pretty bad.

# 60 sroz39 @ 02/10/12 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I don't understand the complaint about pitch speed and I'm one of the few guys that always wants slower pitch speeds. The default pitch speed on 2K is pretty good at 60. I've played with it at 55 and 60 in the past. I thought the slider was pretty responsive too so I would think at 0 anyone could have success with it.
Depending on how often I played, I used anything from 55 to 65. If I played more and got used to the game and started picking up pitches too easily, it went up to 65. If I shelved it for a few weeks, it'd go to 60 and even 55 once or twice.

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